GNU make manual 翻译(三十二)


   * An "explicit rule" says when and how to remake one or more files, 
     called the rule's "targets".  It lists the other files that the
     targets depend on, called the "prerequisites" of the target, and 
     may also give a recipe to use to create or update the targets. 
     *Note Writing Rules: Rules.                        
   * An "implicit rule" says when and how to remake a class of files
     based on their names.  It describes how a target may depend on a 
     file with a name similar to the target and gives a recipe to 
     create or update such a target.  *Note Using Implicit Rules: 
     Implicit Rules.                        

一个 "显式规则" 表明何时以及如何重新制作一个或多个文件(此规则的目的)。


*Note Writing Rules: Rules

 一个"隐式规则" 表明何时以及如何根据文件的名字重新制作此文件。它描述了一个目的如何依赖于


*Note Using Implicit Rules: Implicit Rules


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