Karnaugh Map Solver ( 最多10个变量,有js源码. 在右下角表里点,f会变。

class Petrick { constructor(minterms, maxterms, dontCares, dimension, variableNames, returnName) { this.minterms = minterms; this.maxterms = maxterms; this.dontCares = dontCares; this.dimension = dimension; this.variableNames = variableNames; this.returnName = returnName; } getMinterms() { return this.minterms; } getDontCares() { return this.dontCares; } getMaxterms() { return this.maxterms; } getDimension() { return this.dimension; } getVariableNames() { return this.variableNames; } getReturnName() { return this.returnName; } setMinterms(minterms) { this.minterms = minterms; } setMaxterms(maxterms) { this.maxterms = maxterms; } setDontCares(dontCares) { this.dontCares = dontCares; } setDimension(dimension) { this.dimension = dimension; } setVariableNames(variableNames) { this.variableNames = variableNames; } setReturnName(returnName) { this.returnName = returnName; } calculateSOPEssentials() { let allTerms = this.minterms.concat(this.dontCares); this.sopEssentials = new Array(); let groups = this.groupTerms(allTerms, true); let reducedGroups = this.reduceGroupedTerms(groups, true).slice(0, -1); let primeImplicants = this.getPrimeImplicants(reducedGroups); let columns = this.getColumns(primeImplicants, true); let reducedColumns = this.reduceColumns(columns); this.sopEssentials = this.sopEssentials.concat(this.getEssentialImplicants(reducedColumns)); } calculatePOSEssentials() { let allTerms = this.maxterms.concat(this.dontCares); this.posEssentials = new Array(); let groups = this.groupTerms(allTerms, false); let reducedGroups = this.reduceGroupedTerms(groups, false).slice(0, -1); let primeImplicants = this.getPrimeImplicants(reducedGroups); let columns = this.getColumns(primeImplicants, false); let reducedColumns = this.reduceColumns(columns); this.posEssentials = this.posEssentials.concat(this.getEssentialImplicants(reducedColumns)); } getSOPEssentials() { let essArr = new Array(); for (let t of this.sopEssentials) { essArr.push(t.getTerms()); } return essArr; } getPOSEssentials() { let essArr = new Array(); for (let t of this.posEssentials) { essArr.push(t.getTerms()); } return essArr; } getSOPGeneric() { let output = this.returnName + "(" + this.variableNames.join(", ") + ") = "; if (this.sopEssentials.length == 0) return output + "0"; if (this.sopEssentials.length == 1 && (this.sopEssentials[0].getBinaryRep() == "-".repeat(this.dimension))) return output + "1"; for (let e of this.sopEssentials) { let entryString = e.getBinaryRep(); for (let i = 0; i < entryString.length; i++) { let c = entryString[i]; if (c == "0") output += this.variableNames[i] + '\''; else if (c == "1") output += this.variableNames[i]; } output += " + "; } return output.slice(0, -3); } getPOSGeneric() { let output = `${this.returnName}(${this.variableNames.join(", ")}) = `; if (this.posEssentials.length == 0) return output + "1"; if (this.posEssentials.length == 1 && (this.posEssentials[0].getBinaryRep() == "-".repeat(this.dimension))) return output + "0"; for (let e of this.posEssentials) { output += "("; let entryString = e.getBinaryRep(); for (let i = 0; i < entryString.length; i++) { let c = entryString[i]; if (c == "0") output += this.variableNames[i] + " + "; else if (c == "1") output += this.variableNames[i] + '\' + '; } output = output.slice(0, -3) + ")"; } return output; } getSOPVhdl() { let output = this.returnName + " <= "; if (this.sopEssentials.length == 0) return output + "0;"; else if (this.sopEssentials.length == 1 && (this.sopEssentials[0].getBinaryRep() == "-".repeat(this.dimension))) return output + "1;"; output += "("; for (let e of this.sopEssentials) { let entryString = e.getBinaryRep(); for (let i = 0; i < entryString.length; i++) { let c = entryString[i]; let varName = this.variableNames[i]; if (c == "0") output += "not " + varName + " and "; else if (c == "1") output += varName + " and "; } output = output.slice(0, -5) + ") or ("; } output = output.slice(0, -5) + ";"; return output; } getPOSVhdl() { let output = `${this.returnName} <= `; if (this.posEssentials.length == 0) return output + "1;"; if (this.posEssentials.length == 1 && (this.posEssentials[0].getBinaryRep() == "-".repeat(this.dimension))) return output + "0;"; for (let e of this.posEssentials) { output += "("; let entryString = e.getBinaryRep(); for (let i = 0; i < entryString.length; i++) { let c = entryString[i]; if (c == "0") output += this.variableNames[i] + ' or '; else if (c == "1") output += 'not ' + this.variableNames[i] + ' or '; } output = output.slice(0, -4) + ") and "; } return output.slice(0, -5) + ";"; } getSOPVerilog() { let