akka Cluster基本实现原理已经分析过,其实它就是在remote基础上添加了gossip协议,同步各个节点信息,使集群内各节点能够识别。在Cluster中可能会有一个特殊的节点,叫做单例节点。也就是具有某个角色的节点在集群中只能有一个,如果这个节点宕机了,需要把这个角色的工作转移到其他节点。
- 负责集群的一致性决策,跨集群协调工作。比如集群事务。
- 对外部系统的单实例接入。
- 一个master,多个worker
- 集中化的命名服务或路由策略。
是集群或角色相同节点中最先被启动的actor 。ClusterSingletonManager
system.actorOf( ClusterSingletonManager.props( singletonProps = Props(classOf[Consumer], queue, testActor), terminationMessage = End, settings = ClusterSingletonManagerSettings(system).withRole("worker")), name = "consumer")
val proxy = system.actorOf( ClusterSingletonProxy.props( singletonManagerPath = "/user/consumer", settings = ClusterSingletonProxySettings(system).withRole("worker")), name = "consumerProxy")
/** * Manages singleton actor instance among all cluster nodes or a group * of nodes tagged with a specific role. At most one singleton instance * is running at any point in time. * * The ClusterSingletonManager is supposed to be started on all nodes, * or all nodes with specified role, in the cluster with `actorOf`. * The actual singleton is started on the oldest node by creating a child * actor from the supplied `singletonProps`. * * The singleton actor is always running on the oldest member with specified role. * The oldest member is determined by [[akka.cluster.Member#isOlderThan]]. * This can change when removing members. A graceful hand over can normally * be performed when current oldest node is leaving the cluster. Be aware that * there is a short time period when there is no active singleton during the * hand-over process. */ @DoNotInherit class ClusterSingletonManager( singletonProps: Props, terminationMessage: Any, settings: ClusterSingletonManagerSettings) extends Actor with FSM[ClusterSingletonManager.State, ClusterSingletonManager.Data]
override def preStart(): Unit = { super.preStart() require(!cluster.isTerminated, "Cluster node must not be terminated") // subscribe to cluster changes, re-subscribe when restart cluster.subscribe(self, ClusterEvent.InitialStateAsEvents, classOf[MemberRemoved]) setTimer(CleanupTimer, Cleanup, 1.minute, repeat = true) // defer subscription to avoid some jitter when // starting/joining several nodes at the same time cluster.registerOnMemberUp(self ! StartOldestChangedBuffer) }
startWith(Start, Uninitialized)
when(Start) { case Event(StartOldestChangedBuffer, _) ⇒ oldestChangedBuffer = context.actorOf(Props(classOf[OldestChangedBuffer], role). withDispatcher(context.props.dispatcher)) getNextOldestChanged() stay case Event(InitialOldestState(oldestOption, safeToBeOldest), _) ⇒ oldestChangedReceived = true if (oldestOption == selfUniqueAddressOption && safeToBeOldest) // oldest immediately gotoOldest() else if (oldestOption == selfUniqueAddressOption) goto(BecomingOldest) using BecomingOldestData(None) else goto(Younger) using YoungerData(oldestOption) }
// started when when self member is Up var oldestChangedBuffer: ActorRef = _
/** * Notifications of member events that track oldest member is tunneled * via this actor (child of ClusterSingletonManager) to be able to deliver * one change at a time. Avoiding simultaneous changes simplifies * the process in ClusterSingletonManager. ClusterSingletonManager requests * next event with `GetNext` when it is ready for it. Only one outstanding * `GetNext` request is allowed. Incoming events are buffered and delivered * upon `GetNext` request. */ class OldestChangedBuffer(role: Option[String]) extends Actor
def getNextOldestChanged(): Unit = if (oldestChangedReceived) { oldestChangedReceived = false oldestChangedBuffer ! GetNext }
def receive = { case state: CurrentClusterState ⇒ handleInitial(state) case MemberUp(m) ⇒ add(m) case MemberRemoved(m, _) ⇒ remove(m) case MemberExited(m) if m.uniqueAddress != cluster.selfUniqueAddress ⇒ remove(m) case SelfExiting ⇒ remove(cluster.readView.self) sender() ! Done // reply to ask case GetNext if changes.isEmpty ⇒ context.become(deliverNext, discardOld = false) case GetNext ⇒ sendFirstChange() }
def trackChange(block: () ⇒ Unit): Unit = { val before = membersByAge.headOption block() val after = membersByAge.headOption if (before != after) changes :+= OldestChanged(after.map(_.uniqueAddress)) } def handleInitial(state: CurrentClusterState): Unit = { membersByAge = immutable.SortedSet.empty(ageOrdering) union state.members.filter(m ⇒ (m.status == MemberStatus.Up || m.status == MemberStatus.Leaving) && matchingRole(m)) val safeToBeOldest = !state.members.exists { m ⇒ (m.status == MemberStatus.Down || m.status == MemberStatus.Exiting) } val initial = InitialOldestState(membersByAge.headOption.map(_.uniqueAddress), safeToBeOldest) changes :+= initial }
def sendFirstChange(): Unit = { // don't send cluster change events if this node is shutting its self down, just wait for SelfExiting if (!cluster.isTerminated) { val event = changes.head changes = changes.tail context.parent ! event } }
def gotoOldest(): State = { val singleton = context watch context.actorOf(singletonProps, singletonName) logInfo("Singleton manager starting singleton actor [{}]", singleton.path) goto(Oldest) using OldestData(singleton) }
