
TinyEMU (bellard.org) is a system emulator for the RISC-V and x86 architectures. Its purpose is to be small and simple while being complete.

RISC-V vs Cortex-M CoreMark 跑分对比 - 知乎

兆易创新 (gd32mcu.com)

痞子衡嵌入式:对比MbedTLS算法库纯软件实现与i.MXRT上DCP,CAAM硬件加速器实现性能差异 - 痞子衡 - 博客园

i.MX RT1060 | Crossover MCU with ARM Cortex-M7, 1 MB SRAM | NXP Semiconductors

microcontroller - What is DMIPS/MHz? - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange

CPU性能测试——CoreMark篇 - Imagine_Miracle - 博客园

risc-v自定义指令  RISC-V 自定义指令如何保持软件的兼容性? gcc不支持不要紧,可以用汇编写。:-) 查看ipp的(汇编)代码,(amd) hippify下,或者改汇编器。

 蜂鸟E203开源RISC-V开发板 - CSDN博客

它不仅是一块FPGA开发板,而且也是一块MCU开发板: 预烧了蜂鸟E203开源SoC (System on Chip). 

随着《手把手教你设计CPU——RISC-V处理器篇》的面世,越来越多的爱好者开始使用开源的蜂鸟E203 RISC-V处理核。

芯来一分钱计划_专业RISC-V处理器IP和芯片解决方案公司 (nucleisys.com)


E203 蜂鸟 RISC-V处理器代码阅读笔记 之指令译码模块 - CSDN博客

《CPU设计实战 》汪文祥 邢金璋 著 - 京东图书  69.3元就能学到流水线和双发射了,pdd上18.8元!不发货如之奈何

K210快速上手教程(色块、人脸、声源识别等)- CSDN博客 K210功能强大又不贵,但不是FPGA板。

RT-Thread, RTOS, 物联网操作系统  RT-Thread | An Open Source Embedded Real-time Operating System

MicroPython is a lean and efficient implementation of the Python 3 programming language that includes a small subset of the Python standard library and is optimised to run on microcontrollers and in constrained environments.

The MicroPython pyboard is a compact electronic circuit board that runs MicroPython on the bare metal, giving you a low-level Python operating system that can be used to control all kinds of electronic projects.

micropython-1.17.tar.xz (54MiB) 源码可不micro. Python 3.9.0 for Windows 52.1MB. 不过MicroPython像是操作系统和python二合一。MicroPython支持线程。

posted @ 2022-01-08 19:09  Fun_with_Words  阅读(672)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
