package skiplist_m; /****************************************************************************** * AbstractSortedSet * * * * Extends AbstractSet and implements SortedSet, and contains stub methods * * * * View README file for information about this project. * * View LICENSE file for license information. * ******************************************************************************/ import java.util.*; abstract class AbstractSortedSet<E> extends AbstractSet<E> implements SortedSet<E> { public E first() { return null; } public E last() { return null; } public Iterator<E> iterator() { return null; } public SortedSet<E> headSet(E toElement) { return null; } public SortedSet<E> tailSet(E fromElement) { return null; } public SortedSet<E> subSet(E fromElement, E toElement) { return null; } public Comparator<? super E> comparator() { return null; // uses natural ordering } }
package skiplist_m; /****************************************************************************** * Skiplist * * * * View README file for information about this project. * * View LICENSE file for license information. * ******************************************************************************/ import java.util.Iterator; public class SkipList<E extends Comparable<E>> extends AbstractSortedSet<E> { private SkipListNode<E> head; private int maxLevel; private int size; private static final double PROBABILITY = 0.5; public SkipList() { size = 0; maxLevel = 0; // a SkipListNode with value null marks the beginning head = new SkipListNode<E>(null); // null marks the end head.nextNodes.add(null); } public SkipListNode getHead() { return head; } // Adds e to the skiplist. // Returns false if already in skiplist, true otherwise. public boolean add(E e) { if(contains(e)) return false; size++; // random number from 0 to maxLevel+1 (inclusive) int level = 0; while (Math.random() < PROBABILITY) level++; while(level > maxLevel) { // should only happen once head.nextNodes.add(null); maxLevel++; } SkipListNode newNode = new SkipListNode<E>(e); SkipListNode current = head; do { current = findNext(e,current,level); newNode.nextNodes.add(0,current.nextNodes.get(level)); current.nextNodes.set(level,newNode); } while (level-- > 0); return true; } // Returns the skiplist node with greatest value <= e private SkipListNode find(E e) { return find(e,head,maxLevel); } // Returns the skiplist node with greatest value <= e // Starts at node start and level private SkipListNode find(E e, SkipListNode current, int level) { do { current = findNext(e,current,level); } while(level-- > 0); return current; } // Returns the node at a given level with highest value less than e private SkipListNode findNext(E e, SkipListNode current, int level) { SkipListNode next = (SkipListNode)current.nextNodes.get(level); while(next != null) { E value = (E)next.getValue(); if(lessThan(e,value)) // e < value break; current = next; next = (SkipListNode)current.nextNodes.get(level); } return current; } public int size() { return size; } public boolean contains(Object o) { E e = (E)o; SkipListNode node = find(e); return node != null && node.getValue() != null && equalTo((E)node.getValue(),e); } public Iterator<E> iterator() { return new SkipListIterator(this); } /****************************************************************************** * Utility Functions * ******************************************************************************/ private boolean lessThan(E a, E b) { return a.compareTo(b) < 0; } private boolean equalTo(E a, E b) { return a.compareTo(b) == 0; } private boolean greaterThan(E a, E b) { return a.compareTo(b) > 0; } /****************************************************************************** * Testing * ******************************************************************************/ public static void main(String[] args) { SkipList testList = new SkipList<Integer>(); System.out.println(testList); testList.add(4); System.out.println(testList); testList.add(1); System.out.println(testList); testList.add(2); System.out.println(testList); testList = new SkipList<String>(); System.out.println(testList); testList.add("hello"); System.out.println(testList); testList.add("beautiful"); System.out.println(testList); testList.add("world"); System.out.println(testList); } public String toString() { String s = "SkipList: "; for(Object o : this) s += o + ", "; return s.substring(0,s.length()-2); } }
package skiplist_m; /****************************************************************************** * SkipListIterator * * * * View README file for information about this project. * * View LICENSE file for license information. * ******************************************************************************/ import java.util.*; public class SkipListIterator<E extends Comparable<E>> implements Iterator<E> { SkipList<E> list; SkipListNode<E> current; public SkipListIterator(SkipList<E> list) { this.list = list; this.current = list.getHead(); } public boolean hasNext() { return current.nextNodes.get(0) != null; } public E next() { current = (SkipListNode<E>)current.nextNodes.get(0); return (E)current.getValue(); } public void remove() throws UnsupportedOperationException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }
package skiplist_m; /****************************************************************************** * SkipListNode * * * * View README file for information about this project. * * View LICENSE file for license information. * ******************************************************************************/ import java.util.*; public class SkipListNode<E> { private E value; public List<SkipListNode<E> > nextNodes; public E getValue() { return value; } public SkipListNode(E value) { this.value = value; nextNodes = new ArrayList<SkipListNode<E> >(); } public int level() { return nextNodes.size()-1; } public String toString() { return "SLN: " + value; } }