
abstract, extract和tractor有个共同词根tract(拉丁文: pull)。从论文里pull内容,就形成了摘要。

An abstract is a brief summary of a research article, thesis [论文], review [回顾报告; 评论], conference [会议] proceeding, or any in-depth analysis [分析] of a particular subject and is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain [弄清] the paper's purpose.

A conference proceeding, or the proceedings of the conference, is the published record of a conference, congress [正式会议], symposium [专题研讨会], or other meeting sponsored [发起; 赞助] by a society [社会团体] or association [协会; 学会], usually but not necessarily including abstracts or reports of papers [论文] presented [递交] by the participants [参加者].

When used, an abstract always appears at the beginning of a manuscript or typescript [手写稿或打印稿], acting as the point-of-entry [进入点] for any given [所述的] academic paper [学术论文] or patent application [专利申请]. Abstracting and indexing [写摘要和索引] services for various academic disciplines [学科] are aimed at compiling [收集并编辑] a body [主体] of literature [文献] for that particular subject.

Academic literature uses the abstract to succinctly [简明地] communicate [交流] complex research. An abstract may act as a stand-alone [单独的] entity [实体] instead of a full paper. As such, an abstract is used by many organizations as the basis for selecting research that is proposed [提议] for presentation [展现] in the form of a poster [海报], platform/oral presentation [看下段] or workshop [看下段] presentation at an academic conference. Most literature database search engines [文献数据库搜索引擎] index [建索引] only abstracts rather than providing the entire text of the paper. Full texts of scientific papers must often be purchased because of copyright and/or publisher fees and therefore the abstract is a significant selling point for the reprint [重印] or electronic form of the full text.

A platform presentation is a 10-15 minute oral [口头的] presentation of an original research project or paper followed by 5 minutes of question time, moderated [主持] by a chair [主席. chairman or chairwoman] or group leader.

A workshop is a group of people engaged [从事] in study [研究] or work on a project or subject. A sweatshop is more like a factory. It doesn't sell sweat. A bookstore or a bookshop sells books, maybe it also stores books.

An abstract allows one [某个人] to sift [筛选] through copious [大量的] numbers of papers [比方说999篇] for ones [papers, 比方说10篇] in which the researcher [allows one的那个one] can have more confidence [信心] that they [它们,那10篇] will be relevant [相关] to his or her research. Once papers are chosen based on the abstract, they must be read carefully to be evaluated [评估] for relevance [相关性]. It is generally agreed that one [某个人] must not base [以……为基础] reference [参考] citations [引用] on the abstract alone, but the content of an entire paper.


Citation is a specific source that is mentioned in the body of the work. Reference is a list of sources mentioned at the end of the work. Search(citation and reference examples), https://jbiol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/jbiol2

An academic abstract typically [典型地] outlines [概述] four elements [元素] relevant to the completed work:
1. The research focus [焦点] (i.e. statement of the problem(s)/research issue(s) addressed); issue: 问题,议题。address: 提出(如issue)
2. The research methods used (experimental research, case [案例] studies, questionnaires [调查表], etc.);
3. The results/findings of the research; and
4. The main conclusions [结论] and recommendations [建议. We will review the case and make a recommendation to the client.]

Example taken from the Journal of Biology, Volume [卷] 3, Issue [期] 2.:

The hydrodynamics of dolphin drafting

by Daniel Weihs, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel.


Background Drafting in cetaceans is defined as the transfer of forces between individuals without actual physical contact between them. This behavior has long been surmised to explain how young dolphin calves keep up with their rapidly moving mothers. It has recently been observed that a significant number of calves become permanently separated from their mothers during chases by tuna vessels. A study of the hydrodynamics of drafting, initiated inmechanisms causing the separation of mothers and calves during fishing-related activities, is reported here.

Results Quantitative results are shown for the forces and moments around a pair of unequally sized dolphin-like slender bodies. These include two major effects. First, the so-called Bernoulli suction, which stems from the fact that the local pressure drops in areas of high speed, results in an attractive force between mother and calf. Second is the displacement effect, in which the motion of the mother causes the water in front to move forwards and radially outwards, and water behind the body to move forwards to replace the animal's mass. Thus, the calf can gain a 'free ride' in the forward-moving areas. Utilizing these effects, the neonate can gain up to 90% of the thrust needed to move alongside the mother at speeds of up to 2.4 m/s. A comparison with observations of eastern spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris) is presented, showing savings of up to 60% in the thrust that calves require if they are to keep up with their mothers.

Conclusions A theoretical analysis, backed by observations of free-swimming dolphin schools, indicates that hydrodynamic interactions with mothers play an important role in enabling dolphin calves to keep up with rapidly moving adult school members.

© 2004 Weihs; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article: verbatim copying and redistribution of this article are permitted in all media for any purpose, provided this notice is preserved along with the article's original URL


作者:以色列海法32000以色列理工学院Technion航空航天工程学院Daniel Weihs。



结果定量结果显示了一对大小不等的海豚状细长体周围的力和力矩。这包括两大影响。首先,所谓的伯努利吸力(Bernoulli吸力)来自于高速区域的局部压力下降,导致母牛和小牛之间产生吸引力。第二种是位移效应,在这种效应中,母亲的运动导致前面的水向前并呈放射状向外移动,身体后面的水向前移动以取代动物的体重。因此,小牛可以在向前移动的区域获得“免费乘坐”。利用这些效应,新生儿可以获得高达90%的推力,以2.4 m/s的速度与母亲并肩移动。本文与东方旋尾海豚(Stenella longirostris)的观察结果进行了比较,结果表明,如果幼海豚要跟上母亲的步伐,它们所需的推力可节省高达60%。


©2004年美国卫生部;被许可方BioMed Central Ltd.这是一篇开放获取的文章:允许出于任何目的在所有媒体上逐字复制和重新分发本文,前提是此通知与文章的原始URL一起保留

Drafting or slipstreaming is an aerodynamic technique where two vehicles or other moving objects are caused to align in a close group, reducing the overall effect of drag due to exploiting the lead object's slipstream. Background Drafting is the transfer of forces between individuals without actual physical contact between them. 

posted @ 2021-11-21 23:56  Fun_with_Words  阅读(216)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