output = "assign " + this.returnName + " = "; if (this.sopEssentials.length == 0) return output + "0;"; else if (this.sopEssentials.length == 1 && (this.sopEssentials[0].getBinaryRep() == "-".repeat(this.dimension))) return output + "1;"; output += "("; for (let e of this.sopEssentials) { let entryString = e.getBinaryRep(); for (let i = 0; i < entryString.length; i++) { let c = entryString[i]; let varName = this.variableNames[i]; if (c == "0") output += "~" + varName + " & "; else if (c == "1") output += varName + " & "; } output = output.slice(0, -3) + ") | ("; } output = output.slice(0, -4) + ";"; return output; } getPOSVerilog() { let output = "assign " + this.returnName + " = "; if (this.posEssentials.length == 0) return output + "1;"; else if (this.posEssentials.length == 1 && (this.posEssentials[0].getBinaryRep() == "-".repeat(this.dimension))) return output + "0;"; output += "("; for (let e of this.posEssentials) { let entryString = e.getBinaryRep(); for (let i = 0; i < entryString.length; i++) { let c = entryString[i]; let varName = this.variableNames[i]; if (c == "0") output += varName + " | "; else if (c == "1") output += "~" + varName + " | "; } output = output.slice(0, -3) + ") & ("; } output = output.slice(0, -4) + ";"; return output; } groupTerms(terms, sop) { let groups = this.createGroupsArray(); for (let i = 0; i < terms.length; i++) { let term = terms[i]; let num1s = this.numberOf(term, sop); groups[num1s].push(new TableEntry([term], this.dimension)); } return groups; } reduceGroupedTerms(groupedTerms, sop) { let groups = this.createGroupsArray(); let mergedEntries = this.createGroupsArray(); let cont = false; for (let i = 0; i < groupedTerms.length - 1; i++) { for (let j = i + 1; j < groupedTerms.length; j++) { for (let k = 0; k < groupedTerms[i].length; k++) { for (let l = 0; l < groupedTerms[j].length; l++) { let merged = false; let t1 = groupedTerms[i][k]; let t2 = groupedTerms[j][l]; merged = this.checkTableEntries(t1, t2, groups, sop); if (merged) { mergedEntries[i].push(t1); mergedEntries[j].push(t2); } cont = cont || merged; } } } } for (let i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) { groups[i] = groups[i].filter(function (filtVal, filtIndex) { let otherIndex = groups[i].findIndex(function (findVal, findIndex) { let repeatValue = findVal.getBinaryRep() == filtVal.getBinaryRep(); return repeatValue; }); return filtIndex == otherIndex; }); groupedTerms[i] = groupedTerms[i].filter(function (val, index) { return (mergedEntries[i].indexOf(val) == -1); }); } if (cont) return [groupedTerms].concat(this.reduceGroupedTerms(groups, sop)); else return [groupedTerms].concat([groups]); } getPrimeImplicants(reducedGroups) { let primeImplicants = new Array(); for (let i = 0; i < reducedGroups.length; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < reducedGroups[i].length; j++) { primeImplicants = primeImplicants.concat(reducedGroups[i][j]); } } return primeImplicants; } getColumns(primeImplicants, sop) { let columns = new Map(); let essentials = new Array(); let terms = sop ? this.minterms : this.maxterms; for (let i = 0; i < terms.length; i++) { columns.set(terms[i], new Array()); } terms.forEach(function (term, index) { columns.set(term, primeImplicants.filter(function (implicant, index) { return (implicant.getTerms().indexOf(term) != -1); }).map((implicant) => ([implicant]))); }); for (let [key, value] of columns) { if (value.length === 1) { terms = terms.filter((v) => (v != key)); essentials.push(value[0][0]); for (let k of value[0][0].getTerms()) columns.delete(k); } } let columnArr = new Array(); columns.forEach(function (value, key) { columnArr.push(value.filter(v => (essentials.indexOf(v[0]) < 0))); }); if (sop) { this.sopEssentials = essentials; } else { this.posEssentials = essentials; } return columnArr; } reduceColumns(columns) { if (columns.length <= 1) return columns; let column1 = columns[0]; let column2 = columns[1]; let newColumn = new Array(); for (let i = 0; i < column1.length; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < column2.length; j++) { let temp = column1[i].concat(column2[j]); temp = temp.filter(function (value, index) { return (temp.indexOf(value) === index); }); newColumn.push(temp); } } newColumn = this.simplifyColumn(newColumn); let newColumns = [newColumn].concat(columns.slice(2)); if (newColumns.length > 1) return this.reduceColumns(newColumns); else return newColumns; } getEssentialImplicants(reducedColumns) { let options = reducedColumns[0]; if (options != undefined && options.length > 0) { options = options.sort((a, b) => (a.length - b.length)); return