补充: 今天干别的事情时发现D:\Python39\Lib\site-packages\Verilog_VCD\下没有__init__.py,我当初from Verilog_VCD import *咋work的?目前合理的解释是:当初把Verilog_VCD.py复制到当前目录下了。不是因为发现找不到parse_vcd而这么做的,而是一开始就想修改它来着——结果没有发现潜在的问题。Verilog_VCD.py和quine_mccluskey都写得有问题: 一个没有__init__.py,另一个__init__.py是空文件。In the simplest case, __init__.py can just be an empty file, but it can also execute initialization code for the package or set the __all__ variable. The import statement uses the following convention: if a package’s __init__.py code defines a list named __all__, it is taken to be the list of module names that should be imported when from package import * is encountered.
What is a Value Change Dump (VCD) file?
from Verilog_VCD import * # pip install Verilog_VCD vcd = parse_vcd('test-encoder.vcd') max_t = 0 for k,v in vcd.items(): # print(k, v) net = v['nets'][0] if net['type'] == 'wire': continue tv = v['tv'] net['size'] = size = int(net['size']) for i in range(size): for j in range(len(tv)): t, s = tv[j] if t > max_t: max_t = t tv[j] = (t, s.rjust(size, 'x' if s[0] == 'x' else '0')) print(len(vcd), 'vars,', f'{max_t = }') for k,v in vcd.items(): net = v['nets'][0] if net['type'] == 'wire': continue tv = v['tv']; size = net['size'] #print(net, tv) for i in range(size): name = net['name'] + ('_' + str(size - 1 - i) if size > 1 else '') print(name.rjust(15), '', end='') k = 0; c = '?' #def ps(): global c, k; print('-' if c == '1' else '_', '', end=''); k += 1 # nonlocal def ps(): global c, k; print(c, end=''); k += 1 # nonlocal for (t,s) in tv: while k < t: ps() c = s[i:i+1]; ps() while k <= max_t: ps() print()