
A broker is a person or firm who arranges transactions between a buyer and a seller for a commission when the deal is executed. A broker who also acts as a seller or as a buyer becomes a principal party to the deal. Neither role should be confused with that of an agent—one who acts on behalf of a principal party in a deal. 经纪人是指在交易执行时安排买卖双方之间的交易以获得佣金的人或公司。同时充当卖方或买方的经纪人成为交易的主要当事人。这两个角色都不应与代理人混淆,后者在交易中代表委托方行事。

掮客qiánkè是以独立第三者的立场,媒介他人间商业上的交易,而收取佣金的中间商人。掮:用肩扛东西。The word "broker" derives from Old French broceur "small trader", of uncertain origin, but possibly from Old French brocheor meaning "wine retailer", which comes from the verb brochier, or "to broach [开孔] (a keg [小酒桶])". 不是抗酒桶。

Brokers are expected to have the tools and resources to reach the largest possible base of buyers and sellers. They then screen these potential buyers or sellers for the perfect match. An individual producer, on the other hand, especially one new in the market, probably will not have the same access to customers as a broker. Another benefit of using a broker is cost—they might be cheaper in smaller markets, with smaller accounts, or with a limited line of products. 经纪人有望拥有工具和资源,接触到最大可能的买家和卖家群体。然后,他们会筛选这些潜在的买家或卖家,寻找完美的匹配。另一方面,单个生产商,尤其是市场上的新生产商,可能无法像经纪人一样接触客户。使用经纪人的另一个好处是成本——在较小的市场、较小的账户或有限的产品线中,他们可能会更便宜。

Some brokers, known as discount brokers, charge smaller commission, sometimes in exchange for offering less advice or services than full service brokerage firms. 一些被称为折扣经纪人的经纪人收取较少的佣金,有时是为了换取比全方位服务的经纪公司提供更少的建议或服务。

A broker-dealer is a broker that transacts for its own account, in addition to facilitating transactions for clients. 经纪交易商是指除了为客户提供交易便利之外,还为自己的账户进行交易的经纪人。

Brokerage firms are generally subject to regulations based on the type of brokerage and jurisdictions in which they operate. Examples of brokerage firm regulatory agencies include the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), which regulate stockbrokers in the United States. 经纪公司通常根据其经营的经纪业务类型和管辖区受到监管。经纪公司监管机构的例子包括美国证券交易委员会和金融业监管局(FINRA),它们监管美国的股票经纪人。


  • "At Elmwood, which is currently open for pickup and delivery only, co-owners Chris Kelling and Adam Altnether chose to add a 19 percent service charge to all orders." 这话的意思好像是:点30美元的餐,加收5.7元,这钱骑手拿多少没说。
  • 麦当劳现在(2019.2.15)配送费是9元,有8.5元是给顺丰小哥的,有0.5是给顺丰平台。[出处] 0.5/8.5 = 5.88%.
  • 美团抽取快送商家18%个点的订单抽成,最低一单抽2.5元,另外美团会为快送商家提供动态平台补贴及各种补贴;美团抽取众包商家5%个点的订单抽成。只有宵夜补贴1元。(22点以后开始宵夜补贴)[出处] 骑手拿多少没说。
  • 这个就很高了。10.5/5=210%.
  • 此次AI峰会上,美团云宣布新增两款高性能AI云主机——基于最新Intel® Xeon Phi™的云主机以及V100云主机,进一步夯实AI计算能力,为用户提供更多选择。[link]
  • CPU INTEL XEON Phi™ 7235, SVLCLGA3647-1, 1.30 GHz, 32MB L2, 64/254, tray (bez chladiče) New arrival Processor type:Server; Processor type:Intel Xeon; Number of Cores:65; Cache Size L2:32 MB Your price: 1 085,71 €  (欧元)

如此如何?1. 接入平台像手机基础费,按月交点钱;2. 配送费商家指定。可以选择奶茶50一杯,给平台40,走网红路线;也可以选择烤羊腿60一份,给平台1元,骑手9元,走回头客路线。可设置骑手黑白名单。平台有搜索排序的自由。3. 一些便利店有站立式餐台。餐厅可外卖为主带站立式堂食(做demo)。

数字和网络时代,国家提供多层云。最底层是电,接下来网络(ip),接下来文件系统、hypervisor等。每层都有几家公司竞争,不能像几十年前国营商店规定不得打骂顾客。:-) 再往上如国产数据库有多家,可(部分)使用底层云,不仅卖数据库本身,而且卖技术支持,开展多样化特色化的竞争。


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