Redis Stream ID
在Redis Stream数据结构中,Stream ID用来表示流中的特定条目,在XADD时可以指定StreamID,也可以使用参数*来让Redis自动生成一个唯一的StreamID。
/* Stream item ID: a 128 bit number composed of a milliseconds time and
* a sequence counter. IDs generated in the same millisecond (or in a past
* millisecond if the clock jumped backward) will use the millisecond time
* of the latest generated ID and an incremented sequence. */
typedef struct streamID {
uint64_t ms; /* Unix time in milliseconds. */
uint64_t seq; /* Sequence number. */
} streamID;
/* Adds a new item into the stream 's' having the specified number of
* field-value pairs as specified in 'numfields' and stored into 'argv'.
* Returns the new entry ID populating the 'added_id' structure.
* If 'use_id' is not NULL, the ID is not auto-generated by the function,
* but instead the passed ID is uesd to add the new entry. In this case
* adding the entry may fail as specified later in this comment.
* The function returns C_OK if the item was added, this is always true
* if the ID was generated by the function. However the function may return
* C_ERR if an ID was given via 'use_id', but adding it failed since the
* current top ID is greater or equal. */
int streamAppendItem(stream *s, robj **argv, int64_t numfields, streamID *added_id, streamID *use_id) {
/* Generate the new entry ID. */
streamID id;
if (use_id)
id = *use_id;
/* Check that the new ID is greater than the last entry ID
* or return an error. Automatically generated IDs might
* overflow (and wrap-around) when incrementing the sequence
part. */
if (streamCompareID(&id,&s->last_id) <= 0) return C_ERR;
/* Generate the next stream item ID given the previous one. If the current
* milliseconds Unix time is greater than the previous one, just use this
* as time part and start with sequence part of zero. Otherwise we use the
* previous time (and never go backward) and increment the sequence. */
void streamNextID(streamID *last_id, streamID *new_id) {
uint64_t ms = mstime();
if (ms > last_id->ms) {
new_id->ms = ms;
new_id->seq = 0;
} else {
*new_id = *last_id;
/* Set 'id' to be its successor streamID */
void streamIncrID(streamID *id) {
if (id->seq == UINT64_MAX) {
if (id->ms == UINT64_MAX) {
/* Special case where 'id' is the last possible streamID... */
id->ms = id->seq = 0;
} else {
id->seq = 0;
} else {