when(Younger) { case Event(OldestChanged(oldestOption), YoungerData(previousOldestOption)) ⇒ oldestChangedReceived = true if (oldestOption == selfUniqueAddressOption) { logInfo("Younger observed OldestChanged: [{} -> myself]", previousOldestOption.map(_.address)) previousOldestOption match { case None ⇒ gotoOldest() case Some(prev) if removed.contains(prev) ⇒ gotoOldest() case Some(prev) ⇒ peer(prev.address) ! HandOverToMe goto(BecomingOldest) using BecomingOldestData(previousOldestOption) } } else { logInfo("Younger observed OldestChanged: [{} -> {}]", previousOldestOption.map(_.address), oldestOption.map(_.address)) getNextOldestChanged() stay using YoungerData(oldestOption) } case Event(MemberRemoved(m, _), _) if m.uniqueAddress == cluster.selfUniqueAddress ⇒ logInfo("Self removed, stopping ClusterSingletonManager") stop() case Event(MemberRemoved(m, _), _) ⇒ scheduleDelayedMemberRemoved(m) stay case Event(DelayedMemberRemoved(m), YoungerData(Some(previousOldest))) if m.uniqueAddress == previousOldest ⇒ logInfo("Previous oldest removed [{}]", m.address) addRemoved(m.uniqueAddress) // transition when OldestChanged stay using YoungerData(None) case Event(HandOverToMe, _) ⇒ // this node was probably quickly restarted with same hostname:port, // confirm that the old singleton instance has been stopped sender() ! HandOverDone stay }
如果最老节点发生变化,且当前节点不是最老节点,而当前节点变成了最老节点,会发生什么呢?会命中Younger状态的第一个case店里面的第一个if语句。也就是会给原来的最老节点发送HandOverToMe消息 ,自己变成BecomingOldest状态。
def gotoHandingOver(singleton: ActorRef, singletonTerminated: Boolean, handOverTo: Option[ActorRef]): State = { if (singletonTerminated) { handOverDone(handOverTo) } else { handOverTo foreach { _ ! HandOverInProgress } singleton ! terminationMessage goto(HandingOver) using HandingOverData(singleton, handOverTo) } }
case Event(HandOverDone, BecomingOldestData(Some(previousOldest))) ⇒ if (sender().path.address == previousOldest.address) gotoOldest() else { logInfo( "Ignoring HandOverDone in BecomingOldest from [{}]. Expected previous oldest [{}]", sender().path.address, previousOldest.address) stay }
/** * The `ClusterSingletonProxy` works together with the [[akka.cluster.singleton.ClusterSingletonManager]] to provide a * distributed proxy to the singleton actor. * * The proxy can be started on every node where the singleton needs to be reached and used as if it were the singleton * itself. It will then act as a router to the currently running singleton instance. If the singleton is not currently * available, e.g., during hand off or startup, the proxy will buffer the messages sent to the singleton and then deliver * them when the singleton is finally available. The size of the buffer is configurable and it can be disabled by using * a buffer size of 0. When the buffer is full old messages will be dropped when new messages are sent via the proxy. * * The proxy works by keeping track of the oldest cluster member. When a new oldest member is identified, e.g. because * the older one left the cluster, or at startup, the proxy will try to identify the singleton on the oldest member by * periodically sending an [[akka.actor.Identify]] message until the singleton responds with its * [[akka.actor.ActorIdentity]]. * * Note that this is a best effort implementation: messages can always be lost due to the distributed nature of the * actors involved. */ final class ClusterSingletonProxy(singletonManagerPath: String, settings: ClusterSingletonProxySettings) extends Actor with ActorLogging
def trackChange(block: () ⇒ Unit): Unit = { val before = membersByAge.headOption block() val after = membersByAge.headOption // if the head has changed, I need to find the new singleton if (before != after) identifySingleton() }
def identifySingleton() { import context.dispatcher log.debug("Creating singleton identification timer...") identifyCounter += 1 identifyId = createIdentifyId(identifyCounter) singleton = None cancelTimer() identifyTimer = Some(context.system.scheduler.schedule(0 milliseconds, singletonIdentificationInterval, self, ClusterSingletonProxy.TryToIdentifySingleton)) }
case ClusterSingletonProxy.TryToIdentifySingleton ⇒ identifyTimer match { case Some(_) ⇒ membersByAge.headOption foreach { oldest ⇒ val singletonAddress = RootActorPath(oldest.address) / singletonPath log.debug("Trying to identify singleton at [{}]", singletonAddress) context.actorSelection(singletonAddress) ! Identify(identifyId) } case _ ⇒ // ignore, if the timer is not present it means we have successfully identified }
case ActorIdentity(identifyId, Some(s)) ⇒ // if the new singleton is defined, deliver all buffered messages log.info("Singleton identified at [{}]", s.path) singleton = Some(s) context.watch(s) cancelTimer() sendBuffered()
case msg: Any ⇒ singleton match { case Some(s) ⇒ if (log.isDebugEnabled) log.debug( "Forwarding message of type [{}] to current singleton instance at [{}]: {}", Logging.simpleName(msg.getClass), s.path) s forward msg case None ⇒ buffer(msg) }