【LeetCode】492. Construct the Rectangle 解题报告(Java & Python)

作者: 负雪明烛
id: fuxuemingzhu
个人博客: http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/



For a web developer, it is very important to know how to design a web page’s size. So, given a specific rectangular web page’s area, your job by now is to design a rectangular web page, whose length L and width W satisfy the following requirements:

1. The area of the rectangular web page you designed must equal to the given target area.

2. The width W should not be larger than the length L, which means L >= W.

3. The difference between length L and width W should be as small as possible.

You need to output the length L and the width W of the web page you designed in sequence.

Example :

Input: 4
Output: [2, 2]
Explanation: The target area is 4, and all the possible ways to construct it are [1,4], [2,2], [4,1]. 
But according to requirement 2, [1,4] is illegal; according to requirement 3,  [4,1] is not optimal compared to [2,2]. So the length L is 2, and the width W is 2.


现在要设计一个矩形网页,要求其面积是area,并且要求这个矩形的L >= W,返回L和W尽可能接*的矩形。






public class Solution {
    public int[] constructRectangle(int area) {
        double sqrt = Math.sqrt(area);
        int int_sqrt = (int) sqrt;
        int []answer = new int[2];
        if(int_sqrt * int_sqrt == area){
            answer[0] = int_sqrt;
            answer[1] = int_sqrt;
            for(int i= int_sqrt; i >= 1; i--){
                if(area % i == 0){
                    answer[0] = area / i;
                    answer[1] = i;
        return answer;


public class Solution {
    public int[] constructRectangle(int area) {
        int w = (int) Math.sqrt(area);
        while(area % w != 0){
        return new int[]{area / w, w};


class Solution(object):
    def constructRectangle(self, area):
        :type area: int
        :rtype: List[int]
        sqrt = int(math.sqrt(area))
        for w in range(sqrt, 0, -1):
            if area % w == 0:
                return [area / w, w]
        return [area, 1]


2017 年 4 月 3 日
2018 年 11 月 15 日 —— 时间太快,不忍直视

posted @ 2017-04-03 11:45  负雪明烛  阅读(24)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报