对PostgreSQL 的 background writer 的初步理解


 * Main entry point for bgwriter process                                            
 * This is invoked from AuxiliaryProcessMain, which has already created the                                            
 * basic execution environment, but not enabled signals yet.                                            
     * Properly accept or ignore signals the postmaster might send us.                                        
     * bgwriter doesn't participate in ProcSignal signalling, but a SIGUSR1                                        
     * handler is still needed for latch wakeups.                                        
    pqsignal(SIGHUP, BgSigHupHandler);                    /* set flag to read config file */                    
    pqsignal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);                                        
    pqsignal(SIGTERM, ReqShutdownHandler);                    /* shutdown */                    
    pqsignal(SIGQUIT, bg_quickdie);                    /* hard crash time */                    
    pqsignal(SIGALRM, SIG_IGN);                                        
    pqsignal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);                                        
    pqsignal(SIGUSR1, bgwriter_sigusr1_handler);                                        
    pqsignal(SIGUSR2, SIG_IGN);                                        
     * Reset some signals that are accepted by postmaster but not here                                        
    pqsignal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);                                        
    pqsignal(SIGTTIN, SIG_DFL);                                        
    pqsignal(SIGTTOU, SIG_DFL);                                        
    pqsignal(SIGCONT, SIG_DFL);                                        
    pqsignal(SIGWINCH, SIG_DFL);                                        
    /* We allow SIGQUIT (quickdie) at all times */                                        
    sigdelset(&BlockSig, SIGQUIT);                                        
     * Loop forever                                        
    for (;;)                                        
        bool        can_hibernate;                            
        int        rc;                            
        /* Clear any already-pending wakeups */                                    
        if (got_SIGHUP)                                    
            got_SIGHUP = false;                                
        if (shutdown_requested)                                    
             * From here on, elog(ERROR) should end with exit(1), not send                                
             * control back to the sigsetjmp block above                                
            ExitOnAnyError = true;                                
            /* Normal exit from the bgwriter is here */                                
            proc_exit(0);        /* done */                        
         * Do one cycle of dirty-buffer writing.                                    
        can_hibernate = BgBufferSync();                                    
         * Send off activity statistics to the stats collector                                    
        if (FirstCallSinceLastCheckpoint())                                    
             * After any checkpoint, close all smgr files.                    This is so we            
             * won't hang onto smgr references to deleted files indefinitely.                                
         * Sleep until we are signaled or BgWriterDelay has elapsed.                                    
         * Note: the feedback control loop in BgBufferSync() expects that we                                    
         * will call it every BgWriterDelay msec.  While it's not critical for                                    
         * correctness that that be exact, the feedback loop might misbehave                                    
         * if we stray too far from that.  Hence, avoid loading this process                                    
         * down with latch events that are likely to happen frequently during                                    
         * normal operation.                                    
        rc = WaitLatch(&MyProc->procLatch,                                    
                   WL_LATCH_SET | WL_TIMEOUT | WL_POSTMASTER_DEATH,                            
                   BgWriterDelay /* ms */ );                            
         * If no latch event and BgBufferSync says nothing's happening, extend                                    
         * the sleep in "hibernation" mode, where we sleep for much longer                                    
         * than bgwriter_delay says.  Fewer wakeups save electricity.  When a                                    
         * backend starts using buffers again, it will wake us up by setting                                    
         * our latch.  Because the extra sleep will persist only as long as no                                    
         * buffer allocations happen, this should not distort the behavior of                                    
         * BgBufferSync's control loop too badly; essentially, it will think                                    
         * that the system-wide idle interval didn't exist.                                    
         * There is a race condition here, in that a backend might allocate a                                    
         * buffer between the time BgBufferSync saw the alloc count as zero                                    
         * and the time we call StrategyNotifyBgWriter.  While it's not                                    
         * critical that we not hibernate anyway, we try to reduce the odds of                                    
         * that by only hibernating when BgBufferSync says nothing's happening                                    
         * for two consecutive cycles.    Also, we mitigate any possible                                
         * consequences of a missed wakeup by not hibernating forever.                                    
        if (rc == WL_TIMEOUT && can_hibernate && prev_hibernate)                                    
            /* Ask for notification at next buffer allocation */                                
            /* Sleep ... */                                
            rc = WaitLatch(&MyProc->procLatch,                                
                           WL_LATCH_SET | WL_TIMEOUT | WL_POSTMASTER_DEATH,                    
                           BgWriterDelay * HIBERNATE_FACTOR);                    
            /* Reset the notification request in case we timed out */                                


* Do one cycle of dirty-buffer writing.
can_hibernate = BgBufferSync(); 

其位于 src\backend\storage\buffer 目录下的 bufmgr.c 中。

posted @ 2012-10-24 15:05  健哥的数据花园  阅读(594)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报