acquire, acre, across


An acquired taste is an appreciation [鉴赏] for something unlikely to be enjoyed by a person who has not had substantial [相当大的] exposure to it. It is the opposite of innate [天生的] taste, which is the appreciation for things that are enjoyable by most persons without prior exposure to them. e.g sweet. In case of food and drink, the difficulty of enjoying the product may be due to a strong odor [气味] (such as certain types of cheese, durian [榴莲], or stinky tofu), taste (as in alcoholic beverages [酒精饮料], coffee, bitter teas, liquorice/salty liquorice [甘草], unsweetened chocolate, soused herring [腌鲱鱼], haggis [苏格兰羊杂]), mouthfeel [口感] (such as sashimi [生鱼片] and sushi [寿司] featuring uncooked seafood), appearance, or association (such as eating insects or organ meat).

notorious: 臭名昭著的, infamous

The following items can be described as "acquired tastes", often due to combination of both unfamiliarity and intensity of taste. [六级词汇里有更长的列表]
Anchovies, small fish cured in brine [盐水], known for their intensely strong flavor, often used as a pizza topping [Ross doesn't like it]
Brussels sprout [Sheldon can't digest it]
Caviar, a prized delicacy consisting of salted roe (fish eggs) from sturgeon
Century egg, a specially preserved Chinese egg [千年蛋变蛋之百年了]
Strongly-flavored cheeses, such as Blue cheese [蓝纹奶酪 "臭掉的奶酪"], Gamalost, Goat cheese, or Limburger
Durian, a pungent southeast Asian fruit
Gull eggs, eaten boiled and popular in Scandinavia and some partes of Scotland and Ireland
Haggis, a traditional Scottish dish mainly consisting of minced sheep offal, boiled in a sheep's stomach. [awful]
Hákarl, putrefied Iceland shark
Head cheese, a dish made of meat from an animal's skull covered with gelatin (usually set in a mold)
Insects, including grubs, ants, grasshoppers, locusts, etc.
Islay whisky, Scotch whisky made on Islay, known for its distinctive peaty character
Kimchi, traditional Korean dish of fermented chili peppers and vegetables, usually made from Chinese cabbage
Nattō [纳豆], Japanese fermented soybeans
Olives, fermented or cured fruit of the olive tree, come in different varieties and have a salty, bitter, oily taste. [and sour]
Organ meats, whether tripe, brains, eyeballs, giblets, liver, sweetbreads, etc.
Peanut butter
Prairie Oysters, testicles of a bull, calf, or deer. Term originates from Canadian Prairies.
Salmiak Drop, Finnish/Dutch ammonium salt liquorice candy [ammonia: 氨水]
Sea Cucumber [海参]
Scotch whisky, a woody tasting alcoholic substance.
Stinky tofu, a form of fermented tofu, which, as the name suggests, has a strong odor.
Sushi, a Japanese food sometimes made with raw fish and sashimi
Tonic water, carbonated water flavored with quinine, giving the beverage its bitter taste.
Wasabi, and similarly Horseradish, due to their pungent odors and strong taste [寿司芥末]
Wine and fortified wine [fort:堡垒,fortify:加强;加了烈性酒的葡萄酒]

近/反义词: attain, earn, gain, get, obtain, realize, reap, secure, win; forfeit, forgo, forego, lose, miss


The acre is a unit of land area [面积]. It is traditionally defined as the area of one chain by one furlong (66 by 660 feet), approximately 4,047 square metres. In the Middle Ages, an acre was conceived [想出] of as the area of land that could be ploughed [犁] in one day by a team of eight oxen [ox的复数. 公牛是bull].

furlong <= furrow + long. furrow: 犁沟,皱纹(wrinkle)




1. A chicken ran straight across the street.
2. There's Zack. Why don't you go across and say hi?
3. He walked across to where the girls were sitting.
4. The Yellow River is 20 km across at its widest point. I can't swim across.
5. There are many bridges across the Yellow River.
6. Penny lives across the hall.
7. The woman sitting across from the guys on the train is Xiao Yu.
8. TBBT is a TV series which became popular across many countries.
9. A science teacher is supposed to teach various subjects across the curriculum [课程].

posted @ 2021-11-24 09:30  Fun_with_Words  阅读(84)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
