absent, absolute


1. A teacher asked in a class who killed Abraham Lincoln. A blonde said "It wasn't me, I was absent yesterday."
2. A teacher was taking attendance (点名). She noticed the letter T was missing and marked him absent. She called him up (call up - 打电话) and he said "I'm in the middle of something." 这是个双关语(pun). 可理解为in the middle of sth: 正在做sth,也可照字面本义地(literally)理解为字母t在some-t-hing的中间。
3. Penny was absent from work yesterday. She played hooky/truant (翘课/班) with the girls and they all went to Disneyland.
4. The teacher called/took the roll (点名). roll: an official list of names,“军书十二卷”的“卷”
5. Two students missed the roll call.
6. Penny deliberately absented herself from the conference, which she was certain would be boring. 能当动词
7. absent-minded. mind: 心思。《礼记·大学》:“心不在焉,视而不见,听而不闻,食而不知其味。” 焉(yān):文言虚词,相当于“于此”。背而弗能明之,记而弗能用之,遇abandon而弗越之,呜呼一下zhi焉。

If somebody have a faraway look, she or he has an expression on her or his face which shows that she or he is not paying attention but thinking about something very different. [they和their可以代替she or he和her or his,我想凑字数]


近/反义词: certain, conditional, contingent, complete, dependent, dubious, irrelevant, irrespective, particular, perfect, per se, relative, relevant, unconditional, unequivocal

头孢类药物 is not harmful per se, but is dangerous when taken with alcohol.

In mathematics, the absolute value or modulus of a real number x, denoted |x|, is the non-negative value of x without regard to its sign. Namely, |x| = x if x is positive, and |x| = −x if x is negative (in which case −x is positive), and |0| = 0. The notation |x|, with a vertical bar on each side, was introduced by Karl Weierstrass in 1841.

At the zero point of thermodynamic temperature, absolute zero, the particle constituents of matter have minimal motion and can become no colder. Matter at absolute zero has no remaining transferable average kinetic energy and the only remaining particle motion is due to an ever-pervasive quantum mechanical phenomenon called zero-point energy.

A majority of the entire membership is a voting basis that requires that more than half of all the members of a body (including those absent and those present but not voting) vote in favor of a proposition in order for it to be passed. In practical terms, it means an absence or an abstention from voting is equivalent to a "no" vote. It may be contrasted with a majority vote which only requires more than half of those actually voting to approve a proposition for it to be enacted. An absolute majority may also be the same as a majority of the entire membership, although this usage is not consistent.

Absolute monarchy (or absolutism as doctrine) is a form of monarchy in which the monarch holds supreme autocratic authority, principally not being restricted by written laws, legislature, or customs. These are often hereditary monarchies. In contrast, in constitutional monarchies, the head of state's authority derives from or is legally bound or restricted by a constitution or legislature.

六级/考研单词: mathematics, denote, namely, vertical, nil, particle, constituent, absent, equivalent, enact, usage, consistent, sovereign, doctrine, supreme, legislate, seldom, constitution, derive, illicit, bind

posted @ 2021-11-18 09:58  Fun_with_Words  阅读(76)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
