What is a Value Change Dump (VCD) file?

Verilog is a Hardware Description Language (HDL) used to model digital logic. The values of signals can be written out to a Value Change Dump (VCD) file while simulating logic circuits. The syntax of the VCD *text file* is described in the documentation of the IEEE standard for Verilog, e.g. IEEE Std 1364-2005 starting on page 325.

<Header> := <meta-data> <variable declarations>. An example of <meta-data>:

    Mon Dec 20 00:14:23 2021
    Icarus Verilog

<timescale> := <number> [s, ms, us, ns, ps, or fs]

An example of variable declarations (within a hierarchical scope):

$scope module test_encoder $end
  $var wire 2 ! out [1:0] $end
  $var reg 1 " enable $end
  $var reg 4 # in [3:0] $end
$scope module testee $end
  $var wire 1 " enable $end
  $var wire 4 $ in [3:0] $end
  $var reg 2 % out [1:0] $end
$upscope $end
$upscope $end

<scope-line> := $scope <type> <name> $end

<variable-line> := $var <type> <n_bits> <id> <name/reference> [width] $end
In the above example, ! " # are ids, out, enable, in are names or references. If the variable had a width, it would then be followed by something like [MSB:LSB] (Most/Least Significant Bit).

The header section is ended by an $enddefinitions line. Then comes a $dumpvars ... $end section, e.g.

bx % 

which means: %(out) has an initial value x bits, "(enable) has an initial value 0 (one bit).

<data-section> := lines+ // >=1 lines
<lines> := <time-line> <value-change-lines> // For example:

b1 !
b1 %
b10 #

A time line starts with a # and a value that specifies the time units. time_unit * time_scale = time.

A b prefix precedes all of the bits for multibit values. The value is left-extended as an unsigned number.

We've seen BNF like: <Header> := <meta-data> <variable declarations>. We could write a parser in python using ply (lex and yacc), but why bother when there are at least two modules? Verilog_vcd and vcdvcd.

This is the verilog file:

module encoder(out, in, enable);
output[1:0]    out;
reg[1:0]       out;
input[3:0]     in;
input          enable;
always @ (enable or in) begin
if(enable) begin
    if(in == 1) begin out = 0; end
    if(in == 2) begin out = 1; end
    if(in == 4) begin out = 2; end
    if(in == 8) begin out = 3; end
end endmodule

module test_encoder();
reg         enable;
wire[1:0]   out;
reg[3:0]    in;
initial begin
    $dumpvars(0, test_encoder);
    $monitor("%t %b %b %b", $time, enable, in, out);
    enable = 0;
    #5 enable = 1;
    #1 in = 1;
    #1 in = 2;
    #1 in = 4;
    #1 in = 8;
    #10 $finish;
encoder testee(out, in, enable);

Verilog $dumpvars and $dumpfile and (referencedesigner.com)   Verilog Display Tasks (chipverify.com)   字符界面看波形:-) 博客园

Introduction to Verilog (mit.edu)  Introductory Digital System Lab (mit.edu)

Verilog AMS (Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation) LRM (Language Reference Manual)

This has no IEEE number, and the LRM itself is available for free download from the Verilog-AMS documents page.

IEEE Std 1364-2005

Otherwise known as the IEEE Standard for Verilog Hardware Description Language, this is the bible for the Verilog language. It is available for purchase from the IEEE. This updates the IEEE1364-2001, so in most cases the older 2001 version of the standard is an adequate substitute.

IEEE Std 1800-xxxx

This is the SystemVerilog standard. Icarus Verilog currently supports little of the SystemVerilog language, but those features above the basic Verilog that are covered by SystemVerilog are kept compatible with this standard.

pyDigitalWaveTools · PyPI 名字很响亮,还是个处理vcd的。我觉得VCD格式相当地sb: b1000 哪怕放个不带0x前缀或h后缀的十六进制数,不也省空间?都是IEEE,咋不学学H.265? 视频编码器给你发来一个字符串"b1000 b0001"? 也许sb的是我,刚注意到每个位有0, 1, x, z四种状态(还有don't care和高阻). Still, 7ffh比b11111111111短多了。

posted @ 2021-12-20 08:10  Fun_with_Words  阅读(342)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
