/** * Process the messages in the mailbox */ @tailrec private final def processMailbox( left: Int = java.lang.Math.max(dispatcher.throughput, 1), deadlineNs: Long = if (dispatcher.isThroughputDeadlineTimeDefined == true) System.nanoTime + dispatcher.throughputDeadlineTime.toNanos else 0L): Unit = if (shouldProcessMessage) { val next = dequeue() if (next ne null) { if (Mailbox.debug) println(actor.self + " processing message " + next) actor invoke next if (Thread.interrupted()) throw new InterruptedException("Interrupted while processing actor messages") processAllSystemMessages() if ((left > 1) && ((dispatcher.isThroughputDeadlineTimeDefined == false) || (System.nanoTime - deadlineNs) < 0)) processMailbox(left - 1, deadlineNs) } }
override final def run(): Unit = { try { if (!isClosed) { //Volatile read, needed here processAllSystemMessages() //First, deal with any system messages processMailbox() //Then deal with messages } } finally { setAsIdle() //Volatile write, needed here dispatcher.registerForExecution(this, false, false) } }
//Memory consistency is handled by the Mailbox (reading mailbox status then processing messages, then writing mailbox status final def invoke(messageHandle: Envelope): Unit = { val influenceReceiveTimeout = !messageHandle.message.isInstanceOf[NotInfluenceReceiveTimeout] try { currentMessage = messageHandle if (influenceReceiveTimeout) cancelReceiveTimeout() messageHandle.message match { case msg: AutoReceivedMessage ⇒ autoReceiveMessage(messageHandle) case msg ⇒ receiveMessage(msg) } currentMessage = null // reset current message after successful invocation } catch handleNonFatalOrInterruptedException { e ⇒ handleInvokeFailure(Nil, e) } finally { if (influenceReceiveTimeout) checkReceiveTimeout // Reschedule receive timeout } }
final def receiveMessage(msg: Any): Unit = actor.aroundReceive(behaviorStack.head, msg)
private[this] var _actor: Actor = _ def actor: Actor = _actor protected def actor_=(a: Actor): Unit = _actor = a
/** * INTERNAL API. * * Can be overridden to intercept calls to this actor's current behavior. * * @param receive current behavior. * @param msg current message. */ @InternalApi protected[akka] def aroundReceive(receive: Actor.Receive, msg: Any): Unit = { // optimization: avoid allocation of lambda if (receive.applyOrElse(msg, Actor.notHandledFun).asInstanceOf[AnyRef] eq Actor.NotHandled) { unhandled(msg) } }
/** * User overridable callback. * <p/> * Is called when a message isn't handled by the current behavior of the actor * by default it fails with either a [[akka.actor.DeathPactException]] (in * case of an unhandled [[akka.actor.Terminated]] message) or publishes an [[akka.actor.UnhandledMessage]] * to the actor's system's [[akka.event.EventStream]] */ def unhandled(message: Any): Unit = { message match { case Terminated(dead) ⇒ throw DeathPactException(dead) case _ ⇒ context.system.eventStream.publish(UnhandledMessage(message, sender(), self)) } }
def autoReceiveMessage(msg: Envelope): Unit = { if (system.settings.DebugAutoReceive) publish(Debug(self.path.toString, clazz(actor), "received AutoReceiveMessage " + msg)) msg.message match { case t: Terminated ⇒ receivedTerminated(t) case AddressTerminated(address) ⇒ addressTerminated(address) case Kill ⇒ throw ActorKilledException("Kill") case PoisonPill ⇒ self.stop() case sel: ActorSelectionMessage ⇒ receiveSelection(sel) case Identify(messageId) ⇒ sender() ! ActorIdentity(messageId, Some(self)) } }
final def sender(): ActorRef = currentMessage match { case null ⇒ system.deadLetters case msg if msg.sender ne null ⇒ msg.sender case _ ⇒ system.deadLetters }
final def handleInvokeFailure(childrenNotToSuspend: immutable.Iterable[ActorRef], t: Throwable): Unit = { // prevent any further messages to be processed until the actor has been restarted if (!isFailed) try { suspendNonRecursive() // suspend children val skip: Set[ActorRef] = currentMessage match { case Envelope(Failed(_, _, _), child) ⇒ { setFailed(child); Set(child) } case _ ⇒ { setFailed(self); Set.empty } } suspendChildren(exceptFor = skip ++ childrenNotToSuspend) t match { // tell supervisor case _: InterruptedException ⇒ // ➡➡➡ NEVER SEND THE SAME SYSTEM MESSAGE OBJECT TO TWO ACTORS ⬅⬅⬅ parent.sendSystemMessage(Failed(self, new ActorInterruptedException(t), uid)) case _ ⇒ // ➡➡➡ NEVER SEND THE SAME SYSTEM MESSAGE OBJECT TO TWO ACTORS ⬅⬅⬅ parent.sendSystemMessage(Failed(self, t, uid)) } } catch handleNonFatalOrInterruptedException { e ⇒ publish(Error(e, self.path.toString, clazz(actor), "emergency stop: exception in failure handling for " + t.getClass + Logging.stackTraceFor(t))) try children foreach stop finally finishTerminate() } }