
alvin_lee ,codeproject,codeguru.baidu等等!

先看看alvin_lee 朋友做的解析,我觉得还是很正确的,从算法角度阐述了他们之间的问题!


  还记得Herb Sutter那极有味道的《C++对话系列》么,在其中《产生真正的hash对象》这个故事里就讲了map的选择。顺便回顾一下,也讲一下我在实用中的理解。






下面先看一段代码,从Codeproject的 Jay Kint:

// familiar month example used
// mandatory contrived example to show a simple point
// compiled using MinGW gcc 3.2.3 with gcc -c -o file.o
// file.cpp

#i nclude <string>
#i nclude <ext/hash_map>
#i nclude <iostream>

using namespace std;
// some STL implementations do not put hash_map in std
using namespace __gnu_cxx;

hash_map<const char*, int> days_in_month;

class MyClass {
   static int totalDaysInYear;
   void add_days( int days ) { totalDaysInYear += days; }
   static void printTotalDaysInYear(void)
       cout << "Total Days in a year are "
           << totalDaysInYear << endl;

int MyClass::totalDaysInYear = 0;

int main(void)
   days_in_month["january"] = 31;
   days_in_month["february"] = 28;
   days_in_month["march"] = 31;
   days_in_month["april"] = 30;
   days_in_month["may"] = 31;
   days_in_month["june"] = 30;
   days_in_month["july"] = 31;
   days_in_month["august"] = 31;
   days_in_month["september"] = 30;
   days_in_month["october"] = 31;
   days_in_month["november"] = 30;
   days_in_month["december"] = 31;

   // ERROR: This line doesn't compile.
   accumulate( days_in_month.begin(), days_in_month.end(),
       mem_fun( &MyClass::add_days ));


   return 0;



Standard C++ Solutions
The Standard C++ Library defines certain adaptors, select1st, select2nd and compose1, that can be used to call a single parameter with either the key or the data element of a pair associative container.

select1st and select2nd do pretty much what their respective names say they do. They return either the first or second parameter from a pair.

compose1 allows the use of al composition, such that the return of one can be used as the argument to another. compose1(f,g) is the same as f(g(x)).

Using these adaptors, we can use for_each to call our .

hash_map my_map;
for_each( my_map.begin(), my_map.end(),
         compose1( mem_fun( &MyType::do_something ),
                   select2nd                    MyType>::_type>()));
Certainly, this is much better than having to define helper s for each pair, but it still seems a bit cumbersome, especially when compared with the clarity that a comparable for loop has.

for( hash_map::iterator i =
    i != my_map.end(), ++i ) {

Considering it was avoiding the for loop for clarity's sake that inspired the use of the STL algorithms in the first place, it doesn't help the case of algorithms vs. hand written loops that the for loop is more clear and concise.

with_data and with_key
with_data and with_key are adaptors that strive for clarity while allowing the easy use of the STL algorithms with pair associative containers. They have been parameterized much the same way mem_fun has been. This is not exactly rocket science, but it is quickly easy to see that they are much cleaner than the standard adaptor expansion using compose1 and select2nd.

Using with_data and with_key, any can be called and will use the data_type or key_type as the 's argument respectively. This allows hash_map, map, and any other pair associative containers in the STL to be used easily with the standard algorithms. It is even possible to use it with other adaptors, such as mem_fun.

hash_map my_vert_buffers;

void ReleaseBuffers(void)
   // release the vertex buffers created so far.
   std::for_each( my_vert_buffers.begin(),
       with_data( boost::mem_fn(
           &IDirect3DVertexBuffer9::Release )));
Here boost::mem_fn is used instead of mem_fun since it recognizes the __stdcall methods used by COM, if the BOOST_MEM_FN_ENABLE_STDCALL macro is defined.






#i nclude <time.h>    //计算时间性能用
     #i nclude <ext/hash_map>   //包含hash_map 的头文件
     #i nclude <map>             //stl的map
     using namespace std;        //std 命名空间
     using namespace __gnu_cxx;    //而hash_map是在__gnu_cxx的命名空间里的


    11 struct str_hash{      //自写hash函数
    12     size_t operator()(const string& str) const
    13     {
    14         unsigned long __h = 0;
    15         for (size_t i = 0 ; i < str.size() ; i ++)
    16         {
    17             __h = 107*__h + str[i];
    18         }
    19         return size_t(__h);
    20     }
    21 };

    23 //struct str_hash{    //自带的string hash函数
    24 //        size_t operator()(const string& str) const
    25 //      {
    26 //          return __stl_hash_string(str.c_str());
    27 //      }
    28 //};

    30 struct str_equal{      //string 判断相等函数
    31     bool operator()(const string& s1,const string& s2) const
    32     {
    33         return s1==s2;
    34     }
    35 };

    37 int main(void)
    38 {
    39     vector<string> filtered_list;
    40     hash_map<string,int,str_hash,str_equal> file_map;
    41     map<string,int> file2_map;
    42     ifstream in("/dev/shm/list");
    43     time_t now1 = time(NULL);
    44     struct tm * curtime;
    45     curtime = localtime ( &now1 );
    46     cout<<now1<<endl;
    47     char ctemp[20];
    48     strftime(ctemp, 20, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" , curtime);
    49     cout<<ctemp<<endl;
    50     string temp;
    51     int i=0;
    52     if(!in)
    53     {
    54         cout<<"open failed!~"<<endl;
    55     }
    56     while(in>>temp)
    57     {
    58         string sub=temp.substr(0,65);
    59         if(file_map.find(sub)==file_map.end())
    60 //      if(file2_map.find(sub)==file2_map.end())
    61         {
    62             file_map[sub]=i;
    63 //          file2_map[sub]=i;
    64             filtered_list.push_back(temp);
    65             i++;
    66 //          cout<<sub<<endl;
    67         }
    68     }
    69     in.close();
    70     cout<<"the total unique file number is:"<<i<<endl;
    71     ofstream out("./file_list");
    72     if(!out)
    73     {
    74         cout<<"failed open"<<endl;
    75     }
    76     for(int j=0;j<filtered_list.size();j++)
    77     {
    78         out<<filtered_list[j]<<endl;
    79     }
    80     time_t now2=time(NULL);
    81     cout<<now2<<endl;
    82     curtime = localtime ( &now2 );
    83     strftime(ctemp, 20, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" , curtime);
    84     cout<<now2-now1<<"\t"<<ctemp<<endl;
    85     return 0;
    86 }





#i nclude "stlport\hash_map"

posted @ 2007-12-20 15:55  gAmesaceR  阅读(1067)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报