

WPF事件系统中还有一种事件被称为附加事件(Attached Event),简言之,它就是路由事件。“那为什么还要起个新名字呢?”你可能会问。


  • Binding类:SourceUpdated事件,TargetUpdated事件
  • Mouse类:MouseEnter事件、MouseLeave事件、MouseDown事件、MouseUp事件,等等
  • Keyboard类:KeyDown事件、KeyUp事件,等等




  1. public class Student 
  2.     // 声明并定义路由事件
  3.     public static readonly RoutedEvent NameChangedEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent 
  4.         ("NameChanged", RoutingStrategy.Bubble, typeof(RoutedEventHandler), typeof(Student)); 
  5.     public int Id { get; set; } 
  6.     public string Name { get; set; }         




  1. <Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.Window1"
  2.         xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
  3.         xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" Title="Attached Event"
  4.         Height="200" Width="200">
  5.     <Grid x:Name="gridMain">
  6.         <Button x:Name="button1" Content="OK" Width="80" Height="80"
  7.                 Click="Button_Click" />
  8.     </Grid>
  9. </Window>



  1. public partial class Window1 : Window 
  2.     public Window1() 
  3.     { 
  4.         InitializeComponent(); 
  5.         // 为外层Grid添加路由事件侦听器
  6.         this.gridMain.AddHandler( 
  7.             Student.NameChangedEvent, 
  8.             new RoutedEventHandler(this.StudentNameChangedHandler)); 
  9.     } 
  10.     // Click事件处理器
  11.     private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) 
  12.     { 
  13.         Student stu = new Student() { Id = 101, Name = "Tim" }; 
  14.         stu.Name = "Tom"; 
  15.         //  准备事件消息并发送路由事件
  16.         RoutedEventArgs arg = new RoutedEventArgs(Student.NameChangedEvent, stu); 
  17.         this.button1.RaiseEvent(arg); 
  18.     } 
  19.     // Grid捕捉到NameChangedEvent后的处理器
  20.     private void StudentNameChangedHandler(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) 
  21.     { 
  22.         MessageBox.Show((e.OriginalSource as Student).Id.ToString()); 
  23.     } 







  • 为目标UI元素添加附加事件侦听器的包装器是一个名为Add*Handlerpublic static方法,星号代表事件名称(与注册事件时的名称一致)。此方法接收两个参数,第一个参数是事件的侦听者(类型为DependencyObject),第二个参数为事件的处理器(RoutedEventHandler委托类型)。
  • 解除UI元素对附加事件侦听的包装器是名为Remove*Handlerpublic static方法,星号亦为事件名称,参数与Add*Handler一致。


  1. public class Student 
  2.     // 声明并定义路由事件
  3.     public static readonly RoutedEvent NameChangedEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent 
  4.         ("NameChanged", RoutingStrategy.Bubble, typeof(RoutedEventHandler), typeof(Student)); 
  5.     // 为界面元素添加路由事件侦听
  6.     public static void AddNameChangedHandler(DependencyObject d, RoutedEventHandler h) 
  7.     { 
  8.         UIElement e = d as UIElement; 
  9.         if (e != null) 
  10.         { 
  11.             e.AddHandler(Student.NameChangedEvent, h); 
  12.         } 
  13.     } 
  14.     // 移除侦听
  15.     public static void RemoveNameChangedHandler(DependencyObject d, RoutedEventHandler h) 
  16.     { 
  17.         UIElement e = d as UIElement; 
  18.         if (e != null) 
  19.         { 
  20.             e.RemoveHandler(Student.NameChangedEvent, h); 
  21.         } 
  22.     } 
  23.     public int Id { get; set; } 
  24.     public string Name { get; set; } 




  1. public Window1() 
  2.     InitializeComponent(); 
  3.     // 为外层Grid添加路由事件侦听器
  4.     Student.AddNameChangedHandler( 
  5.         this.gridMain, 
  6.         new RoutedEventHandler(this.StudentNameChangedHandler)); 







另附Apress之《Pro WPF in C# 2008》之原文,请大家通过甄别加深印象。亦请《Pro》一书的读者、译者加以注意。


Attached Events

The fancy label example is a fairly straightforward example of event bubbling because all the elements

support the MouseUp event. However, many controls have their own more specialized

events. The button is one example—it adds a Click event that isn’t defined by any base class.

This introduces an interesting dilemma. Imagine you wrap a stack of buttons in a Stack-

Panel. You want to handle all the button clicks in one event handler. The crude approach is to

attach the Click event of each button to the same event handler. But the Click event supports

event bubbling, which gives you a better option. You can handle all the button clicks by handling

the Click event at a higher level (such as the containing StackPanel).

Unfortunately, this apparently obvious code doesn’t work:

<StackPanel Click="DoSomething" Margin="5">

<Button Name="cmd1">Command 1</Button>

<Button Name="cmd2">Command 2</Button>

<Button Name="cmd3">Command 3</Button>



The problem is that the StackPanel doesn’t include a Click event, so this is interpreted by

the XAML parser as an error. The solution is to use a different attached-event syntax in the

form ClassName.EventName. Here’s the corrected example:


Button.Click="DoSomething" Margin="5"> 实际上这是添加路由事件处理函数,而非附加事件

<Button Name="cmd1">Command 1</Button>

<Button Name="cmd2">Command 2</Button>

<Button Name="cmd3">Command 3</Button>





The Click event is actually defined in the ButtonBase class and inherited by the Button class. If you

attach an event handler to ButtonBase.Click, that event handler will be used when any ButtonBase-derived

control is clicked (including the Button, RadioButton, and CheckBox classes). If you attach an event handler

to Button.Click, it’s only used for Button objects.


You can wire up an attached event in code, but you need to use the UIElement.

AddHandler() method rather than the += operator syntax. Here’s an example (which assumes

the StackPanel has been given the name pnlButtons):

pnlButtons.AddHandler(Button.Click, new RoutedEventHandler(DoSomething));

In the DoSomething() event handler you have several options for determining which button

fired the event. You can compare its text (which will cause problems for localization) or its

name (which is fragile because you won’t catch mistyped names when you build the application).

The best approach is to make sure each button has a Name property set in XAML, so

that you can access the corresponding object through a field in your window class and compare

that reference with the event sender. Here’s an example:

private void DoSomething(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


if (sender == cmd1)

{ ... }

else if (sender == cmd2)

{ ... }

else if (sender == cmd3)

{ ... }


Another option is to simply send a piece of information along with the button that you

can use in your code. For example, you could set the Tag property of each button, as shown


<StackPanel Click="DoSomething" Margin="5">

<Button Name="cmd1" Tag="The first button.">Command 1</Button>

<Button Name="cmd2" Tag="The second button.">Command 2</Button>

<Button Name="cmd3" Tag="The third button.">Command 3</Button>



You can then access the Tag property in your code:

private void DoSomething(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


object tag = ((FrameworkElement)sender).Tag;



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