关于网络摄像头的一些.net好文章(.net resource and articles for Webcam app) LanceZhang 2008-10-09 17:21 阅读:268 评论:0
关于GridView固定标题的一些资源(freeze gridview header) LanceZhang 2008-10-09 17:13 阅读:251 评论:0
从外部的js文件中获取ASPX页面的控件ClientID(get control reference from external javascript) LanceZhang 2008-10-06 11:54 阅读:2716 评论:13
使用JavaScript展开/折叠TreeView中所有节点(Expand and Collapse All Nodes of asp.net Treeview on the client with javascript) LanceZhang 2008-10-02 13:42 阅读:344 评论:0
ASP.NET 设置/获取/清空 用户的剪贴板(How to copy/get/clear value to clipboard) LanceZhang 2008-10-01 15:03 阅读:262 评论:0
17个使用AJAX技术的数据表格控件解决方案(Data Grids with AJAX, DHTML and JavaScript) LanceZhang 2008-10-01 13:40 阅读:3023 评论:7
ASP.NET获得客户端浏览器语言设置(Get the Language setting of browser by ASP.NET) LanceZhang 2008-09-26 16:11 阅读:269 评论:0
VisualStudio 10 (或称Visual Studio 2010 ) 将支持多种架构设计图 LanceZhang 2008-09-18 11:07 阅读:4719 评论:30
两个比较好用的C#转VB.NET工具(Convert C# to VB.NET or Convert VB.NET to C#) LanceZhang 2008-09-16 15:45 阅读:396 评论:0
ASP.NET进度条 6篇文章+代码(six articles about create Progress Bar in ASP.NET) LanceZhang 2008-09-16 09:27 阅读:493 评论:6
取消UpdatePanel的Updating (Cancel the Updating of UpdatePanel) LanceZhang 2008-09-15 16:17 阅读:173 评论:0
ASP.NET 事件日历(some resource about Event Calendar) LanceZhang 2008-09-01 18:36 阅读:360 评论:0
JavaScript操作DropDownList(Set value to dropdownlist with JavaScript) LanceZhang 2008-09-01 16:56 阅读:306 评论:2
JavaScript访问GridView的绑定列(Access the Bound field of Gridview by javascript) LanceZhang 2008-09-01 09:27 阅读:238 评论:0
为TreeView的节点添加右键菜单(Add ContextMenu to ASP.NET TreeView) LanceZhang 2008-08-29 18:39 阅读:407 评论:0
TreeView大数据量绑定的优化方案(the Plenty of data issue of ASP.NET TreeView) LanceZhang 2008-08-29 17:41 阅读:247 评论:0
使用JavaScript选择DataGrid行的方法汇总(Select row of DataGrid by JavaScript) LanceZhang 2008-08-29 13:21 阅读:212 评论:0
获得TextBox中光标的位置(get the cursor position in a TextBox or InputText) LanceZhang 2008-08-27 19:45 阅读:260 评论:2
点击“后退”按钮时不保存前一个网页中文本框的值(empty the textbox in previous page when "BACK" button is clicked ) LanceZhang 2008-08-27 17:21 阅读:144 评论:0
ModalPopupExtender使用技巧( operate ModalPopupExtender by JavaScript) LanceZhang 2008-08-27 16:02 阅读:551 评论:0
使用JavaScript选择GridView行的方法汇总(Select row of GridView by JavaScript) LanceZhang 2008-08-26 19:19 阅读:291 评论:1
按需求定制ASP.NET Calendar控件(Customize the ASP.NET Calendar Control) LanceZhang 2008-08-26 18:26 阅读:172 评论:0
用__postback传递JavaScript变量到c#(pass a js variable to C# by a __postback ) LanceZhang 2008-08-26 09:30 阅读:175 评论:0
为Modal Popup添加美观的玻璃边框(add a glass border to your Modal Popup) LanceZhang 2008-08-22 09:29 阅读:200 评论:0
通过HTTP压缩来提高WebService性能的一些好资源(some good resource about WebService with HTTP-Compression ) LanceZhang 2008-08-20 18:23 阅读:207 评论:0
ASP.NET AJAX DropShadow 控件的一个BUG和解决方法(a bug of DropShadow and solution to resolve) LanceZhang 2008-08-20 18:11 阅读:115 评论:3
跨页面postback时传递JavaScript变量值(pass JS variable to another page) LanceZhang 2008-08-20 09:24 阅读:184 评论:0
ASP.NET同时上传多个文件,和不使用HTMLFileInput上传的方法(resource about file upload) LanceZhang 2008-08-19 19:01 阅读:288 评论:2
4个ASP.NET+AJAX构造聊天室的文章和实例( good article about make chat room by ASP.NET+AJAX) LanceZhang 2008-08-13 16:30 阅读:276 评论:0
ASP.NET页面传值汇总 (Session / Server.Transfer / Query String / Cookie / Application ) LanceZhang 2008-08-12 17:25 阅读:606 评论:3
关于ASP.NET全球化/本地化(多语言)的一些资源( resource about ASP.NET Localization ) LanceZhang 2008-08-12 11:58 阅读:163 评论:0
在网页中使用Winform控件,并调整其大小(using Winform control in ASP.NET and adjust its size) LanceZhang 2008-08-07 11:46 阅读:218 评论:0
共享一个邮件发送的程序( share a Mail Sending program) LanceZhang 2008-08-06 17:35 阅读:172 评论:4
ASP.NET 动态创建文本框 TextBox (add TextBox to page dynamically) LanceZhang 2008-08-06 11:03 阅读:352 评论:10
使用js隐藏GridView的表头(hide the table header of GridView by JS) LanceZhang 2008-05-28 13:11 阅读:122 评论:0
实现ASP.NET中TreeView控件的图标节点(Icon in the ASP.NET TreeView Nodes) LanceZhang 2008-05-28 13:06 阅读:137 评论:0
Button的客户端验证(client-side validate of ASP.NET button) LanceZhang 2008-05-28 12:58 阅读:87 评论:0
一个抽象工厂数据访问模块(a data access component using abstract factory pattern SQL/OLEDB/ODBC) LanceZhang 2007-08-18 08:30 阅读:455 评论:4