Akka源码分析-Cluster-Distributed Publish Subscribe in Cluster
在ClusterClient源码分析中,我们知道,他是依托于“Distributed Publish Subscribe in Cluster”来实现消息的转发的,那本文就来分析一下Pub/Sub是如何实现的。
“Distributed Publish Subscribe”就是用来屏蔽Actor位置的一个组件,通过它你可以给actor发消息而不需要知道actor的网咯位置。其实就是提供了一个类似kafka的消息发布、订阅的机制,其实吧,如果这个功能让你实现,你准备怎么做?肯定是在集群层面提供一个proxy,来屏蔽目标actor的网络位置啊。简单来说,就是提供一个通用的actor,来对消息进行转发,发送者只需要提供目标actor的路径就好了(比如/user/serviceA)。不过还是那句话,akka的都是对的,akka的都是好的。akka帮你实现这个事儿,就不用你自己考虑通用、稳定的问题啦。
class Subscriber extends Actor with ActorLogging { import DistributedPubSubMediator.{ Subscribe, SubscribeAck } val mediator = DistributedPubSub(context.system).mediator // subscribe to the topic named "content" mediator ! Subscribe("content", self) def receive = { case s: String ⇒ log.info("Got {}", s) case SubscribeAck(Subscribe("content", None, `self`)) ⇒ log.info("subscribing") } }
class Publisher extends Actor { import DistributedPubSubMediator.Publish // activate the extension val mediator = DistributedPubSub(context.system).mediator def receive = { case in: String ⇒ val out = in.toUpperCase mediator ! Publish("content", out) } }
class Destination extends Actor with ActorLogging { import DistributedPubSubMediator.Put val mediator = DistributedPubSub(context.system).mediator // register to the path mediator ! Put(self) def receive = { case s: String ⇒ log.info("Got {}", s) } }
class Sender extends Actor { import DistributedPubSubMediator.Send // activate the extension val mediator = DistributedPubSub(context.system).mediator def receive = { case in: String ⇒ val out = in.toUpperCase mediator ! Send(path = "/user/destination", msg = out, localAffinity = true) } }
object DistributedPubSub extends ExtensionId[DistributedPubSub] with ExtensionIdProvider { override def get(system: ActorSystem): DistributedPubSub = super.get(system) override def lookup = DistributedPubSub override def createExtension(system: ExtendedActorSystem): DistributedPubSub = new DistributedPubSub(system) }
/** * This actor manages a registry of actor references and replicates * the entries to peer actors among all cluster nodes or a group of nodes * tagged with a specific role. * * The `DistributedPubSubMediator` actor is supposed to be started on all nodes, * or all nodes with specified role, in the cluster. The mediator can be * started with the [[DistributedPubSub]] extension or as an ordinary actor. * * Changes are only performed in the own part of the registry and those changes * are versioned. Deltas are disseminated in a scalable way to other nodes with * a gossip protocol. The registry is eventually consistent, i.e. changes are not * immediately visible at other nodes, but typically they will be fully replicated * to all other nodes after a few seconds. * * You can send messages via the mediator on any node to registered actors on * any other node. There is three modes of message delivery. * * You register actors to the local mediator with [[DistributedPubSubMediator.Put]] or * [[DistributedPubSubMediator.Subscribe]]. `Put` is used together with `Send` and * `SendToAll` message delivery modes. The `ActorRef` in `Put` must belong to the same * local actor system as the mediator. `Subscribe` is used together with `Publish`. * Actors are automatically removed from the registry when they are terminated, or you * can explicitly remove entries with [[DistributedPubSubMediator.Remove]] or * [[DistributedPubSubMediator.Unsubscribe]]. * * Successful `Subscribe` and `Unsubscribe` is acknowledged with * [[DistributedPubSubMediator.SubscribeAck]] and [[DistributedPubSubMediator.UnsubscribeAck]] * replies. * * Not intended for subclassing by user code. */ @DoNotInherit class DistributedPubSubMediator(settings: DistributedPubSubSettings) extends Actor with ActorLogging with PerGroupingBuffer
先来看Subscribe 。
case msg @ Subscribe(topic, _, _) ⇒ // each topic is managed by a child actor with the same name as the topic val encTopic = encName(topic) bufferOr(mkKey(self.path / encTopic), msg, sender()) { context.child(encTopic) match { case Some(t) ⇒ t forward msg case None ⇒ newTopicActor(encTopic) forward msg } }
def newTopicActor(encTopic: String): ActorRef = { val t = context.actorOf(Props(classOf[Topic], removedTimeToLive, routingLogic), name = encTopic) registerTopic(t) t }
def registerTopic(ref: ActorRef): Unit = { put(mkKey(ref), Some(ref)) context.watch(ref) }
case msg @ Subscribe(_, Some(group), _) ⇒ val encGroup = encName(group) bufferOr(mkKey(self.path / encGroup), msg, sender()) { context.child(encGroup) match { case Some(g) ⇒ g forward msg case None ⇒ newGroupActor(encGroup) forward msg } } pruneDeadline = None
class Group(val emptyTimeToLive: FiniteDuration, routingLogic: RoutingLogic) extends TopicLike { def business = { case SendToOneSubscriber(msg) ⇒ if (subscribers.nonEmpty) Router(routingLogic, (subscribers map ActorRefRoutee).toVector).route(wrapIfNeeded(msg), sender()) } }
def defaultReceive: Receive = { case msg @ Subscribe(_, _, ref) ⇒ context watch ref subscribers += ref pruneDeadline = None context.parent ! Subscribed(SubscribeAck(msg), sender())
case Publish(topic, msg, sendOneMessageToEachGroup) ⇒ if (sendOneMessageToEachGroup) publishToEachGroup(mkKey(self.path / encName(topic)), msg) else publish(mkKey(self.path / encName(topic)), msg)
def publish(path: String, msg: Any, allButSelf: Boolean = false): Unit = { val refs = for { (address, bucket) ← registry if !(allButSelf && address == selfAddress) // if we should skip sender() node and current address == self address => skip valueHolder ← bucket.content.get(path) ref ← valueHolder.ref } yield ref if (refs.isEmpty) ignoreOrSendToDeadLetters(msg) else refs.foreach(_.forward(msg)) }
case msg ⇒ subscribers foreach { _ forward msg }
case Put(ref: ActorRef) ⇒ if (ref.path.address.hasGlobalScope) log.warning("Registered actor must be local: [{}]", ref) else { put(mkKey(ref), Some(ref)) context.watch(ref) }
case Send(path, msg, localAffinity) ⇒ val routees = registry(selfAddress).content.get(path) match { case Some(valueHolder) if localAffinity ⇒ (for { routee ← valueHolder.routee } yield routee).toVector case _ ⇒ (for { (_, bucket) ← registry valueHolder ← bucket.content.get(path) routee ← valueHolder.routee } yield routee).toVector } if (routees.isEmpty) ignoreOrSendToDeadLetters(msg) else Router(routingLogic, routees).route(wrapIfNeeded(msg), sender())
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