function KMP(s, m, p, n) { if (n == 0 || m == 0) return; split(s, str, ""); split(p, pattern, ""); # https://www.tutorialspoint.com/awk/awk_string_functions.htm # split返回的数组,[0]是"",所以下面是PASCAL版。可以用个for循环把str[1:]复制到新数组换0-based版 # https://blog.csdn.net/idler/article/details/4846 i = 1; j = 0; while (i < n) { if (j == 0 || pattern[j] == pattern[i]) na[++i] = ++j; else j = na[j]; } for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) printf("%d", na[i]); print; for (i = j = 1; i <= m;) { if (j == 0 || pattern[j] == str[i]) { ++i; ++j; } else j = na[j]; if (j > n) { printf("%d\n", i - n - 1); j = 1; } } } BEGIN { _str = "AABACAABAAAABAA12345AABAA"; _ptn = "AABAA"; m = length(_str); n = length(_ptn); # m长得像nn, 所以比较长 KMP(_str, m, _ptn, n); } # 01212 # 12345 # AAAB... # AAB # i=j=3, na[3]=2 # AAB (12345这样的pattern, KMP优势明显,next里的数越小滑动越远)
BEGIN { str = "a b\tc de" # 语句不用;结尾 split(str, ary, "[ \t]+") # C还得用外部库 for (i in ary) printf("%d %s\n", i, ary[i]) print # 比puts(""); 短 for (i = 0; i < length(ary); i++) printf("%d %s\n", i, ary[i]) ary["tom"] = "cat"; ary[3.14] = 5678 # 关联数组/map print; print(ary["tom"], ary[3.14]) }
function factorial(n, i) { # i是"局部"变量,调用时不用传递。 if (n == 0) return 1; m = i = n; t = n * factorial(n - 1); print(m, i); return t; } BEGIN { printf("%d", factorial(3)); }
func factorial(n) local i, j { if (n == 0) return 1; m = i = j = n; t = n * factorial(n - 1); print(m, i, j); return t; } BEGIN { n = input("n="); printf("%d", factorial(n)); } awkgram.y: LEX_FUNCTION func_name '(' opt_param_list ')' LEX_LOCAL param_list { if (install_function($2->lextok, $1, param_merge($4, $7)) < 0) YYABORT; } static INSTRUCTION* param_merge(INSTRUCTION* l1, INSTRUCTION* l2) { int n = l1->lasti->param_count; l1 = list_merge(l1, l2); l1->lasti->param_count += (1 + n); return l1; } eval.c: case Op_func_call: if (strcmp(pc->func_name, "input") == 0) { char s[512]; NODE* prompt = POP(); printf("%s", prompt->stptr); gets(s); PUSH(make_string(s, strlen(s))); break; }
LEX_FOR '(' opt_simple_stmt ';' opt_newlines ';' opt_newlines opt_simple_stmt ')' opt_newlines statement
l_brace : '{' opt_newlines ;和r_brace : '}' opt_newlines { yyerrok; } ; 如之奈何?
一个C(不是C++)的语法检查(没有代码生成也不是lint),.y文件会比1307行(%%所在的行)少好几百行,比我过去想象的短很多。日均代码不用万行,千行就可声称迈出了写C编译器的一大步。:-) 以上说法比较极端,因为没有考虑struct, typedef等等。宏则是预处理器的任务。
/* tail recursion optimization */ tail_optimize = ((pc + 1)->tail_call && do_optimize > 1 && !do_debug && !do_profile); if (tail_optimize) { /* free local vars of calling frame */ 说不定5.0还Just in time编译哩。
# 二维数组需awk 4.0 function fen_atoi(c) { switch (toupper(c)) { case "K": return 0; case "A": return 1; case "B": return 2; case "N": return 3; case "R": return 4; case "C": return 5; case "P": return 6; default: throw 0; return -1; # throw: untyped variable } } function FromFEN(str) { split(str, s, ""); i = 1; for (y = x = 0; c = s[i++];) { if (c == "/") { x = 0; ++y } else if (c >= "1" && c <= "9") x += c - "0"; else { if (y > 9 || x > 8 || y < 0 || x < 0) throw 1; _brd[y][x++] = (c >= "a" ? 8 : 1) + fen_atoi(c); } } } BEGIN { #print(fen_atoi("0")); FromFEN("rnbakabnr/9/1c5c1/p1p1p1p1p/9/9/P1P1P1P1P/1C5C1/9/RNBAKABNR"); print("123456789"); Z = "·帅仕相马车砲兵將士象马车炮卒"; # ·的下标是1, PASCAL范 for (y = 0; y < 10; y++) { for (x = 0; x < 9; x++) { printf("%s", substr(Z, _brd[y][x] + 1, 1)); } print; } print("九八七六五四三二一"); }
① D:\>gawk -f 2darray.awk
gawk: 2darray.awk:26: fatal: print to "standard output" failed (No space left on device)
[bug-gawk] fatal: print to "standard output" failed (Broken pipe) Ignore EPIPE on stdout if write error.
可通过重定向解决。如:gawk -f 2darray.awk >t.txt
② 以上文件用GBK编码,在中文Windows下无需特殊设置。
解决了一例awk中substr处理汉字字符串的bug 设置LANG为zh_CN.gbk比较保险。Windows下set var=value,Linux下export var=value
- The_AWK_Programming_Language_zh_CN.pdf
- awk, nawk, gawk and mawk
- Network programming 101 with GAWK
- gawk-3.1.6.exe 345KB gawk-4.0.0.exe 461KB
- MinGW.org GCC-6.3.0-1, 含flex, bison, autoconf, automake... 不含g++和gdb,整个占277MB
- gcc 10.3.0 (tdm-1), 只有gcc, g++和gdb,整个占342MB
- gawk 4.0.1的源码(清减版)