zabbix监控windows DHCP server
一、准备在HDCP服务器上创建两个脚本,check_dhcpscop.ps1 和 check_dhcpscop_value.ps1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | #获取DHCP作用域,作用域的name,id,state,PercentageInUse,InUse,Free 值 $scops = Get-DhcpServerv4Scope |select @{name= "{#SCOPNAME}" ;expression={ $_ .Name.replace( ' ' , '' )}},@{name= "ScopeId" ;expression={ $_ .ScopeID.IPAddressToString}},@{name= "State" ;expression={ $_ .State}} $scopstate = Get-DhcpServerv4ScopeStatistics |Select @{name= "ScopeId" ;expression={ $_ .ScopeID.IPAddressToString}},@{name= "PercentageInUse" ;expression={ $_ .PercentageInUse}},@{name= "FREE" ;expression={ $_ .Free}},@{name= "Use" ;expression={ $_ .InUse}} $ScopsInfor = @() foreach ( $i in $scops ) { foreach ( $j in $scopstate ) { if ( $i .ScopeId -eq $J .ScopeId) { $i | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'PercentageInUse' -Value $j .PercentageInUse -Force $i | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Free' -Value $j .FREE -Force $i | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Use' -Value $j .Use -Force $ScopsInfor = $ScopsInfor + $i } } } $ScopsInfor = $ScopsInfor |ConvertTo-Json @" { "data" : $ScopsInfor } "@ $ScopsInfor | Out-File -FilePath C:\zabbix\script\dhcpinfor\dhcp.txt |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 | #监控项调用此脚本,会传进两个参数 Param( $scopname , $propname ) $infor = '' #读取第一个脚本获取到的信息 $content = Get-Content "C:\zabbix\script\dhcpinfor\dhcp.txt" foreach ( $line in $content ){ $str = $line if ( $str .contains( '{#SCOPNAME}' )){ $line = $line .replace( '{#SCOPNAME}' , 'ScopName' ) } $infor = $infor + $line } $dhcpinfor = ConvertFrom-Json $infor foreach ( $i in $dhcpinfor ){ if ( $i .ScopName -eq $scopname ){ if ( $propname -eq 'Free' ){ return $i .Free } if ( $propname -eq 'State' ){ return $i .State } if ( $propname -eq 'PercentageInUse' ){ return $i .PercentageInUse } if ( $propname -eq 'Use' ){ return $i .Use } } } |
3》两个脚本都放在dhcp服务器的 c:\zabbix\script\
二、创建zabbix 模板,新记事本,复制内容,后缀为.yaml hdcp.yamn,
zabbix_export: version: '6.0' date: '2023-02-02T03:19:35Z' groups: - uuid: 846977d1dfed4968bc5f8bdb363285bc name: 'Templates/Operating systems' templates: - uuid: 76e0de58829f458285537935d85819d3 template: 'TBI Windows DHCP Server by Zabbix agent' name: 'TBI Windows DHCP Server by Zabbix agent' description: | Official Windows template. Requires agent of Zabbix 4.4 and newer. You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum Template tooling version used: 0.41 groups: - name: 'Templates/Operating systems' items: - uuid: 4732f2defd2e49d7ab9dd75b212d0de3 name: 'Zabbix agent ping' type: ZABBIX_ACTIVE key: history: 7d description: 'The agent always returns 1 for this item. It could be used in combination with nodata() for availability check.' valuemap: name: 'Zabbix agent ping status' tags: - tag: component value: system triggers: - uuid: f1fc1bad92034af8a14aeaf56a125c84 expression: 'nodata(/TBI Windows DHCP Server by Zabbix agent/,{$AGENT.NODATA_TIMEOUT})=1' name: 'Zabbix agent is not available' event_name: 'Zabbix agent is not available (or nodata for {$AGENT.NODATA_TIMEOUT})' priority: AVERAGE description: 'For active agents, nodata() with is used with {$AGENT.NODATA_TIMEOUT} as time threshold.' manual_close: 'YES' tags: - tag: scope value: availability - uuid: 9de081e14a0745a58d69ebaa4860d1c3 name: Uptime type: ZABBIX_ACTIVE key: system.uptime delay: 30s history: 2w trends: 0d units: uptime description: 'System uptime in ''N days, hh:mm:ss'' format.' tags: - tag: component value: system triggers: - uuid: 05f93c476eef49658a165a06510150e2 expression: 'last(/TBI Windows DHCP Server by Zabbix agent/system.uptime)<10m' name: 'Host has been restarted' event_name: 'Host has been restarted (uptime < 10m)' priority: WARNING description: 'The device uptime is less than 10 minutes.' manual_close: 'YES' tags: - tag: scope value: notice discovery_rules: - uuid: 12bfdc6715774ead881f595600cfcfed name: 'DHCP Scope Discovery' key: check_dhcpscop delay: 5m filter: conditions: - macro: '{#SCOPNAME}' formulaid: A item_prototypes: - uuid: e0d67fe51ce842c9a4a67cd625ce28f5 name: 'DHCP Scop Free_{#SCOPNAME}' key: 'get_dhcpinfor[{#SCOPNAME},Free]' trends: '0' status: DISABLED discover: NO_DISCOVER value_type: TEXT - uuid: 04633f19dbe44a45b729785ce5d88955 name: 'DHCP Scop PerCentageInUse_{#SCOPNAME}' key: 'get_dhcpinfor[{#SCOPNAME},PercentageInUse]' delay: 5m value_type: FLOAT preprocessing: - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '1' trigger_prototypes: - uuid: d3337b91cf8a45f7a47790e8da3a03d2 expression: 'avg(/TBI Windows DHCP Server by Zabbix agent/get_dhcpinfor[{#SCOPNAME},PercentageInUse],3m)>=95' recovery_mode: RECOVERY_EXPRESSION recovery_expression: 'avg(/TBI Windows DHCP Server by Zabbix agent/get_dhcpinfor[{#SCOPNAME},PercentageInUse],3m)<90' name: '{#SCOPNAME} Scope usage above 95%' priority: AVERAGE - uuid: f0dc48a0680a4ff9be34941ff94e8dcb name: 'DHCP Scop State_{#SCOPNAME}' key: 'get_dhcpinfor[{#SCOPNAME},State]' delay: 5m trends: '0' value_type: TEXT trigger_prototypes: - uuid: a9266d377a53464082adf219da51b121 expression: 'last(/TBI Windows DHCP Server by Zabbix agent/get_dhcpinfor[{#SCOPNAME},State])="Inactive"' recovery_mode: RECOVERY_EXPRESSION recovery_expression: 'last(/TBI Windows DHCP Server by Zabbix agent/get_dhcpinfor[{#SCOPNAME},State])="Active"' name: '{#SCOPNAME} Scope Static Inactice' priority: AVERAGE - uuid: b7b5de331d0748f58f0b24fe968dd165 name: 'DHCP Scop Use_{#SCOPNAME}' key: 'get_dhcpinfor[{#SCOPNAME},Use]' trends: '0' status: DISABLED discover: NO_DISCOVER value_type: TEXT graph_prototypes: - uuid: 1e336fc86f53426fa4e840335869d57a name: 'Dhcp Scop PerCentageInUse {#SCOPNAME}' percent_left: '100' graph_items: - color: 1A7C11 calc_fnc: ALL item: host: 'TBI Windows DHCP Server by Zabbix agent' key: 'get_dhcpinfor[{#SCOPNAME},PercentageInUse]' tags: - tag: class value: os - tag: target value: windows macros: - macro: '{$AGENT.NODATA_TIMEOUT}' value: 30m description: 'No data timeout for active agents. Consider to keep it relatively high.' - macro: '{$CPU.INTERRUPT.CRIT.MAX}' value: '50' description: 'The critical threshold of the % Interrupt Time counter.' - macro: '{$CPU.PRIV.CRIT.MAX}' value: '30' description: 'The threshold of the % Privileged Time counter.' - macro: '{$CPU.QUEUE.CRIT.MAX}' value: '3' description: 'The threshold of the Processor Queue Length counter.' - macro: '{$CPU.UTIL.CRIT}' value: '90' description: 'The critical threshold of the CPU utilization in %.' - macro: '{$IF.ERRORS.WARN}' value: '2' - macro: '{$IF.UTIL.MAX}' value: '90' - macro: '{$IFCONTROL}' value: '1' - macro: '{$MEM.PAGE_SEC.CRIT.MAX}' value: '1000' description: 'The warning threshold of the Memory Pages/sec counter.' - macro: '{$MEM.PAGE_TABLE_CRIT.MIN}' value: '5000' description: 'The warning threshold of the Free System Page Table Entries counter.' - macro: '{$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX}' value: '90' description: 'The warning threshold of the Memory util item.' - macro: '{$NET.IF.IFALIAS.MATCHES}' value: '.*' description: 'This macro is used in Network interface discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.' - macro: '{$NET.IF.IFALIAS.NOT_MATCHES}' value: CHANGE_THIS description: 'This macro is used in Network interface discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.' - macro: '{$NET.IF.IFDESCR.MATCHES}' value: '.*' description: 'This macro is used in Network interface discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.' - macro: '{$NET.IF.IFDESCR.NOT_MATCHES}' value: CHANGE_THIS description: 'This macro is used in Network interface discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.' - macro: '{$NET.IF.IFNAME.MATCHES}' value: '.