PostgreSQL 的 语法分析的理解(五)

接上文,从 simple_select 中的 target_list ,再看target_list部分的内容:

 *    target list for SELECT                                
            target_el                { $$ = list_make1($1); }        
            | target_list ',' target_el                { $$ = lappend($1, $3); }        
target_el:    a_expr AS ColLabel                                
                    $$ = makeNode(ResTarget);                
                    $$->name = $3;                
                    $$->indirection = NIL;                
                    $$->val = (Node *)$1;                
                    $$->location = @1;                
             * We support omitting AS only for column labels that aren't 
             * any known keyword.  There is an ambiguity against postfix 
             * operators: is "a ! b" an infix expression, or a postfix  
             * expression and a column label?  We prefer to resolve this 
             * as an infix expression, which we accomplish by assigning 
             * IDENT a precedence higher than POSTFIXOP.                        
            | a_expr IDENT                        
                    $$ = makeNode(ResTarget);                
                    $$->name = $2;                
                    $$->indirection = NIL;                
                    $$->val = (Node *)$1;                
                    $$->location = @1;                
            | a_expr                        
                    $$ = makeNode(ResTarget);                
                    $$->name = NULL;                
                    $$->indirection = NIL;                
                    $$->val = (Node *)$1;                
                    $$->location = @1;                
            | '*'                        
                    ColumnRef *n = makeNode(ColumnRef);                
                    n->fields = list_make1(makeNode(A_Star));                
                    n->location = @1;                
                    $$ = makeNode(ResTarget);                
                    $$->name = NULL;                
                    $$->indirection = NIL;                
                    $$->val = (Node *)n;                
                    $$->location = @1;                


target_list 是一个递归表达式:

target_list:  target_el

                 | target_list  ','  target_el

而具体 target_el又分为以下几种:

         a_expr AS ColLabel

         a_expr  INDENT



这个 target_list 就是指我们平时 select col1,col2,col3 ... from table 中的各个列的组合。


posted @ 2012-09-05 14:38  健哥的数据花园  阅读(555)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报