
act的词源是do, 干着或干了的事情也可以叫act。action: doing sth; act: n. action, v. do; activity: busy, energetic, or占据时间多的action.

As a interjection [感叹词] action is demanding or signifying [要求或表示] the start of something, usually an act or scene of a theatric performance. Overprotected Britney Spears (Action!) Say hello to the girl that I am!

Acting can be used before the title of a job to indicate that someone is doing that job temporarily [临时地].

1. It is an act of kindness to help a blind man cross the street. [things done, deed]
2. This is a play in four acts. [四幕]
3. There was a song and dance act in the program. [表演. number也有类似的意思,FRIENDS里出现过]
4. Do not take her seriously. It is all an act. She is just putting on an act.
5. Parliament has passed an act which makes such thing illegal.
a. Leonard is a man of action, he proposed many times.
b. The action of the play is set in a small town near LA.
c. Thousands of people were killed in action during the war.
d. Sheldon brought an action against Howard's neighbor. [lawsuit]
e. Amy studies the action of the brain.

Acting is an activity in which a story is told by means of its enactment [表演, performance] by an actor or actress who adopts [反正不是收养] a character [角色] - in theatre, television, film, radio, or any other medium that makes use of the mimetic [模仿] mode. Acting involves a broad range of skills, including a well-developed imagination, emotional facility [天分], physical expressivity and so on.

An Act of Congress is a statute [法令, 不是statue] enacted by Congress. Acts can affect only individual entities [实体] (called private laws), or the general public (public laws). For a bill to become an act, the text must pass through both houses [参众两院] with a majority, then be either signed into law by the president of the United States or receive congressional override [无视] against a presidential veto [否决].

1. catch sb in the act (of doing sth): 抓个现行
2. clean up sb's act: start behaving sensibly and responsibly
3. act out不是演出的意思:
a) If you act out an event which has happened, you copy the actions which took place and make them into a play. Ross used to come home and act out the movie for Ben.
b) Some teenagers act out their distress [痛苦等不爽的事] by running away. [express feeling through action]
4. If a child act up, he or she behave badly. 有首歌的名字叫堆积情感(Pent-up feelings) Is screaming at the top of your voice a good way of venting pent-up frustration [灰心; 沮丧; 不满; 挫折; 失意; 失望]?
5. If a machine or part of your body acts up, it does not work properly. Penny's car is acting up again.

posted @ 2021-11-25 17:04  Fun_with_Words  阅读(201)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
