Copycat - CopycatServer


Address address = new Address("123.456.789.0", 5000);
CopycatServer.Builder builder = CopycatServer.builder(address);


CompletableFuture<CopycatServer> future = server.bootstrap();



Collection<Address> cluster = Collections.singleton(new Address("", 8700))

     * @throws ConfigurationException if a state machine, members or transport are not configured
    public CopycatServer build() {
      if (stateMachineFactory == null)
        throw new ConfigurationException("state machine not configured");

      // If the transport is not configured, attempt to use the default Netty transport.
      if (serverTransport == null) {
        try {
          serverTransport = (Transport) Class.forName("io.atomix.catalyst.transport.netty.NettyTransport").newInstance(); //默认netty
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {
          throw new ConfigurationException("transport not configured");

      // If the client transport is not configured, default it to the server transport.
      if (clientTransport == null) {
        clientTransport = serverTransport;

      // If no serializer instance was provided, create one.
      if (serializer == null) {
        serializer = new Serializer(new PooledHeapAllocator());

      // Resolve serializable request/response and other types.
      serializer.resolve(new ClientRequestTypeResolver());
      serializer.resolve(new ClientResponseTypeResolver());
      serializer.resolve(new ProtocolSerialization());
      serializer.resolve(new ServerSerialization());
      serializer.resolve(new StorageSerialization());

      // If the storage is not configured, create a new Storage instance with the configured serializer.
      if (storage == null) {
        storage = new Storage(); //storage

      ConnectionManager connections = new ConnectionManager(serverTransport.client());
      ThreadContext threadContext = new SingleThreadContext(String.format("copycat-server-%s-%s", serverAddress, name), serializer); //单线程的TreadContext,对thread的简单封装,用于执行对statemachine的操作

      ServerContext context = new ServerContext(name, type, serverAddress, clientAddress, storage, serializer, stateMachineFactory, connections, threadContext); //封装成ServerContext

      return new CopycatServer(name, clientTransport, serverTransport, context);



public CompletableFuture<CopycatServer> bootstrap() {
return bootstrap(Collections.EMPTY_LIST); //仅仅拉起自己,所以参数是empty list


public CompletableFuture<CopycatServer> bootstrap(Collection<Address> cluster) {
return start(() -> cluster().bootstrap(cluster));
   * Starts the server.
  private CompletableFuture<CopycatServer> start(Supplier<CompletableFuture<Void>> joiner) {
    if (started)
      return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(this);

    if (openFuture == null) {
      synchronized (this) {
        if (openFuture == null) {
          Function<Void, CompletionStage<CopycatServer>> completionFunction = state -> {
            CompletableFuture<CopycatServer> future = new CompletableFuture<>();
            openFuture = null;
            joiner.get().whenComplete((result, error) -> { //处理joiner
              if (error == null) {
                if (cluster().leader() != null) {
                  started = true;
                } else {
                  electionListener = cluster().onLeaderElection(leader -> {
                    if (electionListener != null) {
                      started = true;
                      electionListener = null;
              } else {
            return future;

          if (closeFuture == null) {
            openFuture = listen().thenCompose(completionFunction); //listen
          } else {
            openFuture = closeFuture.thenCompose(c -> listen().thenCompose(completionFunction));



  public CompletableFuture<Void> bootstrap(Collection<Address> cluster) {
    if (joinFuture != null)
      return joinFuture;

    if (configuration == null) {
      if (member.type() != Member.Type.ACTIVE) {
        return Futures.exceptionalFuture(new IllegalStateException("only ACTIVE members can bootstrap the cluster"));
      } else {
        // Create a set of active members.
        Set<Member> activeMembers =
          .filter(m -> !m.equals(member.serverAddress()))
          .map(m -> new ServerMember(Member.Type.ACTIVE, m, null, member.updated()))

        // Add the local member to the set of active members.

        // Create a new configuration and store it on disk to ensure the cluster can fall back to the configuration.
        configure(new Configuration(0, 0, member.updated().toEpochMilli(), activeMembers));
    return join();



   * Starts listening the server.
  private CompletableFuture<Void> listen() {
    CompletableFuture<Void> future = new CompletableFuture<>();
    context.getThreadContext().executor().execute(() -> {
      internalServer.listen(cluster().member().serverAddress(), context::connectServer).whenComplete((internalResult, internalError) -> { //internalServer可能是local或是netty
        if (internalError == null) {
          // If the client address is different than the server address, start a separate client server.
          if (clientServer != null) {
            clientServer.listen(cluster().member().clientAddress(), context::connectClient).whenComplete((clientResult, clientError) -> { //和client沟通可能是不同的地址
              started = true;
          } else {
            started = true;
        } else {

    return future;


   * Handles a connection from a client.
  public void connectClient(Connection connection) {

    // Note we do not use method references here because the "state" variable changes over time.
    // We have to use lambdas to ensure the request handler points to the current state.
    connection.handler(RegisterRequest.class, request -> state.register(request));
    connection.handler(ConnectRequest.class, request -> state.connect(request, connection));
    connection.handler(KeepAliveRequest.class, request -> state.keepAlive(request));
    connection.handler(UnregisterRequest.class, request -> state.unregister(request));
    connection.handler(CommandRequest.class, request -> state.command(request));
    connection.handler(QueryRequest.class, request -> state.query(request));


   * Handles a connection from another server.
  public void connectServer(Connection connection) {

