SIG MESH MODEL 6.1.3 Light CTL state 翻译
6.1.3 章节,主要讲述了一个色温灯应该支持的状态,并讲述了各种状态之间的绑定关系。
6.1.3 Light CTL state
The Light CTL state is a composite state that includes the Light CTL Temperature, the Light CTL Temperature Range, the Light CTL Temperature Default, the Light CTL Delta UV, the Light CTL Delta UV Default, and the Light CTL Lightness states.
灯光控制状态是一个复合状态,包括灯光控制色温、灯光控制色温范围、灯光控制色温默认值、灯光控制 Delta UV、灯光控制 Delta UV默认值和灯光控制亮度默认值。 Light CTL Temperature
The Light CTL Temperature state determines the color temperature of tunable white light emitted by an element. This is a 16-bit unsigned integer in Kelvin. The values for the state are defined in the following table.
灯光控制色温状态决定了元素发出的可调白光灯的色温。这是一个16位的无符号整型数,单位是Kelvin.状态的值在下面表格中定义。 Binding with the Generic Level state
The Light CTL Temperature state is bound to an instance of the Generic Level state (see Section 3.1.2), meaning that whenever the Generic Level state of an element changes, the following calculations shall be performed:
灯光色温控制状态被绑定到一个Generic Level 实例上(参见3.1.2节),这意味着当一个元素的Generic Level 发生变化时,需要执行以下计算:
Light CTL Temperature = T_MIN + (Generic Level + 32768) * (T_MAX - T_MIN) / 65535
A reverse binding is also defined, meaning that whenever the Light CTL Temperature state of an element changes, the following calculation shall be performed:
Generic Level = (Light CTL Temperature - T _MIN) * 65535 / (T_MAX - T_MIN) - 32768
In the above formulas, T_MIN and T_MAX are values representing the Light CTL Temperature Range Min and Light CTL Temperature Range Max states (see Section
The Light CTL Temperature state shall not wrap around when reaching the maximum or minimum values
当达到最大或最小值时,灯光色温状态不应环绕 Binding with the Generic OnPowerUp state
The Light CTL Temperature state is bound to an instance of the Generic OnPowerUp state (see Section 3.1.4), meaning that during a power up sequence (when an element is physically powered up), the following calculations shall be performed:
灯光色温控制状态被绑定到一个Generic OnPowerUp实例上(参见3.1.2节),这意味着当一个元素的进行物理性的开机时,需要执行以下计算:
Light CTL Temperature = Light CTL Temperature Default for values of the Generic OnPowerUp state equal to 0x00, or equal to 0x01, or Light CTL Temperature = last known value (before powered down) for the Light CTL Temperature for value of the Generic OnPowerUp state equal to 0x02. Binding with the CTL Temperature Range state
The Light CTL Temperature state is bound to an instance of the Light CTL Temperature Range state (see Section, meaning that whenever the Light CTL Temperature state of an element changes, the following calculations shall be performed:
Light CTL Temperature = Light CTL Temperature Range Min for values of the Light CTL Temperature state that are less than the value of the Light CTL Temperature Range Min state Light CTL Temperature = Light CTL Temperature Range Max for values of the Light CTL Temperature state that are greater than the value of the Light CTL Temperature Range Max state Light CTL Temperature Default
The Light CTL Temperature Default state represents a default CTL temperature level for the Light CTL Temperature state. The purpose of the Light CTL Temperature Default state is to determine the color temperature level of an element when powered up and when the Generic OnPowerUp state (see Section 3.1.4) bound to the Light CTL Temperature state is set to 0x01 (Default). The values for the state are defined in the following table.
灯光色温控制默认状态表示灯光色温控制状态的默认色温大小。灯光色温控制默认状态的目的是确定一个元素在通电时的色温大小,以及将与灯光色温控制状态绑定的通用OnPowerUp状态(参见第3.1.4节)设置为0x01(默认)时的色温大小。状态的值在下表中定义。 Light CTL Temperature Range
The Light CTL Temperature Range state determines the minimum and maximum color temperatures of tunable white light an element is capable of emitting. This is a pair of 16-bit unsigned integers: Light CTL Temperature Range Min and Light CTL Temperature Range Max with values in Kelvin.
The Light CTL Temperature Range Min state determines the minimum color temperature of tunable white light an element is capable of emitting. The Light CTL Temperature Range Max state determines the maximum color temperature of tunable white light an element is capable of emitting.The values for the state are defined in the following table.
灯光色温控制范围最小值状态决定了一个元素所能发出的可调白光的最小色温。灯光色温控制范围最大值决定了一个元素所能发出的可调白光的最大色温。状态的值在下表中定义。 Light CTL Delta UV
The Light CTL Delta UV state determines the distance from the Black Body curve. The color temperatures all fall on the black body locus (curve). Some applications want to slightly deviate from the black body curve (e.g., to accentuate pinks/reds)
灯光控制Delta UV状态决定了与黑体曲线的距离。色温均落在黑体轨迹(曲线)上。有些应用程序想要稍微偏离黑体曲线(例如,强调粉红色/红色)
This is a 16-bit signed integer representation of a -1 to +1 scale using the formula:
Represented Delta UV = (Light CTL Delta UV) / 32768 Binding with the Generic OnPowerUp state
The Light CTL Delta UV state is bound to an instance of the Generic OnPowerUp state (see Section 3.1.4), meaning that during a power up sequence (when an element is physically powered up), the following calculations shall be performed:
灯光控制Delta UV状态被绑定到Generic OnPowerUp状态的一个实例上(参见3.1.4节),这意味着在通电时,需要执行以下计算:
Light CTL Delta UV = Light CTL Delta UV Default for values of the Generic OnPowerUp state equal to 0x00, or equal to 0x01, or Light CTL Delta UV = last known value (before powered down) for the Light CTL Delta UV for value of the Generic OnPowerUp state equal to 0x02. Light CTL Delta UV Default
The Light CTL Delta UV Default state represents a default Delta UV level for the Light CTL Delta UV state. The purpose of the Light CTL Delta UV Default state is to determine the delta UV level of an element when powered up and when the Generic OnPowerUp state (see Section 3.1.4) bound to the Light CTL state is set to 0x01 (Default). The values for the state are defined in the following table.
灯光控制 Delta UV缺省状态表示灯光控制 Delta UV缺省状态下的UV缺省值。灯光控制Delta UV缺省状态的目的是确定一个元素在通电时的Delta UV大小,以及将与灯光控制状态绑定的 Generic OnPowerUp状态(参见第3.1.4节)设置为0x01(缺省)时的Delta UV大小。状态的值在下表中定义。 Light CTL Lightness
The Light CTL Lightness state determines the lightness of a tunable white light emitted by an element on a perceptually uniform lightness scale [6]. The values for the state are defined in the following table.
The perceived lightness of a light (L) is approximately the square root of the measured light intensity (Y)
Where L is the perceived lightness and Y is the measured light intensity (from 0 to 65535).
其中L为感知亮度,Y为测量光强(0 ~ 65535)。 Binding with the Light Lightness Actual state
The Light CTL Lightness state is bound to an instance of the Light Lightness Actual state (see Section, meaning that whenever the Light Lightness Actual state of an element changes, the following calculation shall be performed:
Light CTL Lightness = Light Lightness Actual
A reverse binding is also defined, meaning that whenever the Light CTL Lightness state of an element changes, the following calculation shall be performed:
Light Lightness Actual = Light CTL Lightness