



    import akka.routing.{ ActorRefRoutee, RoundRobinRoutingLogic, Router }

    class Master extends Actor {
      var router = {
        val routees = Vector.fill(5) {
          val r = context.actorOf(Props[Worker])
          context watch r
        Router(RoundRobinRoutingLogic(), routees)

      def receive = {
        case w: Work ⇒
          router.route(w, sender())
        case Terminated(a) ⇒
          router = router.removeRoutee(a)
          val r = context.actorOf(Props[Worker])
          context watch r
          router = router.addRoutee(r)


 * For each message that is sent through the router via the [[#route]] method the
 * [[RoutingLogic]] decides to which [[Routee]] to send the message. The [[Routee]] itself
 * knows how to perform the actual sending. Normally the [[RoutingLogic]] picks one of the
 * contained `routees`, but that is up to the implementation of the [[RoutingLogic]].
 * A `Router` is immutable and the [[RoutingLogic]] must be thread safe.
final case class Router(val logic: RoutingLogic, val routees: immutable.IndexedSeq[Routee] = Vector.empty)

   上面是Router的定义,这居然是一个case class,有两个变量:路由逻辑(RoutingLogic)、路由对象(IndexedSeq[Routee])。

 * The interface of the routing logic that is used in a [[Router]] to select
 * destination routed messages.
 * The implementation must be thread safe.
trait RoutingLogic extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded {
   * Pick the destination for a given message. Normally it picks one of the
   * passed `routees`, but in the end it is up to the implementation to
   * return whatever [[Routee]] to use for sending a specific message.
   * When implemented from Java it can be good to know that
   * `routees.apply(index)` can be used to get an element
   * from the `IndexedSeq`.
  def select(message: Any, routees: immutable.IndexedSeq[Routee]): Routee



 * Abstraction of a destination for messages routed via a [[Router]].
trait Routee {
  def send(message: Any, sender: ActorRef): Unit




   * Send the message to the destination [[Routee]] selected by the [[RoutingLogic]].
   * If the message is a [[akka.routing.RouterEnvelope]] it will be unwrapped
   * before sent to the destinations.
   * Messages wrapped in a [[Broadcast]] envelope are always sent to all `routees`.
  def route(message: Any, sender: ActorRef): Unit =
    message match {
      case akka.routing.Broadcast(msg) ⇒ SeveralRoutees(routees).send(msg, sender)
      case msg                         ⇒ send(logic.select(msg, routees), message, sender)



 * [[Routee]] that sends each message to all `routees`.
final case class SeveralRoutees(routees: immutable.IndexedSeq[Routee]) extends Routee {

   * Java API
  def this(rs: java.lang.Iterable[Routee]) = this(routees = immutableSeq(rs).toVector)

   * Java API
  def getRoutees(): java.util.List[Routee] = {
    import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

  override def send(message: Any, sender: ActorRef): Unit =
    routees.foreach(_.send(message, sender))




 * [[Routee]] that sends the messages to an [[akka.actor.ActorRef]].
final case class ActorRefRoutee(ref: ActorRef) extends Routee {
  override def send(message: Any, sender: ActorRef): Unit =
    ref.tell(message, sender)


 * [[Routee]] that sends the messages to an [[akka.actor.ActorSelection]].
final case class ActorSelectionRoutee(selection: ActorSelection) extends Routee {
  override def send(message: Any, sender: ActorRef): Unit =
    selection.tell(message, sender)


 * Uses round-robin to select a routee. For concurrent calls,
 * round robin is just a best effort.
final class RoundRobinRoutingLogic extends RoutingLogic {
  val next = new AtomicLong

  override def select(message: Any, routees: immutable.IndexedSeq[Routee]): Routee =
    if (routees.nonEmpty) {
      val size = routees.size
      val index = (next.getAndIncrement % size).asInstanceOf[Int]
      routees(if (index < 0) size + index else index)
    } else NoRoutee




  • akka.routing.RoundRobinRoutingLogic。轮询路由策略。具体实现参照上文分析。
  • akka.routing.RandomRoutingLogic。随机路由策略。就是从列表中随机选择一个Routee
  • akka.routing.SmallestMailboxRoutingLogic。最小邮箱路由策略。就是选择各个Routee的邮箱堆积消息最少的一个。从源码来看这个是需要查找Routee的邮箱数量的,个人不太喜欢这种实现。
  • akka.routing.BroadcastRoutingLogic。广播路由策略。就是把消息广播出去。
  • akka.routing.ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRoutingLogic。广播收集第一个完成路由策略。有点拗口,简单来说就是把消息广播出去,以第一个收到的回复作为此次路由的回复。这个不建议用,因为它对所有Routee都调用了ask。如果不关心回复,则可以使用BroadcastRoutingLogic
  • akka.routing.TailChoppingRoutingLogic。尾部断续路由策略。跟ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRoutingLogic差不多,只不过不是广播,而是按照一个固定间隔的时间,依次给Routee发消息,收到第一个回复后,不再广播消息,以该回复作为最终回复。
  • akka.routing.ConsistentHashingRoutingLogic。一致性hash路由策略。就是根据消息计算对应的key,key相同的消息会发送给相同的Routee。读者可以自行研究一致性HASH的实现,简单来说就是对消息和Routee都进行hash,hash相同的作为路由关系。




posted @ 2018-08-09 17:36  gabry.wu  阅读(894)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报