/* Align_All aligns the position and rotation of the selected object (objects) to the position and rotation of another object
Author: Chris Harvey */ ---2011.7.14 盖天解释 -- 要是中途段了 要做排错出来 --很好的资料
( foo = selection as array Target = pickobject prompt:"pick the node to align to" Rubberband:(foo[1]).transform.pos --for obj in $ do --this old code puts an entire hiearchy in an array if the parent is selected? --这个没有在些缩放的处理 --只是处理了 旋转海鸥 位移 --这个有和沿线是很厚道的处理 for obj in foo do ( origPOS = obj.pos ( obj.rotation = Target.rotation ) obj.pos = Target.pos ) )