create view testview
聚集索引 表中数据行的物理存储顺序与索引顺序完全相同
非聚集索引 不改变表中数据行的物理存储顺序,数据与索引分开存储,索引中仅包含 索引值和指向数据行的指针
create unique clustered index ix_briday on dbo.stu --nonclustered
id asc
sp_helpindex stu
exec sp_rename 'stu.new_index_name','index_test','index'
drop index stu.index_test
set showplan_all on --off
check 约束
create table teacher( id int not null primary key, name char(10), sex char(2) check(sex in ('男','女')) ) alter table teacher add age int null alter table teacher add constraint ck_age check (age>=0 and age<=100) alter table teacher drop constraint ck_age
规则很少用 rule
use test go create table teacher( id char(6) not null, name char(16) not null, nation char(10) not null, sex char(2) not null,--default '男' price int constraint max_price check(price<=20) constraint sex default '男' ) alter table teacher add default '汉族' for nation alter table teacher add zzmm char(4) not null constraint name default '李明' --with values alter table teacher drop constraint name create default mz_default as '汉族' exec sp_binddefault 'mz_default','stu.nation' exec sp_addtype sex,'cahr(2)','null' if exists(select name from sysobjects where name ='xb_default' and type ='D') BEGIN EXEC sp_unbindefault 'sex' drop default xb_default END
create table book( 书号 char(6), 类型 char(20), 价格 int constraint max_price1 check (价格<=200) ) use test go create rule type_rule as @类型 in('计算机','科普','文学') go use test go exec sp_bindrule 'type_rule','book.类型' go exec sp_unbindrule 'book.类型' drop rule type_rule alter table book add constraint booktype default 'new book' for 类型 alter table book drop constraint booktype use test go create default day as 'getdate()' go alter table book add 入学时间 datetime null exec sp_bindefault 'day','book.入学时间' exec sp_addtype today,'datetime','null' exec sp_bindefault 'day','today' alter table book add 购书时间 today null exec sp_unbindefault 'book.入学时间' exec sp_unbindefault 'today'
create table stu(id int not null constraint xh_pk primary key) alter table student add constraint kcb_pk primary key clustered(stuid) alter table kcxx drop constraint kcb_pk create table table_name( id int not null constraint xh_pk primary key, name char(8) not null, IDCard int constraint sfzh_uk unique ) alter table kcxx add constraint cbh_uk unique nonclustered(id) alter table table_name drop constraint kcb_uk create table xsda( 学号 char(6) not null constraint xh_pk primary key, 姓名 char(8) not null ) create table xscj( 学号 char(6) not null foreign key refeRences xsda(学号) ) alter table xscj add constraint kc_foreign foreign key(课程编号) references kcxx(课程编号) alter table xscj drop constraint kc_foreign
use test
declare @name char(6)
set @name =(select top 1 name from xsda)
select @name
select @@connections,@@rowcount,@@error,@@procid,@@remserver,@@servername,@@version,@@language,@@max_connections