

首先有一般网络通信中使用的 scoket/bind/listen函数设置:

* create inet domain socket                    
static int create_inet_domain_socket(const char *hostname, const int port)
    struct sockaddr_in addr;                
    int fd;                
    int status;                
    int one = 1;                
    int len;                
    int backlog;                
    fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);                
    status = bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, len);                
    status = listen(fd, backlog);                
    if (status < 0)                
        pool_error("listen() failed. reason: %s", strerror(errno));            
    return fd;                

父进程调用上述函数,把 fd 传递给各个子进程,并且获得了各个子进程的进程ID:

* pgpool main program                    
int main(int argc, char **argv)                    
    /* create unix domain socket */                
    unix_fd = create_unix_domain_socket(un_addr);                
    /* create inet domain socket if any */                
    if (pool_config->listen_addresses[0])                
        inet_fd = create_inet_domain_socket
(pool_config->listen_addresses, pool_config->port); } …… /* * We need to block signal here. Otherwise child might send some * signals, for example SIGUSR1(fail over). Children will inherit * signal blocking but they do unblock signals at the very beginning * of process. So this is harmless. */ POOL_SETMASK(&BlockSig); /* fork the children */ for (i=0;i<pool_config->num_init_children;i++){ process_info[i].pid = fork_a_child(unix_fd, inet_fd, i); process_info[i].start_time = time(NULL); } /* set up signal handlers */ pool_signal(SIGTERM, exit_handler); pool_signal(SIGINT, exit_handler); pool_signal(SIGQUIT, exit_handler); pool_signal(SIGCHLD, reap_handler); pool_signal(SIGUSR1, failover_handler); pool_signal(SIGUSR2, wakeup_handler); pool_signal(SIGHUP, reload_config_handler); /* create pipe for delivering event */ if (pipe(pipe_fds) < 0){ pool_error("failed to create pipe"); myexit(1); } pool_log("%s successfully started. version %s (%s)",
////main loop is here pool_shmem_exit(0); }

而下面的声称子进程的函数里面,子进程一生成,就开始调用 do_child:

* fork a child                    
pid_t fork_a_child(int unix_fd, int inet_fd, int id)                    
    pid_t pid;                
    pid = fork();                
    if (pid == 0)                
        /* Before we unconditionally closed pipe_fds[0] and pipe_fds[1]            
         * here, which is apparently wrong since in the start up of            
         * pgpool, pipe(2) is not called yet and it mistakenly closes            
         * fd 0. Now we check the fd > 0 before close(), expecting            
         * pipe returns fds greater than 0.  Note that we cannot            
         * unconditionally remove close(2) calls since fork_a_child()            
         * may be called *after* pgpool starting up.            
        if (pipe_fds[0] > 0)            
        myargv = save_ps_display_args(myargc, myargv);            
        /* call child main */            
        reload_config_request = 0;            
        my_proc_id = id;            
        run_as_pcp_child = false;            
        do_child(unix_fd, inet_fd);            
    }else if (pid == -1){                
        pool_error("fork() failed. reason: %s", strerror(errno));            
    return pid;                

再来看 do_child的逻辑:

* child main loop                    
void do_child(int unix_fd, int inet_fd)                    
    /* set up signal handlers */                
    signal(SIGALRM, SIG_DFL);                
    signal(SIGTERM, die);                
    signal(SIGINT, die);                
    signal(SIGHUP, reload_config_handler);                
    signal(SIGQUIT, die);                
    signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);                
    signal(SIGUSR1, close_idle_connection);                
    signal(SIGUSR2, wakeup_handler);                
    signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);                
    for (;;){                       
        accepted = 0;            
        /* perform accept() */            
        frontend = do_accept(unix_fd, inet_fd, &timeout);            
        pool_log("I am %d", getpid());            
        if (frontend == NULL)  /* connection request from frontend timed out */
         * Ok, negotiaton with frontend has been done. Let's go to the            
         * next step.  Connect to backend if there's no existing            
         * connection which can be reused by this frontend.            
         * Authentication is also done in this step.            
         * if there's no connection associated with user and database,            
         * we need to connect to the backend and send the startup packet.          
        /* look for existing connection */            
        found = 0;            
        backend = pool_get_cp(sp->user, sp->database, sp->major, 1);            
        if (backend != NULL){            
        if (backend == NULL){            
            /* create a new connection to backend */        
            if ((backend = connect_backend(sp, frontend)) == NULL){        
            /* reuse existing connection */        
            if (!connect_using_existing_connection(frontend, backend, sp))        
         * Initialize per session context            
        pool_init_session_context(frontend, backend);            
        /* Mark this connection pool is conncted from frontend */            
->proc_id, pool_pool_index()); /* query process loop */ for (;;){ …… } /* Destroy session context */ pool_session_context_destroy(); /* Mark this connection pool is not conncted from frontend */ pool_coninfo_unset_frontend_connected(
->proc_id, pool_pool_index()); …… } child_exit(0); }

do_child中要调 do_accept,看do_accept的逻辑,高度概括,去掉无关代码后,大致是这样:

* perform accept() and return new fd                    
static POOL_CONNECTION *do_accept(int unix_fd, int inet_fd, struct timeval *timeout){                    
    fds = select(Max(unix_fd, inet_fd)+1, &readmask, NULL, NULL, timeoutval);      

它进行了 socket/bind/listen(由父进程代劳), 又进行了 select 操作,并在select出阻塞或超时。

这就是pgpool-II的 进程池实现的方式。我觉得可以借鉴之,用在自己的程序上面。



posted @ 2012-08-05 13:13  健哥的数据花园  阅读(1076)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报