*' description: 'This macro is used in Network interface discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.' - macro: '{$NET.IF.IFNAME.NOT_MATCHES}' value: Miniport|Virtual|Teredo|Kernel|Loopback|Bluetooth|HTTPS|6to4|QoS|Layer description: 'This macro is used in Network interface discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.' - macro: '{$SERVICE.NAME.MATCHES}' value: '^.*$' description: 'This macro is used in Service discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.' - macro: '{$SERVICE.NAME.NOT_MATCHES}' value: '^(?:RemoteRegistry|MMCSS|gupdate|SysmonLog|clr_optimization_v.+|sppsvc|gpsvc|Pml Driver HPZ12|Net Driver HPZ12|MapsBroker|IntelAudioService|Intel\(R\) TPM Provisioning Service|dbupdate|DoSvc|CDPUserSvc_.+|WpnUserService_.+|OneSyncSvc_.+|WbioSrvc|BITS|tiledatamodelsvc|GISvc|ShellHWDetection|TrustedInstaller|TabletInputService|CDPSvc|wuauserv)$' description: 'This macro is used in Service discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.' - macro: '{$SERVICE.STARTUPNAME.MATCHES}' value: '^(?:automatic|automatic delayed)$' description: 'This macro is used in Service discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.' - macro: '{$SERVICE.STARTUPNAME.NOT_MATCHES}' value: '^(?:manual|disabled)$' description: 'This macro is used in Service discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.' - macro: '{$SWAP.PFREE.MIN.WARN}' value: '20' description: 'The warning threshold of the minimum free swap.' - macro: '{$SYSTEM.FUZZYTIME.MAX}' value: '60' description: 'The threshold for difference of system time in seconds.' - macro: '{$VFS.DEV.DEVNAME.MATCHES}' value: '.*' description: 'This macro is used in physical disks discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.' - macro: '{$VFS.DEV.DEVNAME.NOT_MATCHES}' value: _Total description: 'This macro is used in physical disks discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.' - macro: '{$VFS.DEV.READ.AWAIT.WARN}' value: '0.02' description: 'Disk read average response time (in s) before the trigger would fire.' - macro: '{$VFS.DEV.UTIL.MAX.WARN}' value: '95' description: 'The warning threshold of disk time utilization in percent.' - macro: '{$VFS.DEV.WRITE.AWAIT.WARN}' value: '0.02' description: 'Disk write average response time (in s) before the trigger would fire.' - macro: '{$VFS.FS.FREE.MIN.CRIT}' value: 5G description: 'The critical threshold of the filesystem utilization.' - macro: '{$VFS.FS.FREE.MIN.WARN}' value: 10G description: 'The warning threshold of the filesystem utilization.' - macro: '{$VFS.FS.FSDRIVETYPE.MATCHES}' value: fixed description: 'This macro is used in filesystems discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.' - macro: '{$VFS.FS.FSDRIVETYPE.NOT_MATCHES}' value: ^\s$ description: 'This macro is used in filesystems discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.' - macro: '{$VFS.FS.FSNAME.MATCHES}' value: '.*' description: 'This macro is used in filesystems discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.' - macro: '{$VFS.FS.FSNAME.NOT_MATCHES}' value: '^(?:/dev|/sys|/run|/proc|.+/shm$)' description: 'This macro is used in filesystems discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.' - macro: '{$VFS.FS.FSTYPE.MATCHES}' value: '.*' description: 'This macro is used in filesystems discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.' - macro: '{$VFS.FS.FSTYPE.NOT_MATCHES}' value: ^\s$ description: 'This macro is used in filesystems discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.' - macro: '{$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.CRIT}' value: '90' description: 'The critical threshold of the filesystem utilization in percent.' - macro: '{$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.WARN}' value: '80' description: 'The warning threshold of the filesystem utilization in percent.' dashboards: - uuid: a6148375a09e403193d2457a09a6d880 name: 