
fn g_filter o = superclassof o == Geometryclass
fn find_intersection z_node node_to_z =
 --同样的条件 数字及计算要比字符串快 所以能用数字 不用字符串。
oop=case of


  (gt_yc_Ail.conunt_spn1.value ==1): [0,0,-1]

  (gt_yc_Ail.conunt_spn1.value ==2): [0,0,1]
  (gt_yc_Ail.conunt_spn1.value ==3):[-1,0,0]
  (gt_yc_Ail.conunt_spn1.value ==4):[1,0,0]
  (gt_yc_Ail.conunt_spn1.value ==5):[0,-1,0]
  (gt_yc_Ail.conunt_spn1.value ==6):[0,1,0]

  --default: reference $foo

 local testRay = ray node_to_z.pos  oop
 local nodeMaxZ
  case oop  of
  (  ------Z 轴
   ([0,0,-1]) :(nodeMaxZ = z_node.max.z
    testRay.pos.z = nodeMaxZ + 0.0001 * abs nodeMaxZ
   ([0,0,1]) :(nodeMaxZ = z_node.min.z
    testRay.pos.z = nodeMaxZ - 0.0001 * abs nodeMaxZ  
   ([-1,0,0]) : (nodeMaxZ = z_node.max.x
    testRay.pos.x = nodeMaxZ + 0.0001 * abs nodeMaxZ   
   ([1,0,0]) : (nodeMaxZ = z_node.min.x
   testRay.pos.x = nodeMaxZ - 0.0001 * abs nodeMaxZ   
  ------- Y轴
         ([0,-1,0]) : (nodeMaxZ = z_node.max.y
   testRay.pos.y = nodeMaxZ + 0.0001 * abs nodeMaxZ   
   ([0,1,0]) : (nodeMaxZ = z_node.min.y
   testRay.pos.y = nodeMaxZ - 0.0001 * abs nodeMaxZ   
 --testRay.pos.z = nodeMaxZ + 0.0001 * abs nodeMaxZ
 intersectRay z_node testRay

 try(destroyDialog gt_yc_Ail)catch()
rollout gt_yc_Ail "yongchao-对齐" width:168 height:80
 spinner conunt_spn1 "" pos:[152,25] width:12 height:16  range:[1,6,1] type:#integer
 edittext conunt_edt1 "" pos:[3,25] width:147 height:16 text:"Z轴的负方向" enabled:false
 button pick_btn1 "开始对齐" pos:[6,49] width:142 height:24
 groupBox grp1 "轴向选择:" pos:[5,9] width:160 height:39
 on conunt_spn1 changed arg  do
  new_obj = case arg of


  1: conunt_edt1.text="Z轴的负方向"

  2: conunt_edt1.text="Z轴的正方向"
  3: conunt_edt1.text="X轴的负方向"
  4: conunt_edt1.text="X轴的正方向"
  5: conunt_edt1.text="Y轴的负方向"
  6: conunt_edt1.text="Y轴的正方向"

  --default: reference $foo


 on pick_btn1 pressed do
 target_mesh = pickObject message:"Pick Target Surface:" filter:g_filter --- 这种拾取的方法更好。不用再显示;
 if isValidNode target_mesh then ---这个好用, 是如果节点没有被删除。
  undo "MoveToSurface" on
   for i in selection do
    int_point = find_intersection target_mesh i
    if int_point != undefined then i.pos = int_point.pos
   )--end i loop
  )--end undo
 )--end if
)--end pressed
createdialog gt_yc_Ail style:#(#style_border,#style_titlebar,#style_resizing,#style_sysmenu)

posted on 2011-04-14 13:50  盖天00  阅读(144)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