options[0]; } else return []; } simplifyColumn(column) { let returnColumn; returnColumn = column.filter(function (value, index) { return (column.indexOf(value) == index); }); for (let i = 0; i < returnColumn.length - 1; i++) { for (let j = i + 1; j < returnColumn.length; j++) { if (this.matchesIdentity(returnColumn[i], returnColumn[j])) { returnColumn = returnColumn.slice(0, j).concat(returnColumn.slice(j + 1)); } else if (this.matchesIdentity(returnColumn[j], returnColumn[i])) { returnColumn = returnColumn.slice(0, i).concat(returnColumn.slice(i + 1)); } } } return returnColumn; } matchesIdentity(x, xy) { for (let t of x) { if (xy.indexOf(t) < 0) return false; } return true; } numberOf(val, ones) { let ret = 0; while (val) { ret += (val & 1); val = val >> 1; } ret = (ones) ? ret : this.dimension - ret; return ret; } charInString(s, ones) { return ones ? (s.match(/1/g) || []).length : (s.match(/0/g) || []).length; } createGroupsArray() { let nGroups = this.dimension + 1; let groups = new Array(nGroups); for (let i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) groups[i] = new Array(); return groups; } checkTableEntries(t1, t2, groups, sop) { if (t1.isAdjacent(t2)) { let t3 = t1.mergeEntry(t2); let num1s = this.charInString(t3.getBinaryRep(), sop); groups[num1s].push(t3); return true; } return false; } } class TableEntry { constructor(terms, dimension, binaryRepresentation = undefined) { this.terms = terms; this.dim = dimension; if (binaryRepresentation != undefined) this.binRep = binaryRepresentation; else if (terms.length === 0) this.binRep = ""; else { let t1 = this.generateBinaryRep(this); this.binRep = t1.getBinaryRep(); } } setTerms(terms) { this.terms = terms; } addTerms(terms) { this.setTerms(this.terms.concat(terms)); this.removeRepeatedTerms(); this.setTerms(this.sortByGrayCode(this.getTerms())); } getTerms() { return this.terms; } setBinaryRep(binaryRepresentation) { this.binRep = binaryRepresentation; } getBinaryRep() { return this.binRep; } setDimension(dim) { this.dim = dim; } getDimension() { return this.dim; } generateBinaryRep(t) { let pow = Math.log(this.terms.length) / Math.log(2); if (!(pow === parseInt(pow.toString(10), 10))) { this.setBinaryRep(undefined); return undefined; } let terms = t.getTerms(); terms = this.sortByGrayCode(terms); let dimension = t.getDimension(); let currBinRep = t.getBinaryRep(); if (terms.length === 1) return new TableEntry([terms[0]], dimension, this.numberToBinary(terms[0])); else if (t.getTerms().length == 2) { let t1 = new TableEntry([terms[0]], dimension, this.numberToBinary(terms[0])); let t2 = new TableEntry([terms[1]], dimension, this.numberToBinary(terms[1])); let t3 = t1.mergeEntry(t2); return t3; } else { let halfwayPoint = Math.floor(terms.length / 2); let firstHalf = new TableEntry(terms.slice(0, halfwayPoint), dimension, currBinRep); let secondHalf = new TableEntry(terms.slice(halfwayPoint), dimension, currBinRep); let t1 = this.generateBinaryRep(firstHalf); let t2 = this.generateBinaryRep(secondHalf); let t3 = t1.mergeEntry(t2); return t3; } } numberToBinary(num) { if (num >= Math.pow(2, this.dim) || num < 0) return undefined; let s = num.toString(2); s = Array(this.dim - s.length + 1).join("0") + s; return s; } mergeEntry(t2) { let mismatches = this.findMismatches(t2.getBinaryRep()); let newEntry = new TableEntry(this.getTerms(), this.getDimension(), this.getBinaryRep()); if (mismatches.length === 0) { newEntry.setTerms(this.terms.concat(t2.terms)); newEntry.removeRepeatedTerms(); return newEntry; } else if (mismatches.length === 1) { let newBinRep = newEntry.getBinaryRep(); newBinRep = this.replaceAt(newBinRep, mismatches[0], "-"); newEntry.setBinaryRep(newBinRep); newEntry.addTerms(t2.getTerms()); return newEntry; } else { return undefined; } } isAdjacent(t2) { return (this.findMismatches(t2.getBinaryRep()).length <= 1); } findMismatches(rep) { let mismatches = new Array(); for (let i = 0; i < this.binRep.length; i++) { if (this.binRep[i] != rep[i]) { mismatches.push(i); } } return mismatches; } removeRepeatedTerms() { let newTerms = this.terms.filter(function (elem, index, self) { return index == self.indexOf(elem); }); this.setTerms(newTerms); } replaceAt(value, index, replacement) { return value.substr(0, index) + replacement + value.substr(index + replacement.length); } sortByGrayCode(terms) { return terms.sort((a, b) => (this.grayCodeLocation(a) - this.grayCodeLocation(b))); } grayCodeLocation(num) { let mask = num >> 1; while (mask != 0) { num = num ^ mask; mask = mask >> 1; } return num; } } //#
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