

calorie [牛津词典]:

  1. unit for measuring a quantity of heat 卡路里, 卡(热量单位)
  2. unit for measuring the energy value of food 大卡, 千卡(食物含能量的热值单位)

百科:For historical reasons, two main definitions of calorie are in wide use. The small calorie or gram calorie (usually denoted cal) is the amount of heat energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius (or one kelvin).

The large calorie, food calorie, or kilocalorie (Cal, calorie or kcal), most widely used in nutrition, is the amount of heat needed to cause the same increase in one kilogram of water. Thus, 1 kilocalorie (kcal) = 1000 calories (cal). By convention in food science, the large calorie is commonly called Calorie (with a capital C by some authors to distinguish from the smaller unit).

Calorie is regarded as obsolete within the scientific community, since the adoption of the SI system [国际单位制]. The SI unit of energy is the joule [焦耳]. One calorie is defined as exactly 4.184 J, and one Calorie (kilocalorie) is 4184 J.

The modern (small) calorie is defined as the amount of energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 °C (or 1 K, which is the same increment). The definition depends on the atmospheric pressure and the starting temperature. Thermochemical calorie ≡ 4.184 J; 4 °C calorie ≈ 4.204 J; 15 °C calorie ≈ 4.1855 J...

普遍成年人每天需要多少热量? - (zhihu.com)

  • 马真帅, 男, 21, 73 公斤, 175 厘米, 每周踢1次足球,3次广场舞,需要2758大卡。
  • 29岁 1.75m, 90kg宅男需要 10 x 体重(kg)+ 6.25 x 身高(cm) - 5 x 年龄 + 5 = 1853.75大卡。


冬运会:如何看懂越野滑雪--体育--人民网 (people.com.cn)

30公里/1小时16分9秒8 ≈ 23.68 km/s,  一小时1560大卡,数据对的上号。赵嘉文训练完后累坏了。在下骑山地自行车挂3x9档,最高冲到33km/s, 保持27km/s压力很大,20~25km/s能骑得比较远。

某人体重60公斤,长跑1小时,速度是3分钟/400米或8公里/小时,那么他跑步过程中消耗的热量=60×1×30/3=600kcal(千卡) [link] 步行是5km/s, 休闲式骑车是15km/s.


一杯可乐大约300ml,热量约为120千卡或者大卡,一瓶正常规格的可乐500ml,热量大概200多千卡或者大卡。 可乐每100ml含碳水化合物10g多,热量190千焦左右,相当于40多千卡或者大卡。

一克脂肪是9 kcal, 一盎司(28.35g)的糖含约100大卡的热量,  一克糖3.527千卡。An average potato has about 90 大卡。.

一小时1560大卡, 1560 * 4184 / 3600 = 1813W = 2.4174马力。马的耐力真的不如人吗? - 知乎

Horsepower (hp) is a unit of measurement of power, or the rate at which work is done, usually in reference to the output of engines or motors. There are many different standards and types of horsepower. Two common definitions used today are the mechanical horsepower (or imperial horsepower), which is about 745.7 watts, and the metric horsepower, which is approximately 735.5 watts. The term was adopted in the late 18th century by Scottish engineer James Watt to compare the output of steam engines with the power of draft horses. It was later expanded to include the output power of other types of piston engines, as well as turbines, electric motors and other machinery.


RTX 3090的功耗是350W. 显卡功耗天梯图2022_显卡功耗排行2022_U教授 (ujiaoshou.com)

posted @ 2022-03-03 20:42  Fun_with_Words  阅读(239)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
