absent, absolute, absorb


Absenteeism is a habitual [习惯性的] pattern of absence from a duty or obligation [职责] without good reason. Generally, absenteeism is unplanned absences. Absenteeism has been viewed as an indicator of poor individual performance [个体表现], as well as a breach [违反] of an implicit [含蓄的] contract [契约] between employee [雇员] and employer.

High absenteeism in the workplace may be indicative of poor morale [士气], but absences can also be caused by workplace hazards [风险] or sick building syndrome [症]. Measurements such as the Bradford factor [因素], a measurement tool to analyze [分析] absenteeism which believes short, unplanned absences affect the work group more than long term absences, (像Bradford factor那样的度量) do not distinguish [区分] between absence for genuine [真正的] illness reasons and absence for non-illness related reasons.


In mathematics, the absolute value or modulus [模] of a real number x, denoted [由……指代] |x|, is the non-negative value [非负值] of x without regard to its sign [符号]. Namely [即], |x| = x if x is positive, and |x| = −x if x is negative (in which case −x is positive), and |0| = 0. For example, the absolute value of 3 is 3, and the absolute value of −3 is also 3. The absolute value of a number may be thought of as its distance from zero.

In 1806, Jean-Robert Argand introduced the term [术语] module, meaning unit of measure [测量单位] in French, specifically for the complex [复数] absolute value, and it was borrowed into English in 1866 as the Latin [拉丁文] equivalent [等价物] modulus. The term absolute value has been used in this sense [含义] from at least 1806 in French and 1857 in English. The notation [表示法] |x|, with a vertical bar [竖条] on each side, was introduced by Karl Weierstrass in 1841. In programming languages [编程语言] and computational software packages [数值计算软件包], the absolute value of x is generally represented [表示] by abs(x), or a similar expression.

At the zero point of thermodynamic temperature [热力学温度], absolute zero, the particle [微粒] constituents [成分] of matter [物质] have minimal motion [运动] and can become no colder. Matter at absolute zero has no remaining transferable [可传输的] average kinetic energy [平均动能]. The International System of Units specifies the Kelvin [开尔文] scale [量度] for measuring thermodynamic temperature, and the kelvin (symbol: K) for specific values along the scale as well as for denoting temperature intervals (differences [差别] between two temperatures).


物理的absorb比较直观。被书本/知识absorb也好理解。涉及到money/time时有点抽象,但汉语也有“吸金”的说法,consume, use up。可以吸收击打, cushion the blow,也可以吸收比喻的冲击,endure/accommodate. 如: The industry absorbed a doubling of tax. 最后还有吸收进组织。

absorbent: 能吸收的/吸收剂。solvent: 能溶解别的的/溶剂。与-er和-or相比,-ent还有具有某种quality的意思。

Skin [皮肤] absorption is a route [路线] by which substances [物质] can enter the body through the skin. Absorption of substances through the skin depends on a number of factors, the most important of which are concentration [集中], duration of contact [接触的持续时间], solubility [可溶性] of medication [药物], and physical condition [状况] of the skin and part of the body exposed [暴露].

dermal /ˈdɜːməl/ or dermatic: (Biology) of or relating to the skin or dermis [真皮,不是genuine leather]

A carbon dioxide [碳的二氧化物] scrubber [刷洗者] is a piece of equipment that absorbs carbon dioxide (CO2). It is used to treat exhaust [排出的] gases from industrial plants [工厂] or from exhaled [呼出的] air in life support systems [系统] such as spacecrafts or airtight [气密的] chambers [小房间、室]. Carbon dioxide scrubbers have also been researched for carbon capture and storage [捕获和存储] as a means [手段] of combating global warming.

posted @ 2021-11-21 21:49  Fun_with_Words  阅读(88)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
