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TACRM1 Part 1 of 2 -Business Partner

Posted on 2005-05-01 10:33  GaoJie[高杰]  阅读(269)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

nThe SAP Business Partner component enables central and uniform(从SAP ERP中的经验,由总部HQ的某个部门管理,由他们创建,分公司提出申请,这种申请可以不非常正规,一个邮件就可以了。) management of business partners over all components.
nApplication-neutral data(这些数据一般分布在多个系统中,所以如果有一个master data center 就好了,erp,scm,crm,plm都需要,这样的话应用程序换,但是对企业来说,数据也是资产), such as name, address and bank details, is mapped. The special requirements involved in mapping organizations and persons are also fulfilled. [这些master data的维护也是分级的,创建由总部创建并且维护一部分的数据,但是每个分公司可能都需要在这个master data的基础上增加一些他们各自的特定的信息,那些就由他们自己维护]
nIn addition, SAP Business Partner offers an open infrastructure for linking application-specific attributes for business partners. From a commercial point of view, this link is made by way of the role concept. On the technical side, SAP Business Partner offers predefined interfaces via which business partner attributes from different applications can be linked.

Business Partner包括:employee, creditor, vendor, plant, patient, borrower, tenant, customer, debitor.

Business Partner  数据来源:
2)从 SAP R/3 系统导入
4)Internet 用户注册
5)CRM Mobile用户
6)Interaction Center 的信息。
这些数据导入需要注意的问题,数据完整和合法性,不是什么数据就可以随便导入的。导入的方式,不能用手工一条一条的录入,一般MS Excel都是大家都能提供的数据交换工具。尤其是 都好文件csv 一般系统都提供。如果能够有web service 或者 xml那就更好了。

Business partner type
nBusiness partner type is the term used to classify a business partner as a person (e.g. private individual), organization (legal entity or part of a legal entity, such as department) or a group.
Business partner Gouping
 nA BP grouping is a classification of business partners according to criteria that the user can freely define. The procedure in Customizing is as follows:
1. Define the number ranges for the business partners
2. Define the groupings for the business partner and the assignment of number ranges
Business partner Role
nThere are special Business Partner roles in the mySAP CRM system
ŸConsumer - Natural, private business partner with reduced data maintenance through use of reference BP
ŸEmployee - The employee data of a company (maintained in HR) can be downloaded to the CRM system, it is recommended to maintain this role for the employees to perform partner determination in different scenarios (e.g. telesales)
ŸOrganizational unit - a corresponding BP must be created during organizational data maintenance
Business partner Relationship
 nA business partner relationship forms a business-relevant connection between two business partners.
Business partner Hierarchy
 nYou can create group hierarchies of different types, e.g. type ‚pricing‘, type ‚statistic‘.
nOne business partner can be assigned to several hierarchies of different types.
nThe Business Partner Group Hierarchy with its different hierarchy level and nodes is independent of Sales Areas.
nIn a hierarchy type pricing, Sales Area-dependent conditions can be defined on each hierarchy level.
nThe Business Partner Group Hierarchy allows you to build multi-level groupings of BPs.