http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-math/userguide/stat.html mark DescriptiveStatistics maintains the input data in memory and has the capability of producing "rolling" statistics computed f... 阅读全文
Jobmanager的submitJob逻辑, /** * Submits a job to the job manager. The job is registered at the libraryCacheManager which * creates the job's class loader. The job graph is appended to the corr... 阅读全文
Flink resource manager的作用如图, FlinkResourceManager /** * * Worker allocation steps * * * The resource manager decides to request more workers. This can happen in order * t... 阅读全文
InstanceManager用于管理JobManager申请到的taskManager和slots资源 /** * Simple manager that keeps track of which TaskManager are available and alive. */ public class InstanceManager { // ---------------... 阅读全文