accent, access, accident


A colon (:) is used to represent a long vowel [元音], e.g. sheet /ʃiːt/ and shit /ʃit/. The word bedsheet is used a lot in the TV series 'The Big Bang Theory.'

A syllable [音节] may be accented or stressed in pronunciation [发音]. The primary stress is the loudest syllable in the word. For example, fourteen /fɔːˈtiːn/. The apostrophe (') shows where the accent or stress is in the word. Secondary stresses are syllables which aren't completely unstressed, but aren't as loud as the primary stress. /ˌfɔːˈtiːn/, if you want to polish [抛光、润色] it a bit. Some people call ˌ 'a lowered vertical line'. Unstressed syllables are syllables that have no stress at all. It's very important to stress the correct syllable, but in my humble opinion, the loudness or magnitude doesn't matter much, it's all relative [相对而言]. 你不需要说得和播音员一样好,比不少人好,就好。articulate /ɑ:'tikjuleit/ [清楚地说,说清楚] is a good one to practice. In British English, practice is a noun, and practise is a verb, but in American English, there's no difference, I suppose.

If you accentuate something, you make it more noticeable or emphasize [强调] it. The noun is accentuation.

形容口音浓重可以用broad, strong, thick等。thick的意思非常多:如厚薄的厚,粗细的粗,浓稠的浓,浓厚的浓。
更多搭配:have, speak in/with/without an slight/foreign/local/Indian/US/northern accent


gesture: 手势; gesticulate =gesture (可做动词). gesticulate, articulate, inarticulate, articulation: (1. making of speech sounds; 2. 关节)。这几个词都和关节有关——有颚关节、肘关节等。关节不灵活能说好话或打好手势吗?


An access/slip road is a short road giving access to an expressway.

What is an access road? Here are some examples.
1. The state approved plans for managing the road and lands in July 2018, but have run into obstacles [障碍] keeping the access road open to vehicles. The plans call for having multiple parking areas on Gulf Brook Road and Boreas Road, which connects to the Gulf Brook Road at the Four Corners.

2. The access road at the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport shows wear and tear [磨损和撕破] and is due [预期] for paving [铺(砖)] in 2022.

3. Fire apparatus [器械] access roads are defined as a road that provides fire apparatus access from a fire station [消防队] to a facility [设施], building, subdivision [an area of land for building houses on] or portion thereof [与刚提到的……有关].

4. The new road will provide a second point of access to South Ripley Schools. Currently, the only way to access the junior/high school and elementary school [小学] is Benham Road. Moorhead adds [Moorhead补充说] that the new access road will help reduce congestion [拥堵] during morning drop off [放(孩子)下车,不是扔掉] and afternoon pickup [也不是捡个孩子回家], and during large events such as graduation or athletic [运动的] sectionals [社团/组织内的小组].

5. Port Access Road. When completed, the SC Port Access Road will connect Interstate [州际] 26 to the South Carolina Ports Authority's Hugh K. Leatherman Sr. Terminal [a big building where people wait to go aboard] in North Charleston, SC. Scheduled to be finished prior to the opening of the new terminal, the SC Port Access Road will provide two inbound and two outbound lanes for port related traffic.

In British English, a slip road is a short road connecting a motorway, etc, to another road.


Accidents during the execution of work or arising out of it are called work accidents. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), more than 337 million accidents happen on the job each year, resulting, together with occupational diseases, in more than 2.3 million deaths annually. [道路千万条,安全第一条] In contrast, leisure-related accidents are mainly sports injuries.

In the process industry, a primary accident may propagate [传播] to nearby units, resulting in a chain of accidents, which is called domino [多米诺骨牌] effect accident.

Accident-proneness is the idea that some people have a greater predisposition [素质、倾向] than others to suffer accidents, such as car crashes and industrial injuries. It may be used as a reason to deny any insurance on such individuals.


posted @ 2021-11-22 21:32  Fun_with_Words  阅读(122)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
