A Child's History of England.32

And so, in darkness and in prison, many years, he thought of all his past life, of the time he had wasted, of the treasure he had squandered, of the opportunities he had lost, of the youth he had thrown away, of the talents he had neglected. Sometimes, on fine autumn mornings, he would sit and think of the old hunting parties in the free Forest, where he had been the foremost and the gayest. Sometimes, in the still nights, he would wake, and mourn for the many nights that had stolen past him at the gaming-table; sometimes, would seem to hear, upon the melancholy wind, the old songs of the minstrels; sometimes, would dream, in his blindness, of the light and glitter of the Norman Court. Many and many a time, he groped back, in his fancy, to Jerusalem, where he had fought so well; or, at the head of his brave companions, bowed his feathered helmet to the shouts of welcome greeting him in Italy, and seemed again to walk among the sunny vineyards, or on the shore of the blue sea, with his lovely wife. And then, thinking of her grave, and of his fatherless boy, he would stretch out his solitary arms and weep.

六级/考研单词: jail, treasury, talent, negligible, autumn, hunt, foremost, gay, mourn, thief, glitter, grope, companion, bow, helmet, greet, shore, gorgeous, grave, solitary, weep

At length, one day, there lay in prison, dead, with cruel and disfiguring scars upon his eyelids, bandaged from his jailer's sight, but on which the eternal Heavens looked down, a worn [tired] old man of eighty. He had once been Robert of Normandy. Pity him!

At the time when Robert of Normandy was taken prisoner by his brother, Robert's little son was only five years old. This child was taken, too, and carried before the King, sobbing and crying; for, young as he was, he knew he had good reason to be afraid of his Royal uncle. The King was not much accustomed to pity those who were in his power, but his cold heart seemed for the moment to soften towards the boy. He was observed to make a great effort, as if to prevent himself from being cruel, and ordered the child to be taken away; whereupon [随后,随之] a certain Baron, who had married a daughter of Duke Robert's (by name, Helie of Saint Saen), took charge of him, tenderly. The King's gentleness did not last long. Before two years were over, he sent messengers to this lord's Castle to seize the child and bring him away. The Baron was not there at the time, but his servants were faithful, and carried the boy off in his sleep and hid him. When the Baron came home, and was told what the King had done, he took the child abroad, and, leading him by the hand, went from King to King and from Court to Court, relating how the child had a claim to the throne of England, and how his uncle the King, knowing that he had that claim, would have murdered him, perhaps, but for [if not for] his escape.

六级/考研单词: jail, scar, lid, bandage, eternal, pity, sob, accustom, saint, tender, throne

The youth and innocence of the pretty little William Fitz-Robert (for that was his name) made him many friends at that time. When he became a young man, the King of France, uniting with the French Counts of Anjou and Flanders, supported his cause against the King of England, and took many of the King's towns and castles in Normandy. But, King Henry, artful and cunning always, bribed some of William's friends with money, some with promises, some with power. He bought off the Count of Anjou, by promising to marry his eldest son, also named William, to the Count's daughter; and indeed the whole trust of this King's life was in such bargains, and he believed (as many another King has done since, and as one King did in France a very little time ago) that every man's truth and honour can be bought at some price. For all this, he was so afraid of William Fitz-Robert and his friends, that, for a long time, he believed his life to be in danger; and never lay down to sleep, even in his palace surrounded by his guards, without having a sword and buckler at his bedside.

六级/考研单词: unite, cunning, bribe, elder, bargain, sword
Anjou: 安茹。 resume是简历的意思时:/rezu'mei/ e上的两个'(accent)这里会乱码。fiance, fiancee, cliche, clichey目前词典里没有,《生活大爆炸》里Penny读clicky时观众没笑,说不定以后cliche和click读音一样了。1779年,Jean Baptiste Point DuSable定居芝加哥,冉·阿让(Jean Valjean)…… [SHUH] + [KAA] + [GOH],我记得有本词典里是/ʃ/不是 /tʃ/。Sean (肖恩) is a traditionally masculine Irish name meaning "gracious" or "gift from God." naive, deja vu, 差不多就这几个吧?比平面几何简单多了。

法国皇上一声吼:“谁?” 太子扭头往回走:“我!” “咋?” “尿!” [改编自侯宝林的相声] 欧洲中世纪的卫生状况真不咋地,不信你搜。Hail sail and away可是英国国王说的。

posted @ 2021-11-17 13:08  Fun_with_Words  阅读(46)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
