随笔分类 - 动态规划-其他知识点+DP
摘要:CF187B AlgoRace 洛谷传送门 题意翻译 有nn 个城市,两两之间有直接连边,还有mm 辆车。 已知这mm 辆车在(i,j)(i,j) 边上需要w_{i,j}w**i,j 的时间,但是你可以在到达一个城市之后选择换车,换车视为瞬间完成。对于每组询问(s,t,k)(s,t,k) ,求s\t
摘要:CF1252J Tiling Terrace "洛谷评测传送门" 题目描述 Talia has just bought an abandoned house in the outskirt of Jakarta. The house has a nice and long yard which ca
摘要:CF358D Dima and Hares "洛谷评测传送门" 题目描述 Dima liked the present he got from Inna very much. He liked the present he got from Seryozha even more. Dima felt
摘要:CF261E Maxim and Calculator "洛谷评测传送门" 题目描述 Maxim has got a calculator. The calculator has two integer cells. Initially, the first cell contains number
摘要:洛谷 P2672 推销员 "洛谷传送门" JDOJ 2994: [NOIP2015]推销员 T4 "JDOJ传送门" Description 阿明是一名推销员,他奉命到螺丝街推销他们公司的产品。螺丝街是一条死胡同,出口与入口是同一个,街道的一侧是围墙,另一侧是住户。螺丝街一共有N家住户,第i家住户到