    // Handlers for all request types are registered since requests can be proxied between servers.
    // Note we do not use method references here because the "state" variable changes over time.
    // We have to use lambdas to ensure the request handler points to the current state.
    connection.handler(RegisterRequest.class, request -> state.register(request));
    connection.handler(ConnectRequest.class, request -> state.connect(request, connection));
    connection.handler(KeepAliveRequest.class, request -> state.keepAlive(request));
    connection.handler(UnregisterRequest.class, request -> state.unregister(request));
    connection.handler(PublishRequest.class, request -> state.publish(request));
    connection.handler(ConfigureRequest.class, request -> state.configure(request));
    connection.handler(InstallRequest.class, request -> state.install(request));
    connection.handler(JoinRequest.class, request -> state.join(request));
    connection.handler(ReconfigureRequest.class, request -> state.reconfigure(request));
    connection.handler(LeaveRequest.class, request -> state.leave(request));
    connection.handler(AppendRequest.class, request -> state.append(request));
    connection.handler(PollRequest.class, request -> state.poll(request));
    connection.handler(VoteRequest.class, request ->;
    connection.handler(CommandRequest.class, request -> state.command(request));
    connection.handler(QueryRequest.class, request -> state.query(request));




public CompletableFuture<CopycatServer> join(Collection<Address> cluster) {
    return start(() -> cluster().join(cluster));


  public synchronized CompletableFuture<Void> join(Collection<Address> cluster) {

    // If no configuration was loaded from disk, create a new configuration.
    if (configuration == null) { //当不存在configuration
      // Create a set of cluster members, excluding the local member which is joining a cluster.
      Set<Member> activeMembers =
        .filter(m -> !m.equals(member.serverAddress())) //过滤掉自己
        .map(m -> new ServerMember(Member.Type.ACTIVE, m, null, member.updated())) //创建ServerMember对象

      // If the set of members in the cluster is empty when the local member is excluded,
      // fail the join.
      if (activeMembers.isEmpty()) { //如果cluster为空
        return Futures.exceptionalFuture(new IllegalStateException("cannot join empty cluster"));

      // Create a new configuration and configure the cluster. Once the cluster is configured, the configuration
      // will be stored on disk to ensure the cluster can fall back to the provided configuration if necessary.
      configure(new Configuration(0, 0, member.updated().toEpochMilli(), activeMembers)); //让configuration生效
    return join();



   * Starts the join to the cluster.
  private synchronized CompletableFuture<Void> join() {
    joinFuture = new CompletableFuture<>();

    context.getThreadContext().executor().execute(() -> {
      // Transition the server to the appropriate state for the local member type.
      context.transition(member.type()); //将当前member transitioin到指定type

      // Attempt to join the cluster. If the local member is ACTIVE then failing to join the cluster
      // will result in the member attempting to get elected. This allows initial clusters to form.
      List<MemberState> activeMembers = getActiveMemberStates();
      if (!activeMembers.isEmpty()) {
        join(getActiveMemberStates().iterator()); //join 其他active members
      } else {

    return joinFuture.whenComplete((result, error) -> joinFuture = null);


   * Recursively attempts to join the cluster.
  private void join(Iterator<MemberState> iterator) {
    if (iterator.hasNext()) {
      joinTimeout = context.getThreadContext().schedule(context.getElectionTimeout().multipliedBy(2), () -> {
        join(iterator); //只要不成功,就会一直递归schedule join

      MemberState member =;
      LOGGER.debug("{} - Attempting to join via {}", member().address(), member.getMember().serverAddress());

      context.getConnections().getConnection(member.getMember().serverAddress()).thenCompose(connection -> {
        JoinRequest request = JoinRequest.builder()
          .withMember(new ServerMember(member().type(), member().serverAddress(), member().clientAddress(), member().updated()))
        return connection.<JoinRequest, JoinResponse>send(request); //发送join request
      }).whenComplete((response, error) -> {
        // Cancel the join timer.
        cancelJoinTimer(); //先cancel join timer

        if (error == null) { //join 成功
          if (response.status() == Response.Status.OK) {
  "{} - Successfully joined via {}", member().address(), member.getMember().serverAddress());

            Configuration configuration = new Configuration(response.index(), response.term(), response.timestamp(), response.members());

            // Configure the cluster with the join response.
            // Commit the configuration as we know it was committed via the successful join response.
            configure(configuration).commit(); //更新配置

          } else if (response.error() == null || response.error() == CopycatError.Type.CONFIGURATION_ERROR) {
            // If the response error is null, that indicates that no error occurred but the leader was
            // in a state that was incapable of handling the join request. Attempt to join the leader
            // again after an election timeout.
            LOGGER.debug("{} - Failed to join {}", member().address(), member.getMember().address());
          } else {
            // If the response error was non-null, attempt to join via the next server in the members list.
            LOGGER.debug("{} - Failed to join {}", member().address(), member.getMember().address());
        } else {
          LOGGER.debug("{} - Failed to join {}", member().address(), member.getMember().address());
    // If join attempts remain, schedule another attempt after two election timeouts. This allows enough time
    // for servers to potentially timeout and elect a leader.
    else {
      LOGGER.debug("{} - Failed to join cluster, retrying...", member.address());
      resetJoinTimer(); //如果遍历完还不成功,reset

对任何一个member,join成功,即可,因为join request无论发给谁,都会forward给leader

posted on 2017-02-24 16:53  fxjwind  阅读(494)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报