
Climate is the long-term average of weather, typically averaged over a period of 30 years. More rigorously, it denotes the mean and variability of meteorological variables over a time spanning from months to millions of years. Some of the meteorological variables that are commonly measured are temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind, and precipitation [降雨量. perspiration=sweat]. In a broader sense, climate is the state of the components of the climate system, which includes the ocean and ice on Earth. The climate of a location is affected by its latitude, terrain, and altitude, as well as nearby water bodies and their currents.

Climates can be classified according to the average and the typical ranges of different variables, most commonly temperature and precipitation. The most commonly used classification scheme was the Köppen climate classification. The Thornthwaite system, in use since 1948, incorporates evapotranspiration [蒸散量] along with temperature and precipitation information and is used in studying biological diversity and how climate change affects it. The Bergeron and Spatial Synoptic Classification systems focus on the origin of air masses that define the climate of a region.


Definition of synoptic:

  1. affording a general view of a whole.
  2. manifesting or characterized by comprehensiveness or breadth of view.
  3. presenting or taking the same or common view specifically, often capitalized : of or relating to the first three Gospels of the New Testament.

Paleoclimatology is the study of ancient climates. Since very few direct observations of climate are available before the 19th century, paleoclimates are inferred from proxy variables that include non-biotic evidence such as sediments found in lake beds and ice cores, and biotic evidence such as tree rings and coral. Climate models are mathematical models of past, present and future climates. Climate change may occur over long and short timescales from a variety of factors; recent warming is discussed in global warming. Global warming results in redistributions. For example, "a 3°C change in mean annual temperature corresponds to a shift in isotherms [等温线: 温度值相同各点的连线] of approximately 300–400 km in latitude (in the temperate zone) or 500 m in elevation. Therefore, species are expected to move upwards in elevation or towards the poles in latitude in response to shifting climate zones".

Palaeontology/paleontology is the study of fossils as a guide to the history of life on earth. [Date: 1800-1900; Origin: paleo- + Greek onta 'living things' + English -ology]

paleo- relating to very ancient times [Language: Greek; Origin: palaio- 'ancient', from palai 'long ago']

六级/考研单词: rigor, denote, invariable, span, million, humid, component, affection, latitude, terrain, altitude, nearby, classify, accord, diverse, manifest, comprehensive, seldom, gospel, infer, coral, mathematics, globe, correspond, elevate, thereby, upward, fossil

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