Default Mac OS X System Key Bindings

Keyboard viewer--full sized

  new line insertNewline:
new line (don't leave form box)1 insertNewlineIgnoringFieldEditor:
  new line insertNewline:
new line (don't leave form box)1 insertNewlineIgnoringFieldEditor:
  tab insertTab:
tab (don't leave form box)1 insertTabIgnoringFieldEditor:
  backtab insertBacktab:
space change languages cycleToNextInputScript:
⌘⌃ space change input system togglePlatformInputSystem:
⌘⌥ space change keyboard layout cycleToNextInputKeyboardLayout:
  delete backward deleteBackward:
delete backward (an accent) deleteBackwardByDecomposingPreviousCharacter:
⌃⌥ delete backward one word deleteWordBackward:
delete backward one word deleteWordBackward:
  delete forward deleteForward:
delete forward one word deleteWordForward:
  esc cancel cancelOperation:
esc complete current word complete:
  move up moveUp:
select upward moveUpAndModifySelection:
scroll one page up scrollPageUp:
move to the beginning of the document moveToBeginningOfDocument:
⌘⇧ select to the beginning of the document moveToBeginningOfDocumentAndModifySelection:
move to the beginning of the paragraph (moveBackward:, moveToBeginningOfParagraph:)
⌥⇧ select to the beginning of the paragraph moveParagraphBackwardAndModifySelection:
  move down moveDown:
select downward moveDownAndModifySelection:
scroll one page down scrollPageDown:
move to the end of the document moveToEndOfDocument:
⌘⇧ select to the end of the document moveToEndOfDocumentAndModifySelection:
move to the end of the paragraph (moveForward:, moveToEndOfParagraph:)
⌥⇧ select to the end of the paragraph moveParagraphForwardAndModifySelection:
  move left moveLeft:
select leftward moveLeftAndModifySelection:
move to the beginning of the line moveToBeginningOfLine:
⌃⇧ select to the beginning of the line moveToBeginningOfLineAndModifySelection:
move to the beginning of the line moveToBeginningOfLine:
⌘⇧ select to the beginning of the line moveToBeginningOfLineAndModifySelection:
⌘⌃ switch writing direction to right-to-left changeBaseWritingDirectionToRTL:
move one word left moveWordLeft:
⌥⇧ select one word leftward moveWordLeftAndModifySelection:
  move right moveRight:
select rightward moveRightAndModifySelection:
move to the end of the line moveToEndOfLine:
⌃⇧ select to the end of the line moveToEndOfLineAndModifySelection:
move to the end of the line moveToEndOfLine:
⌘⇧ select to the end of the line moveToEndOfLineAndModifySelection:
⌘⌃ switch writing direction to left-to-right text changeBaseWritingDirectionToLTR:
move one word right moveWordRight:
⌥⇧ select one word rightward moveWordRightAndModifySelection:
  scroll to the beginning of the document scrollToBeginningOfDocument:
select to the beginning of the document moveToBeginningOfDocumentAndModifySelection:
  scroll to the end of the document scrollToEndOfDocument:
select to the end of the document moveToEndOfDocumentAndModifySelection:
  scroll one page up scrollPageUp:
select one page up pageUpAndModifySelection:
move one page up pageUp:
  scroll one page down scrollPageDown:
select one page down pageDownAndModifySelection:
move one page down pageDown:
. cancel cancelOperation:
A move to the beginning of the paragraph moveToBeginningOfParagraph:
B move backward moveBackward:
D delete forward deleteForward:
E move to the end of the paragraph moveToEndOfParagraph:
F move forward moveForward:
H delete backward deleteBackward:
K delete to the end of the paragraph deleteToEndOfParagraph:
L center the selection in the text area centerSelectionInVisibleArea:
N move down moveDown:
O split the current line (insertNewlineIgnoringFieldEditor:, moveBackward:)
P move up moveUp:
T transpose letters transpose:
V move one page down pageDown:
Y yank back ‘killed’ text yank:
  F5 complete current word complete:
** Not on Apple keyboards **
  Backspace delete backward deleteBackward:
Backspace delete backward one word deleteWordBackward:
  Linefeed new line insertNewline:
Linefeed new line (don't leave form box)1 insertNewlineIgnoringFieldEditor:

  1. The commands invoked by ‘⌥ ⇥’ and ‘⌥ ↩’ are designed to avoid leaving the current text box, as happens when pressing ‘⇥’, which usually tabs to the next form field, or ‘↩’, which usually submits the form.

US Keyboard Layout with Modifier Keys

Keyboard viewer--full sized

Keyboard viewer--full sized, shift key

Keyboard viewer--full sized, option key

Keyboard viewer--full sized, option+shift




posted @ 2014-08-15 13:50  太阳☆月亮  阅读(423)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报