Icaruss Verilog初体验

Icarus Verilog的使用 博客园  test.vcd是文本文件!看文本比看波形习惯多了。

b110 !
b110 %
b1000000 #
b1000000 $

dsn也是文本文件!the compiler can generate an intermediate form called vvp assembly,vvp是个虚拟机。

T_0 ;
    %wait E_0000027bce8b8b70;
    %pushi/vec4 0, 0, 4;
    %store/vec4 v0000027bce8bae90_0, 0, 4;
    %load/vec4 v0000027bce8baf30_0;
    %flag_set/vec4 8;
    %jmp/0xz  T_0.0, 8;
    %load/vec4 v0000027bce6e2e10_0;
    %cmpi/e 2, 0, 16;
    %jmp/0xz  T_0.2, 4;
    %pushi/vec4 1, 0, 4;
    %store/vec4 v0000027bce8bae90_0, 0, 4;
T_0.2 ;

gtkwave里一堆东西, 158MB. iverilog 31.7MB. While simulating logic circuits, the values of signals can be written out to a Value Change Dump (VCD) file. Verilog_VCD can be used to parse a VCD file.; the parsed file is stored in dicts and lists. 字符界面看波形:-) 博客园  vcdvcd · PyPI

1 counter_tb.clock
2 counter_tb.enable
3 counter_tb.out[1:0]
4 counter_tb.reset
5 counter_tb.top.out[1:0]
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 0 x 0 x
1 0 0 x 1 x
2 1 0 0 1 0 这玩的是纵波啊。为了更好地适应带鱼屏,我写了个横屏版的,链接在上面。

Introduction to Verilog (mit.edu)  Introductory Digital System Lab (mit.edu)

Verilog AMS (Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation) LRM (Language Reference Manual)

This has no IEEE number, and the LRM itself is available for free download from the Verilog-AMS documents page.

IEEE Std 1364-2005

Otherwise known as the IEEE Standard for Verilog Hardware Description Language, this is the bible for the Verilog language. It is available for purchase from the IEEE. This updates the IEEE1364-2001, so in most cases the older 2001 version of the standard is an adequate substitute.

IEEE Std 1800-xxxx

This is the SystemVerilog standard. Icarus Verilog currently supports little of the SystemVerilog language, but those features above the basic Verilog that are covered by SystemVerilog are kept compatible with this standard.

Fliplot is an alternative to GTKWave, but this is implemented in HTML, Javascript and Python, which make Fliplot scriptable, pluginable, portable.

The ImageDraw module of PIL provides simple 2D graphics for Image objects. Matplotlib is a comprehensive library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python.

posted @ 2021-12-20 00:24  Fun_with_Words  阅读(120)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
