【转】Converting char array to BSTR





How can I convert a char array to a BSTR variable?

I have tried using the SysAllocString() function and the syntax is correct.
However, when I call the function from VB I get a GPF.

Here is an example

void __stdcall TestStr ( BSTR var1)
char var2[50];

// pass the pointer to the char array.
var1 = SysAllocString(*var2)

any input would be appriciated.

08-17-2000, 04:42 AM


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Hi chris,

Here is an example that show how to convert an array of char to a BSTR:

void __stdcall TestStr(BSTR bstr)
"My name is prince and I am funky"));
= str.Detach();

That is all you need to do to convert an array of char to a BSTR.
Don't forget to use CComBSTR. It is a smart BSTR class and so deals with
all the intracacies of BSTR that we mere programers we forget to follow.

There is an iteresting discussion about CComBSTR in the 'ATL Internals' written
by brent rector and chris sells.


posted on 2011-08-24 01:00  风在竹林  阅读(306)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报