Akka源码分析-Persistence Query
Akka Persistence Query是对akka持久化的一个补充,它提供了统一的、异步的流查询接口。今天我们就来研究下这个Persistence Query。
前面我们已经分析过Akka Persistence,它是用来持久化actor状态并在适当时机恢复actor的,简单来说它是用来写入的。那么Persistence Query与Persistence相对应,是用来读取数据的,一般用在读写分离的read side。
Persistence Query主要的目标是设计一套松散的API,这样各个实现才能充分暴露他们各自的特点或性能,而不被API所约束。每个读取器都必须显示的说明他们支持的查询类型。
Akka Persistence Query并不提供ReadJournals的具体实现。它只是定义了一些预定义的、满足大部分查询场景的查询类型,且可能被绝大多数journal实现的,当然并不要求一定实现。
ReadJournal是提交查询必须首要创建的一个实例,所有的读取器(Read journal)都以社区插件的形式实现,官方只提供框架。每个特定的实现都对应特定的存储。
// obtain read journal by plugin id val readJournal = PersistenceQuery(system).readJournalFor[MyScaladslReadJournal]( "akka.persistence.query.my-read-journal") // issue query to journal val source: Source[EventEnvelope, NotUsed] = readJournal.eventsByPersistenceId("user-1337", 0, Long.MaxValue) // materialize stream, consuming events implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer() source.runForeach { event ⇒ println("Event: " + event) }
我们知道Akka persistence query提供了一些预定义查询接口,和journal实现的框架。那预定义的查询接口是否通用就很重要了。预定义的接口有:
- PersistenceIdsQuery
- CurrentPersistenceIdsQuery
- EventsByPersistenceIdQuery
- CurrentEventsByPersistenceIdQuery
- EventsByTag
- CurrentEventsByTag
class PersistenceQuery(system: ExtendedActorSystem) extends PersistencePlugin[scaladsl.ReadJournal, javadsl.ReadJournal, ReadJournalProvider](system)(ClassTag(classOf[ReadJournalProvider]), PersistenceQuery.pluginProvider) with Extension
/** * Scala API: Returns the [[akka.persistence.query.scaladsl.ReadJournal]] specified by the given * read journal configuration entry. * * The provided readJournalPluginConfig will be used to configure the journal plugin instead of the actor system * config. */ final def readJournalFor[T <: scaladsl.ReadJournal](readJournalPluginId: String, readJournalPluginConfig: Config): T = pluginFor(readJournalPluginId, readJournalPluginConfig).scaladslPlugin.asInstanceOf[T]
@tailrec final protected def pluginFor(pluginId: String, readJournalPluginConfig: Config): PluginHolder[ScalaDsl, JavaDsl] = { val configPath = pluginId val extensionIdMap = plugins.get extensionIdMap.get(configPath) match { case Some(extensionId) ⇒ extensionId(system) case None ⇒ val extensionId = new ExtensionId[PluginHolder[ScalaDsl, JavaDsl]] { override def createExtension(system: ExtendedActorSystem): PluginHolder[ScalaDsl, JavaDsl] = { val provider = createPlugin(configPath, readJournalPluginConfig) PluginHolder( ev.scalaDsl(provider), ev.javaDsl(provider) ) } } plugins.compareAndSet(extensionIdMap, extensionIdMap.updated(configPath, extensionId)) pluginFor(pluginId, readJournalPluginConfig) } }
/** * API for reading persistent events and information derived * from stored persistent events. * * The purpose of the API is not to enforce compatibility between different * journal implementations, because the technical capabilities may be very different. * The interface is very open so that different journals may implement specific queries. * * There are a few pre-defined queries that a query implementation may implement, * such as [[EventsByPersistenceIdQuery]], [[PersistenceIdsQuery]] and [[EventsByTagQuery]] * Implementation of these queries are optional and query (journal) plugins may define * their own specialized queries by implementing other methods. * * Usage: * {{{ * val journal = PersistenceQuery(system).readJournalFor[SomeCoolReadJournal](queryPluginConfigPath) * val events = journal.query(EventsByTag("mytag", 0L)) * }}} * * For Java API see [[akka.persistence.query.javadsl.ReadJournal]]. */ trait ReadJournal
其实可以看到ReadJournal也没有任何默认的方法,这样来看,即使继承了这个接口的read journal不提供任何查询方法,或提供不符合预定义接口的方法也都是完全可以的。
/** * A plugin may optionally support this query by implementing this trait. */ trait PersistenceIdsQuery extends ReadJournal { /** * Query all `PersistentActor` identifiers, i.e. as defined by the * `persistenceId` of the `PersistentActor`. * * The stream is not completed when it reaches the end of the currently used `persistenceIds`, * but it continues to push new `persistenceIds` when new persistent actors are created. * Corresponding query that is completed when it reaches the end of the currently * currently used `persistenceIds` is provided by [[CurrentPersistenceIdsQuery#currentPersistenceIds]]. */ def persistenceIds(): Source[String, NotUsed] }
/** * Scala API [[akka.persistence.query.scaladsl.ReadJournal]] implementation for LevelDB. * * It is retrieved with: * {{{ * val queries = PersistenceQuery(system).readJournalFor[LeveldbReadJournal](LeveldbReadJournal.Identifier) * }}} * * Corresponding Java API is in [[akka.persistence.query.journal.leveldb.javadsl.LeveldbReadJournal]]. * * Configuration settings can be defined in the configuration section with the * absolute path corresponding to the identifier, which is `"akka.persistence.query.journal.leveldb"` * for the default [[LeveldbReadJournal#Identifier]]. See `reference.conf`. */ class LeveldbReadJournal(system: ExtendedActorSystem, config: Config) extends ReadJournal with PersistenceIdsQuery with CurrentPersistenceIdsQuery with EventsByPersistenceIdQuery with CurrentEventsByPersistenceIdQuery with EventsByTagQuery with CurrentEventsByTagQuery
其实吧,从这个具体实现来看,Akka Persistence Query只是提供了一个扩展,规定了ReadJournal实现的机制,对其具体的功能并没有任何强制的要求,这样就意味着,只能从文档上规范大家,要实现ReadJournal特质的一系列预定义接口。个人觉得吧,只要不是技术上的强制措施,在实施的时候都会有困难,既然你都不做严格限定了,那还不是百花齐放百家争鸣、千奇百怪的了。还不如直接定死了要实现的几个接口,如果不支持对应的操作直接抛异常不就完了。可能akka想让大家灵活点吧,鬼知道呢。
其实吧,Akka Persistence Query就算讲完了。akka好像啥也没做,只是文档定义了几个概念和接口,具体有没有实现并没有做强制要求。既然这样,大家还不如直接自己玩。实现自己的查询接口与实现,供大家参考使用呢。