PostgreSQL在何处处理 sql查询之四十

接前面,看 SeqNext 函数:

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *        SeqNext
 *        This is a workhorse for ExecSeqScan
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
static TupleTableSlot *
SeqNext(SeqScanState *node)
    HeapTuple    tuple;
    HeapScanDesc scandesc;
    EState       *estate;
    ScanDirection direction;
    TupleTableSlot *slot;

     * get information from the estate and scan state
    scandesc = node->ss_currentScanDesc;
    estate = node->ps.state;
    direction = estate->es_direction;
    slot = node->ss_ScanTupleSlot;

     * get the next tuple from the table
    tuple = heap_getnext(scandesc, direction);

     * save the tuple and the buffer returned to us by the access methods in
     * our scan tuple slot and return the slot.  Note: we pass 'false' because
     * tuples returned by heap_getnext() are pointers onto disk pages and were
     * not created with palloc() and so should not be pfree()'d.  Note also
     * that ExecStoreTuple will increment the refcount of the buffer; the
     * refcount will not be dropped until the tuple table slot is cleared.
    if (tuple)
        ExecStoreTuple(tuple,    /* tuple to store */
                       slot,    /* slot to store in */
                       scandesc->rs_cbuf,        /* buffer associated with this
                                                 * tuple */
                       false);    /* don't pfree this pointer */

    return slot;

先来看看 tuple 的数据结构:

 * HeapTupleData is an in-memory data structure that points to a tuple.
 * There are several ways in which this data structure is used:
 * * Pointer to a tuple in a disk buffer: t_data points directly into the
 *     buffer (which the code had better be holding a pin on, but this is not
 *     reflected in HeapTupleData itself).
 * * Pointer to nothing: t_data is NULL.  This is used as a failure indication
 *     in some functions.
 * * Part of a palloc'd tuple: the HeapTupleData itself and the tuple
 *     form a single palloc'd chunk.  t_data points to the memory location
 *     immediately following the HeapTupleData struct (at offset HEAPTUPLESIZE).
 *     This is the output format of heap_form_tuple and related routines.
 * * Separately allocated tuple: t_data points to a palloc'd chunk that
 *     is not adjacent to the HeapTupleData.    (This case is deprecated since
 *     it's difficult to tell apart from case #1.  It should be used only in
 *     limited contexts where the code knows that case #1 will never apply.)
 * * Separately allocated minimal tuple: t_data points MINIMAL_TUPLE_OFFSET
 *     bytes before the start of a MinimalTuple.    As with the previous case,
 *     this can't be told apart from case #1 by inspection; code setting up
 *     or destroying this representation has to know what it's doing.
 * t_len should always be valid, except in the pointer-to-nothing case.
 * t_self and t_tableOid should be valid if the HeapTupleData points to
 * a disk buffer, or if it represents a copy of a tuple on disk.  They
 * should be explicitly set invalid in manufactured tuples.
typedef struct HeapTupleData
    uint32          t_len;            /* length of *t_data */
    ItemPointerData t_self;        /* SelfItemPointer */
    Oid             t_tableOid;        /* table the tuple came from */
    HeapTupleHeader t_data;        /* -> tuple header and data */
} HeapTupleData;

typedef HeapTupleData *HeapTuple;

实际测试 ,

select id from tst04 where id>1, tuple 长度 32。

select id from tst01 where id<10 , tuple 长度 28。


postgres=# select pg_column_size(t) from tst01 t limit 1;
(1 row)

postgres=# select pg_column_size(t) from tst04 t limit 1;
(1 row)


也就是说,tuple 的长度包含了 附属信息的长度和字段本身内容所占的长度(integer 4字节)。


 * ItemPointer:
 * This is a pointer to an item within a disk page of a known file
 * (for example, a cross-link from an index to its parent table).
 * blkid tells us which block, posid tells us which entry in the linp
 * (ItemIdData) array we want.
 * Note: because there is an item pointer in each tuple header and index
 * tuple header on disk, it's very important not to waste space with
 * structure padding bytes.  The struct is designed to be six bytes long
 * (it contains three int16 fields) but a few compilers will pad it to
 * eight bytes unless coerced.    We apply appropriate persuasion where
 * possible, and to cope with unpersuadable compilers, we try to use
 * "SizeOfIptrData" rather than "sizeof(ItemPointerData)" when computing
 * on-disk sizes.
typedef struct ItemPointerData
    BlockIdData ip_blkid;
    OffsetNumber ip_posid;

#ifdef __arm__
__attribute__((packed))            /* Appropriate whack upside the head for ARM */

在 ItemPointerData中,估计 ip_blkid 是块号, ip_posid是 块内的本条记录所在序号。


typedef struct BlockIdData
    uint16        bi_hi;
    uint16        bi_lo;
} BlockIdData;
 * OffsetNumber:
 * this is a 1-based index into the linp (ItemIdData) array in the
 * header of each disk page.
typedef uint16 OffsetNumber;


     * get the next tuple from the table
    tuple = heap_getnext(scandesc, direction);

    if (tuple)
        fprintf(stderr,"tuple's length is: %d\n",(int)(tuple->t_len));

        fprintf(stderr,"tuple's block number hi is: %d...lo is %d \n",
                tuple->t_self.ip_blkid.bi_hi, tuple->t_self.ip_blkid.bi_lo);

        fprintf(stderr, "tuple's offset number is : %d\n", tuple->t_self.ip_posid);

        fprintf(stderr, "-------------------------------\n\n\n");


postgres=# select id from tst04 where id>1;
(3 rows)

tuple's length is: 32
tuple's block number hi is: 0...lo is 0 
tuple's offset number is : 1

tuple's length is: 32
tuple's block number hi is: 0...lo is 0 
tuple's offset number is : 2

tuple's length is: 32
tuple's block number hi is: 0...lo is 0 
tuple's offset number is : 3

tuple's length is: 32
tuple's block number hi is: 0...lo is 0 
tuple's offset number is : 4

 再看  HeapTupleData 的 t_tableoid:

先看 tst04 的 oid:

postgres=# select oid from pg_class where relname='tst04';
(1 row)



/* * get the next tuple from the table */ tuple = heap_getnext(scandesc, direction); if (tuple) { fprintf(stderr,"tuple's length is: %d\n",(int)(tuple->t_len)); fprintf(stderr,"tuple's block number hi is: %d...lo is %d \n", tuple->t_self.ip_blkid.bi_hi, tuple->t_self.ip_blkid.bi_lo); fprintf(stderr, "tuple's offset number is : %d\n", tuple->t_self.ip_posid); fprintf(stderr, "tuple's table oid is: %d\n",tuple->t_tableOid); fprintf(stderr, "-------------------------------\n\n\n"); }


postgres=# select id from tst04 where id>1;
(3 rows)

tuple's length is: 32
tuple's block number hi is: 0...lo is 0 
tuple's offset number is : 1
tuple's table oid is: 16393

tuple's length is: 32
tuple's block number hi is: 0...lo is 0 
tuple's offset number is : 2
tuple's table oid is: 16393

tuple's length is: 32
tuple's block number hi is: 0...lo is 0 
tuple's offset number is : 3
tuple's table oid is: 16393

tuple's length is: 32
tuple's block number hi is: 0...lo is 0 
tuple's offset number is : 4
tuple's table oid is: 16393


posted @ 2013-05-31 17:30  健哥的数据花园  阅读(509)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报