我给PostgreSQL的源代码加入了调试信息以后,会有如下表现:我执行Prepare:postgres=# prepare s(int) as select * from tst01 t where id < $1;PREPAREpostgres=# 背后的反应:** In PostgresMain In exec_simple_query loop for parsetree_list++++++++++++++++++++++++++Before pg_plan_queries***************In pg_plan_queries -------start....... 阅读全文
/* * get_baserel_parampathinfo * Get the ParamPathInfo for a parameterized path for a base relation, * constructing one if we don't have one already. * * This centralizes estimating the rowcounts for parameterized paths. * We need to cache those to be sure we use the same rowcount for ... 阅读全文