CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[f_num_eng] (@num numeric(15,2)) RETURNS varchar(400) WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN --All rights reserved. pbsql DECLARE @i int,@hundreds int,@tenth int,@one int DECLARE @thousand int,@million int,@billion int DECLARE @numbers varchar(400),@s varchar(15),@result varchar(400) SET @numbers='one two three four five ' +'six seven eight nine ten ' +'eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen ' +'sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen ' +'twenty thirty forty fifty ' +'sixty seventy eighty ninety ' SET @s=RIGHT('000000000000000'+CAST(@num AS varchar(15)),15) SET @billion=CAST(SUBSTRING(@s,1,3) AS int)--将12位整数分成4段:十亿、百万、千、百十个 SET @million=CAST(SUBSTRING(@s,4,3) AS int) SET @thousand=CAST(SUBSTRING(@s,7,3) AS int) SET @result='' SET @i=0 WHILE @i<=3 BEGIN SET @hundreds=CAST(SUBSTRING(@s,@i*3+1,1) AS int)--百位0-9 SET @tenth=CAST(SUBSTRING(@s,@i*3+2,1) AS int) SET @one=(CASE @tenth WHEN 1 THEN 10 ELSE 0 END)+CAST(SUBSTRING(@s,@i*3+3,1) AS int)--个位0-19 SET @tenth=(CASE WHEN @tenth<=1 THEN 0 ELSE @tenth END)--十位0、2-9 IF (@i=1 and @billion>0 and (@million>0 or @thousand>0 or @hundreds>0)) or (@i=2 and (@billion>0 or @million>0) and (@thousand>0 or @hundreds>0)) or (@i=3 and (@billion>0 or @million>0 or @thousand>0) and (@hundreds>0)) SET @result=@result+', '--百位不是0则每段之间加连接符, IF (@i=3 and (@billion>0 or @million>0 or @thousand>0) and (@hundreds=0 and (@tenth>0 or @one>0))) SET @result=@result+' and '--百位是0则加连接符AND IF @hundreds>0 SET @result=@result+RTRIM(SUBSTRING(@numbers,@hundreds*10-9,10))+' hundred' IF @tenth>=2 and @tenth<=9 BEGIN IF @hundreds>0 SET @result=@result+' and ' SET @result=@result+RTRIM(SUBSTRING(@numbers,@tenth*10+171,10)) END IF @one>=1 and @one<=19 BEGIN IF @tenth>0 SET @result=@result+'-' ELSE IF @hundreds>0 SET @result=@result+' and ' SET @result=@result+RTRIM(SUBSTRING(@numbers,@one*10-9,10)) END IF @i=0 and @billion>0 SET @result=@result+' billion' IF @i=1 and @million>0 SET @result=@result+' million' IF @i=2 and @thousand>0 SET @result=@result+' thousand' SET @i=@i+1 END IF SUBSTRING(@s,14,2)<>'00' BEGIN SET @result=@result+' point ' IF SUBSTRING(@s,14,1)='0' SET @result=@result+'zero' ELSE SET @result=@result+RTRIM(SUBSTRING(@numbers,CAST(SUBSTRING(@s,14,1) AS int)*10-9,10)) IF SUBSTRING(@s,15,1)<>'0' SET @result=@result+' '+RTRIM(SUBSTRING(@numbers,CAST(SUBSTRING(@s,15,1) AS int)*10-9,10)) END RETURN(@result) END
select [dbo].[f_num_eng](233434.5)
two hundred and thirty-three thousand, four hundred and thirty-four point five