转 splie 的

global pickObj=undefined
global selObj=undefined
global mysplineArray=#()
global targetsplineArray=#()
global myObjArray=#()
fn fl_detachSplines ss =
centerPivot ss
numsp = numsplines ss
if numsp > 1 then
  for i in 1 to numsp do
   tempS = splineShape pos:(getKnotPoint ss i 1)
   addNewSpline tempS
   for k in 1 to numKnots ss i do
   addKnot tempS 1 (getKnotType ss i k) #curve (getKnotPoint ss i k) (getInVec ss i k) (getOutVec ss i k)
   if isclosed ss i do close tempS 1
   updateShape tempS
   centerPivot tempS
   append sp tempS
delete ss
return sp
)--fn end
if selection.count==1 then
if superclassof selObj==shape then
  if pickObj!=undefined and superclassof pickObj==shape then
   mysplineArray=fl_detachSplines selObj
   targetsplineArray=fl_detachSplines pickObj
   for i in mysplineArray do
    for ii in targetsplineArray do
     if i.pos.x==ii.pos.x and i.pos.y==ii.pos.y do
      addmodifier i (extrude amount:x)
      append myObjArray i
   for i in mysplineArray where i!=newpoly do newpoly.attach i newpoly
   centerPivot newpoly
  )else messagebox "请选择样条线"
)else messagebox "请选择样条线"
)else messagebox "请选择单一物体" */
---- 我测试不知道哪里有问题先收了

posted on 2011-10-20 17:53  盖天00  阅读(298)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
