习题3.6 用链表求多项式的加法
/* 3.6 */ struct Node; typedef struct Node * PtrToNode; typedef PtrToNode Position; typedef PtrToNode List; struct Node { int coef; int exp; PtrToNode next; }; Position CreateList( void ) { int n = 0; PtrToNode p1,p2,head; p1 = malloc(sizeof(struct Node ) ); if(P1 == NULL ) Error("out of space "); scanf("%d %d",&p1->coe,&p2->exp); while( p1->coe != 0 ) { if( ++n == 1) head = p1; else p2->Next = p1; p2 = p1; p1 = malloc(sizeof(struct Node )) if( p1 == NULL ) Error("out of space"); scanf("%d %d",&p1->coe,&p1->exp); } return head; } Position MakeEmpty() { List L; L = malloc(sizeof(struct Node )); L->Next = NULL; return L; } void Insert( Position p, int coe1, int exp1 ) { PtrToNode TmpCell; TmpCell = malloc( sizeof( struct Node ) ); if( TmpCell == NULL ) Error("out of space "); TmpCell->coe = coe1; TmpCell->exp = exp1; TmpCell->Next = p->Next; p->Next = TmpCell; } /* assume a header */ void PrintList( List L ) { Position p; p = L->Next; while( p != NULL ) { printf("%dX^%d",p->coe,p->exp); if( p->Next != NULL ) printf("+"); p = p->Next; } } Position PolyAdd( void ) { Position L1Pos,L2Pos,LresPos; List Lres,L1,L2; L1 = CreateList(); L2 = CreateList(); Lres = MakeEmpty(); LresPos = Lres;//因为Insert需要前一个位置,所以直接把表头的位置给了LresPos L1Pos = L1; L2Pos = L2; while(L1Pos != NULL && L2Pos != NULL ) { if(L1Pos->exp > L2Pos->exp ) { Insert( LresPos, L2Pos->coe, L2Pos->exp ); L2Pos = next( L2, L2Pos ); } else if( L1Pos->exp < L2Pos->exp ) { Insert( LresPos, L1Pos->coe, L2Pos->exp ); L2Pos = next( L2, L2Pos ); } else { sum = L1Pos->coe+L2Pos->coe; if(sum != 0) Insert( LresPos, sum, L1pos->exp ); L1Pos = next( L1, L1Pos ); L2pos = next( L2, L2Pos ); } LresPos = next( Lres, LresPos ); } while( L1Pos !=NULL ) { Insert( LresPos, L1Pos->coe, L1Pos->exp ); LresPos = next( Lres, LresPos ); L1Pos = next( L1, L1Pos ); } while( L2Pos !=NULL ) { Insert( LresPos, L2Pos->coe, L2Pos->exp ); LresPos = next( Lres, LresPos ); L1Pos = next( L2, L2Pos ); } PrintList(Lres); }
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