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import random;

monster = 'Monster001';
current_food = random.randint(1,5);

target_days = 10;

counter = target_days;
survive_hint = 0;
while counter >=0:

  print ('     ');
  print('Day:'+ str(target_days - counter +1)); 
  counter = counter -1;
  print ('------------------------------------');
  print (monster+' has: ' + str(current_food) + ' food');

  world_product_food = random.randint(1,10); ## got random amount of food from outside world  

  current_food= current_food+  world_product_food;
  print (monster + ' got :' + str(world_product_food) + ' foods from the world' );

  daily_consume = random.randint(1, 8); ## consume random amount of food every day

  current_food= current_food -  daily_consume; 
  if (current_food > 0 ):
    print (monster + ' consumed: ' + str(daily_consume)); 
    print (monster + ' has now: ' + str(current_food) +' food left');
    print (monster + ' need to consum: '+ str(daily_consume) );
    print (monster + ' has no enought food now');

  print ('------------------------------------');

  if(current_food > 0):
     print (monster + ' survived with food: ' + str(current_food));
     print (monster + ' died because no enough food');
     survive_hint = -1;

  if (counter == 0):
    break; ## if all the days passed, then monster win     
if (survive_hint == -1):
  print ('     ');
  print ('##########################');
  print (monster + ' did not succeeded');
  print ('     ');
  print ('##########################');
  print (monster + ' succeeded for those ' + str(target_days) + ' days');


Monster001 has: 1 food
Monster001 got :7 foods from the world
Monster001 consumed: 3
Monster001 has now: 5 food left
Monster001 survived with food: 5
Monster001 has: 5 food
Monster001 got :2 foods from the world
Monster001 consumed: 4
Monster001 has now: 3 food left
Monster001 survived with food: 3
Monster001 has: 3 food
Monster001 got :5 foods from the world
Monster001 consumed: 6
Monster001 has now: 2 food left
Monster001 survived with food: 2
Monster001 has: 2 food
Monster001 got :8 foods from the world
Monster001 consumed: 2
Monster001 has now: 8 food left
Monster001 survived with food: 8
Monster001 has: 8 food
Monster001 got :5 foods from the world
Monster001 consumed: 3
Monster001 has now: 10 food left
Monster001 survived with food: 10
Monster001 has: 10 food
Monster001 got :3 foods from the world
Monster001 consumed: 1
Monster001 has now: 12 food left
Monster001 survived with food: 12
Monster001 has: 12 food
Monster001 got :1 foods from the world
Monster001 consumed: 3
Monster001 has now: 10 food left
Monster001 survived with food: 10
Monster001 has: 10 food
Monster001 got :1 foods from the world
Monster001 consumed: 1
Monster001 has now: 10 food left
Monster001 survived with food: 10
Monster001 has: 10 food
Monster001 got :3 foods from the world
Monster001 consumed: 7
Monster001 has now: 6 food left
Monster001 survived with food: 6
Monster001 has: 6 food
Monster001 got :6 foods from the world
Monster001 consumed: 5
Monster001 has now: 7 food left
Monster001 survived with food: 7
Monster001 succeeded for those 10 days


Monster001 has: 2 food
Monster001 got :8 foods from the world
Monster001 consumed: 7
Monster001 has now: 3 food left
Monster001 survived with food: 3
Monster001 has: 3 food
Monster001 got :1 foods from the world
Monster001 need to consum: 6
Monster001 has no enought food now
Monster001 died because no enough food
Monster001 did not succeeded


返回: Python基础 索引页

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