csv 文件的内容:
id name departno age 1 gao 10 30 2 jian 11 35 3 tom 11 30
postgres=# select a.relpages, a.reltuples, a.relfilenode,a.reltype,b.typname from pg_class a, pg_type b where a.relname like 'gaotab%' and a.reltype=b.oid; relpages | reltuples | relfilenode | reltype | typname ----------+-----------+-------------+---------+--------- (0 rows) postgres=#
postgres=# create table gaotab(id integer,name varchar(20),departno integer,age integer); CREATE TABLE postgres=# postgres=# postgres=# COPY gaotab from '/soft/test.csv' with csv header;COPY 3 postgres=# select * from gaotab; id | name | departno | age ----+------+----------+----- 1 | gao | 10 | 30 2 | jian | 11 | 35 3 | tom | 11 | 30 (3 rows) postgres=#
postgres=# select a.relpages, a.reltuples, a.relfilenode,a.reltype,b.typname from pg_class a, pg_type b where a.relname like 'gaotab%' and a.reltype=b.oid; relpages | reltuples | relfilenode | reltype | typname ----------+-----------+-------------+---------+--------- 0 | 0 | 16384 | 16386 | gaotab (1 row) postgres=# postgres=# analyze gaotab; ANALYZE postgres=# select a.relpages, a.reltuples, a.relfilenode,a.reltype,b.typname from pg_class a, pg_type b where a.relname like 'gaotab%' and a.reltype=b.oid; relpages | reltuples | relfilenode | reltype | typname ----------+-----------+-------------+---------+--------- 1 | 3 | 16384 | 16386 | gaotab (1 row) postgres=#
[作者:技术者高健@博客园 mail: luckyjackgao@gmail.com ]