'Network interfaces' pages: - widgets: - type: GRAPH_PROTOTYPE width: '24' height: '5' fields: - type: INTEGER name: source_type value: '2' - type: INTEGER name: columns value: '1' - type: INTEGER name: rows value: '1' - uuid: 15f071590aff491db3e5af07ddcbf4ec name: 'System performance' pages: - widgets: - type: GRAPH_CLASSIC width: '12' height: '5' fields: - type: INTEGER name: source_type value: '0' - type: GRAPH_CLASSIC x: '12' width: '12' height: '5' fields: - type: INTEGER name: source_type value: '1' - type: GRAPH_CLASSIC 'y': '5' width: '12' height: '5' fields: - type: INTEGER name: source_type value: '0' - type: GRAPH_CLASSIC x: '12' 'y': '5' width: '12' height: '5' fields: - type: INTEGER name: source_type value: '0' - type: GRAPH_PROTOTYPE 'y': '10' width: '24' height: '5' fields: - type: INTEGER name: source_type value: '2' - type: INTEGER name: columns value: '1' - type: INTEGER name: rows value: '1' - type: GRAPH_PROTOTYPE 'y': '15' width: '24' height: '5' fields: - type: INTEGER name: source_type value: '2' - type: INTEGER name: columns value: '1' - type: INTEGER name: rows value: '1' - type: GRAPH_PROTOTYPE 'y': '20' width: '24' height: '5' fields: - type: INTEGER name: source_type value: '2' - type: INTEGER name: columns value: '1' - type: INTEGER name: rows value: '1' - type: GRAPH_PROTOTYPE 'y': '25' width: '24' height: '5' fields: - type: INTEGER name: source_type value: '2' - type: INTEGER name: columns value: '1' - type: INTEGER name: rows value: '1' valuemaps: - uuid: 8e51851734de459b897654b55e097ed9 name: 'Win32_NetworkAdapter::AdapterTypeId' mappings: - value: '0' newvalue: 'Ethernet 802.3' - value: '1' newvalue: 'Token Ring 802.5' - value: '2' newvalue: 'Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI)' - value: '3' newvalue: 'Wide Area Network (WAN)' - value: '4' newvalue: LocalTalk - value: '5' newvalue: 'Ethernet using DIX header format' - value: '6' newvalue: ARCNET - value: '7' newvalue: 'ARCNET (878.2)' - value: '8' newvalue: ATM - value: '9' newvalue: Wireless - value: '10' newvalue: 'Infrared Wireless' - value: '11' newvalue: Bpc - value: '12' newvalue: CoWan - value: '13' newvalue: '1394' - uuid: d1945b12b60241b59e1576f119fd4085 name: 'Win32_NetworkAdapter::NetConnectionStatus' mappings: - value: '0' newvalue: Disconnected - value: '1' newvalue: Connecting - value: '2' newvalue: Connected - value: '3' newvalue: Disconnecting - value: '4' newvalue: 'Hardware Not Present' - value: '5' newvalue: 'Hardware Disabled' - value: '6' newvalue: 'Hardware Malfunction' - value: '7' newvalue: 'Media Disconnected' - value: '8' newvalue: Authenticating - value: '9' newvalue: 'Authentication Succeeded' - value: '10' newvalue: 'Authentication Failed' - value: '11' newvalue: 'Invalid Address' - value: '12' newvalue: 'Credentials Required' - uuid: 000cb16205a5446589dcbfaf400dc6ad name: 'Windows service state' mappings: - value: '0' newvalue: Running - value: '1' newvalue: Paused - value: '2' newvalue: 'Start pending' - value: '3' newvalue: 'Pause pending' - value: '4' newvalue: 'Continue pending' - value: '5' newvalue: 'Stop pending' - value: '6' newvalue: Stopped - value: '7' newvalue: Unknown - value: '255' newvalue: 'No such service' - uuid: 247752b40d1642369bb9f70ace9be325 name: mappings: - value: '0' newvalue: 'not available' - value: '1' newvalue: available - value: '2' newvalue: unknown - uuid: beee6a48ce11416788566615ef129743 name: 'Zabbix agent ping status' mappings: - value: '1' newvalue: Up
三 、在DHCP服务器上的C盘的zabbix文件zabbix_agentd.conf 中自定义用户参数,在尾行添加这两行
UserParameter=check_dhcpscop,powershell c:\zabbix\script\check_dhcpscop.ps1
UserParameter=get_dhcpinfor[*],powershell c:\zabbix\script\get_dhcpinfor.ps1 $1 $2
zabbix的用户参数限制使用特殊字符和空格,假设你的作用域名字是Vlan 10(带有空格),则会出现传参错误。
四、以管理员身份运行一下两个脚本check_dhcpscop.ps1 和 get_dhcpinfor.ps1,看是否有报错。
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