PostgreSQL在何处处理 sql查询之五十二


     * Ready to do the primary planning.
    final_rel = make_one_rel(root, joinlist); 


 * make_one_rel
 *      Finds all possible access paths for executing a query, returning a
 *      single rel that represents the join of all base rels in the query.
RelOptInfo *
make_one_rel(PlannerInfo *root, List *joinlist)
    RelOptInfo *rel;
    Index        rti;

     * Construct the all_baserels Relids set.
    root->all_baserels = NULL;
    for (rti = 1; rti < root->simple_rel_array_size; rti++)
        RelOptInfo *brel = root->simple_rel_array[rti];

        /* there may be empty slots corresponding to non-baserel RTEs */
        if (brel == NULL)

        Assert(brel->relid == rti);        /* sanity check on array */

        /* ignore RTEs that are "other rels" */
        if (brel->reloptkind != RELOPT_BASEREL)

        root->all_baserels = bms_add_member(root->all_baserels, brel->relid);

     * Generate access paths for the base rels.

     * Generate access paths for the entire join tree.
    rel = make_rel_from_joinlist(root, joinlist);

     * The result should join all and only the query's base rels.
    Assert(bms_equal(rel->relids, root->all_baserels));

    return rel;


root->all_baserels = bms_add_member(root->all_baserels, brel->relid);

这个展开后可以看到,因为 root->all_baserels 是NULL,所以什么也没执行。

 * bms_add_member - add a specified member to set
 * Input set is modified or recycled!
Bitmapset *
bms_add_member(Bitmapset *a, int x)
    int            wordnum,

    if (x < 0)
        elog(ERROR, "negative bitmapset member not allowed");

    if (a == NULL)
        return bms_make_singleton(x);

    wordnum = WORDNUM(x);
    bitnum = BITNUM(x);if (wordnum >= a->nwords)
        /* Slow path: make a larger set and union the input set into it */
        Bitmapset  *result;
        int            nwords;
        int            i;

        result = bms_make_singleton(x);
        nwords = a->nwords;
        for (i = 0; i < nwords; i++)
            result->words[i] |= a->words[i];
        return result;
    /* Fast path: x fits in existing set */
    a->words[wordnum] |= ((bitmapword) 1 << bitnum);
    return a;


 * set_base_rel_sizes
 *      Set the size estimates (rows and widths) for each base-relation entry.
 * We do this in a separate pass over the base rels so that rowcount
 * estimates are available for parameterized path generation.
static void
set_base_rel_sizes(PlannerInfo *root)
    Index        rti;

    for (rti = 1; rti < root->simple_rel_array_size; rti++)
        RelOptInfo *rel = root->simple_rel_array[rti];

        /* there may be empty slots corresponding to non-baserel RTEs */
        if (rel == NULL)

        Assert(rel->relid == rti);        /* sanity check on array */

        /* ignore RTEs that are "other rels" */
        if (rel->reloptkind != RELOPT_BASEREL)

        set_rel_size(root, rel, rti, root->simple_rte_array[rti]);


再展开  set_rel_size 函数:

 * set_rel_size
 *      Set size estimates for a base relation
static void
set_rel_size(PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *rel,
             Index rti, RangeTblEntry *rte)
    if (rel->reloptkind == RELOPT_BASEREL &&
        relation_excluded_by_constraints(root, rel, rte))
         * We proved we don't need to scan the rel via constraint exclusion,
         * so set up a single dummy path for it.  Here we only check this for
         * regular baserels; if it's an otherrel, CE was already checked in
         * set_append_rel_pathlist().
         * In this case, we go ahead and set up the relation's path right away
         * instead of leaving it for set_rel_pathlist to do.  This is because
         * we don't have a convention for marking a rel as dummy except by
         * assigning a dummy path to it.
    else if (rte->inh)
        /* It's an "append relation", process accordingly */
        set_append_rel_size(root, rel, rti, rte);
        switch (rel->rtekind)
            case RTE_RELATION:
                if (rte->relkind == RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE)
                    /* Foreign table */
                    set_foreign_size(root, rel, rte);
                    /* Plain relation */
                    set_plain_rel_size(root, rel, rte);
            case RTE_SUBQUERY:

                 * Subqueries don't support parameterized paths, so just go
                 * ahead and build their paths immediately.
                set_subquery_pathlist(root, rel, rti, rte);
            case RTE_FUNCTION:
                set_function_size_estimates(root, rel);
            case RTE_VALUES:
                set_values_size_estimates(root, rel);
            case RTE_CTE:

                 * CTEs don't support parameterized paths, so just go ahead
                 * and build their paths immediately.
                if (rte->self_reference)
                    set_worktable_pathlist(root, rel, rte);
                    set_cte_pathlist(root, rel, rte);
                elog(ERROR, "unexpected rtekind: %d", (int) rel->rtekind);


                    /* Plain relation */
                    set_plain_rel_size(root, rel, rte);

展开  set_plain_rel_size :

 * set_plain_rel_size
 *      Set size estimates for a plain relation (no subquery, no inheritance)
static void
set_plain_rel_size(PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *rel, RangeTblEntry *rte)
     * Test any partial indexes of rel for applicability.  We must do this
     * first since partial unique indexes can affect size estimates.
    check_partial_indexes(root, rel);

    /* Mark rel with estimated output rows, width, etc */
    set_baserel_size_estimates(root, rel);

     * Check to see if we can extract any restriction conditions from join
     * quals that are OR-of-AND structures.  If so, add them to the rel's
     * restriction list, and redo the above steps.
    if (create_or_index_quals(root, rel))
        check_partial_indexes(root, rel);
        set_baserel_size_estimates(root, rel);

再对 set_baserel_size_estimates 展开一层:

 * set_baserel_size_estimates
 *        Set the size estimates for the given base relation.
 * The rel's targetlist and restrictinfo list must have been constructed
 * already, and rel->tuples must be set.
 * We set the following fields of the rel node:
 *    rows: the estimated number of output tuples (after applying
 *          restriction clauses).
 *    width: the estimated average output tuple width in bytes.
 *    baserestrictcost: estimated cost of evaluating baserestrictinfo clauses.
set_baserel_size_estimates(PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *rel)
    double        nrows;

    /* Should only be applied to base relations */
    Assert(rel->relid > 0);

    nrows = rel->tuples *

    rel->rows = clamp_row_est(nrows);

    cost_qual_eval(&rel->baserestrictcost, rel->baserestrictinfo, root);

    set_rel_width(root, rel);

rel->tuples 值是如何算得?1条记录第表,tuples 是2400, 4条的却是 2140。


posted @ 2013-06-06 09:15  健哥的数据花园  阅读(887)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报